• Outside:

    The beast of a man's fist rammed into the ground, vibrations going out and causing rocks to furiously sling out towards the others trying to settle it down... It was like a crazy rhino crashing through everything so effortlessly!! It held no actual reistu that was dark, but an eerie presence was there as it just continuously blurted out spiritual pressure, crushing all things around him.. even if they were nailed down, they'd still become decimated by the pressure!!

    What could create this almost human-like beast.. resembling a hollow so greatly... It'd taken over this young boy's body so abruptly from nowhere, bursting itself with such corrupted energy.... Whatever had been holding the beast back was broken... Fixing it at this point though, was not a choice...

    Inside The Beast: Inside the beasts mind, or rather the taken over boys, another battle was taking place... The battle between the inner hollow of the taken boy.. Looking exactly like the one he'd taken over, just with pale white skin, and dark dilated eyes, a red line circling them lightly as if they were loading something.....

    "AHAH...O-Oh god.. This is great... I NEVER EVER EVER EVVVEERR~!!!.. Felt this damn good..... Its such a natural invigoration.. the powers great, and I won't even need spiritual pressure once I've gotten this body... I'll be in complete and utter control.... Noone shall stop me once this is do-" Suddenly a boy, resembling the hollow speaking greatly, [Just Normal..] attacked, his fist in a curved talon shape as he charged with great force.... The force seemed impeccably strong and it might have been effective.... If it hadn't have been blocked!?!

    The talon shaped hand itself wasn't grabbed, but the wrist connecting to it had been... It was then twisted within half a second... The wrist now had been simply thrown to the side, and a foot thrusted wildly with a counter clockwise twist, curving then placing itself into the boys stomach... He seemed to go into shock as the planted foot shot him across the weird white terrain of... All white!!

    The ground was white... The sand on the ground was white, and so was the sky as far as the eye could see around them... This wasn't right... Weren't things here in this world supposed to reflect the user... He'd read up on what it'd been like and how everyone's inner dimension was different.. His though.. resembled something from another book... A book of hollows... This place resembled exactly... The 'Dessert Of Las Noches'... The boy seemed confused, wondering why his inner dimension wasn't of his own.. but of a hollows... Suddenly his thought was interrupted with laughter, hysterical mocking laughter... "Ahahha...oh..oh god... You don't get this place at all do you.. You don't know who I am or why you don't have your own world... Well ya' see boy...." His emotions suddenly changed.. his light expression and white pale skin now stretched and his voice growled, a int of the true 'beast' coming out.. "I'VE REPLACED YOUR ZANPAKTOU SPIRIT.... THERE IS NO LONGER ANYTHING TO HOLD ME BACK.... I'M YOUR SHIKAI... I'M YOUR BANKAI... I ...WASS~!!... YOUR ONLY CHANCE AT GROWTH..... NOW THAT THAT s**t IS OVER WITH I CAN CONTINOUE TO PROGRESS UNTIL I'M FULLY CAPABLE OF KILLING EVERYONE YOU LOVE... HOW BOUT' THAT FATHER OF YOURS.. HOW BOUT' THAT MOTHER.. HOW BOUT' I RESSURECT THE OLD MAN AND KILL HIM FOR Y-" He almost continued talking until his torso was met with a knee.. an abrasive knee that actually 'meant' to do damage.... Though, it only became planted into the inner hollows stomach, pushing it in ever so lightly it seemed... He let out a grunt, with a low growl in its sly voice... launching Kuuri back at breakneck speed towards the ground... "Henh...Hmuuhh.... GAHH..." Kuuri now looked at his left leg and right arm.. both bleeding... He almost blacked out form the sight that he'd been damaged before noticing something... The hollow had the same look on his face!!

    "W-Wha..?!?! How the hell am I hurt along with him.. Why the hell am I also wounded in these areas.. Gosh...This means that I can't kill him... I can only take most of the control... Wait!! I'm his zanpaktou spirit.. I'm his only soul.. He isn't gonna be inhabited by three souls, two connected completely.. I-I've become bonded with him... I truly am his spirit... I-I.." He was interrupted by a sudden thrust to the stomach, this one also meant to hurt.. but actually doing so!!

