• jake is moving into a new home in south carolina where hes not appreciated as much as his old home in chicago, illinois.jake is in his freshman year.jake is trying to find a new school to go to but most of them have many crimes done in the schools although he was thinking about this other one where he thought he felt safer and more secure so he chose to go there.his first day was horrible.all the students disliked him and thought he was a dork and made fun of him.many weeks passed and all remained the same.the students never changed gave him a chance and did not try to be friends with jake but one very depressing day jake runs away from his house and heads straight to the forest.he runs without any consent into thinking that their were any wild animals that may be a problem to him and then he starts to walk slower and he feels that their is something near him but he discards and pretends nothing is their but he is wrong.as the wind blows and the leaves on trees and bushes rustle out of nowhere he gets grabbed and he starts to scream but no one can hear him and he is never to be heard of again.