    "...PRESSURE SCREAM~!!!!!!!!!" He let out the loud roar, vibrations emitting from his body crazily...A seizure like effect seemed to happen to the both of them, the two opposite beings becoming blurs, then suddenly disappearing.. leaving A shockwave-like thooming noise as they appeared about twelve meters away, diagonally in the air... The same position... Kuuri's knee lodged deeply into his new 'spirits' stomach.... They reappeared in different locations, reversing the diagonal slam until it looked like a ricochet affect of the hollow flying around, blood flying from its face and mouth as the same thing happened to Kuuri.... The vibrations now stopped after about thirty seconds of flying around and disappearing.... The ending move was a pile-driver like kick into his torso... utterly crashing him into the ground...


    A large amount of sand flew into the air now, swirling wildly like a light cyclone of ribbons around not only the inner hollow.. But Kuuri... They were both using an extremely large amount of spiritual pressure, and the abilities they had to use it... The new inner hollow, now doubling as a zanpaktou spirit too, grunted before blinking.. an Adauchi appeared in his hand... It was weak, and had absolutely no presence whatsoever near the two... The inner hollow now spoke, getting serious and ready to fight for dominant control... "Whoever gets 90% control gets the ability to flicker between until the attacking force is at its last 10%... That's the game, and I'm sticking with it.." He smiled.. "I may be a power-hungry hollow monster.. but I'm way more developed then most, some may even say an arrancar I surpass... But.. that isn't the matter... What I just said means that if you win.. You'll be allowed to ATTEMPT to use the new-found abilities that include giving ME limited control and BORROWING my power... My power may seem to be exactly like yours, but mines more 'potent' as they would say... I also have the will and NEED to kill, so I'd be the one finishing your dirty work when you get soft.... Also, the borrowing of my powers gives you back 'some' of my skills, but there mines... There unorthodox and your likely to drive someone insane with the constant flow of events... That's why you'll be the first to feel it... Let us begin then.... THE FIGHT FOR CONTROL..." His spiritual pressure raised and erupted, making invisible barrier controlled craters in the sand... "HAS BEGAN~!!!"

    The hollow screamed with delight as he gripped the Adauchi, his own spiritual pressure and presence fluctuating into it.... The blades hilt now became covered in a glowing white tattoo... "MY blade form is no longer an Adauchi... Its now filled with OUR spiritual pressure... That means I'm my own spirit to fight you with... Combining the blade with myself..and you get... AN INNER HOLLOW RELEASE!!" He now laughed manically as he raised his head up in a distorted fashion, stuffing the blade down his throat with a jagged thrust... A large white light shone from his mouth as his eyes widened... His appearance changed dramatically before Kuuri's eyes... Kuuri seemed to shiver for a second as he backed away, his own Adauchi forming in his hand.. but just as a normal one... He didn't even know how to hold it, let alone fight with it!!! He'd have to quickly 'learn' this unorthodox fighting style... In battle!!

    Outside: The hollow continued to rage on, destroying everything in sight as it attacked the seven seated shinigami trying to calm it down... Now there was no captain in sight really who could fight him in the containment zone, seeing as though outside interference through sensing reistu and 'rushing in' was impossible... there were several skilled and experienced seated shinigami in the training room for what was planned to be a 7 v.s 1 spar... It now turned into a dangerous battle against an inner hollow... During the time of his inner mind battle, he'd simmered down, but now.. his appearance changed almost completely... His body now became that of a hollows.. his body completely taken over except for the hair, that now expanded back as spikes across his spine halfway down the curved body... He had two airplane wing-like 'things' on his back, one big, and the other small.. the small was sign that he wasn't completely in control, but fighting for it at the moment...


    User Image

    The creature was, inside, wingless... But still completely 90% transformed... "I'M AT MY 90% KID... NOW ITZ YUR TURN TO GO FULL POWER... I'M GUESSING YOUR FULL POWER IS THAT TECHNIQUE YOU DID EARLIER... THAT PRESSURE THING I CAN'T EVEN DO...? WELL BRING IT OUT AND LET ME MATCH IT... I'M GUESING I CAAANNN~!!!" He now charged forward towards Kuuri, his long arms reaching out and clawing towards Kuuri... Before he got within seven feet of him he began to move his arms wildly, the claws becoming like a lawnmower, randomly flying about with deadly strikes... one was enough, but 75 hps!! [HITS.PER.SECOND]

    This was unreal as Kuuri grabbed the Adauchi, holding it with one hand before going into a certain style he'd never really gotten 'used' to... This was something he'd just thought of.. but in reality.. this was the style his forgotten grandfather had used to destroy a tree utterly without reistu or anything... He'd copied this single thing from his thought forgotten past... and was now going to go head-to-head with himself using it... He now grimaced as blood ran down his face, from his hairline just above his right eye.. to his right eye.. then down to his chin, dripping off, and continuing like a stream down his chin... This was also happening on his mouth, coming to the side then dripping out.. He coughed, then spat out blood.. his eyes weakening, and becoming more sly.... The eyes resembled the inner hollow's former appearances voice.... They matched perfectly...

    Now, as the hollow came close, throwing its hands out wildly and flailing its flat, blunt forced tail about... It was stopped abruptly with AND in a weird position....

    Its claws were just parallel of each other horizontally as they were caught in the center of the the middle fingers by the Adauchi, while its tail was bluntly stopped with an equal force.... Kuuri's 'Fang' formation!! His hand had actually bluntly caught the large tail... Usually using the 'Fang' would cause near-death friction that destroyed the object, but they were met perfectly, no movement upon contact by any of the moves...

    They were even...

    "God kid... I go full strength and you go full strength.... I figure the way your going... You'd actually end up defeating me... I've decided now that I will be the 'Analyst' of your abilities.... You win for now...." He smiled before actually jumping back.. stopping his release and turning back towards Kuuri... "This would usually be wear you'd get 'shikai' by me telling you my name... But my name, is yours... You knew me as your first memory as a reborn person..... I am.. Kuuri Horimatsu... You, are Kuuri.... You have no last name.. that's the only difference.." He smiled before actually 'puking' up the Adauchi, the white gleaming tattoo still on it... It immediately turned into a mask... a mask that resembled his face in the other form exactly... "Its a PERFECT fit for you boy... Wear it when its needed, which should be never at your level... GOODNIGHT..." He suddenly screamed out, vibrating the air with a hollow scream enough to collapse skyscrapers...

    Kuuri flinched at this and no-

    Outside: -w Kuuri stood there, back in reality, and watching some people through two eye-holes... Something was on his face... and the Adauchi was on his back... A light voice laughing now echoed into his head... It was familiar.. the sly tone... He smirked lightly before falling to a crouched position on one knee.. He tapped his head lightly on the knee, allowing the mask to 'pop' off with a light sound... He picked up the mask, and then took off the sheath from his back, hanging horizontally over his butt... He looked at the plain Adauchi, then at the sword before putting the mask over the visible hilt... Now to him, it wasn't seen.. He slowly closed his eyes, allowing the weird and disturbing mask to meld with the Adauchi..... The eerie presence that once loomed over him at times, was now sealed within the blade.. releasing the blade meant summoning the mask... Hopefully only important situations would call for that...

    Kuuri sighed before looking up at the three shinigami.. shivering from shock.. and kind of scared... "I-I'm sorry.. um... BYE~!!!" He playfully said bye before noticing a few 'guards' from the second squad walk in after so much commotion... They'd gotten video feed of the events and now were about to repeat a sort of 'Your Under Arrest' thing... Before they could even fully enter the room.. Kuuri was gone...