• She was so disgustingly full of herself that it was nauseating. I couldn’t stand being around her. Every time I’d try to make a conversation she’d repeat what I said. She followed me around and reminded me of the irresponsible things I have done. She never left me alone.

    Why was she like this? What had led her to be so odious? At first glance her eyes gave off a wave of unbecoming ignorance, but if you looked closer, deeper into her chocolate brown eyes you could see the sadness. The way she acted was so deplorable that often others forgot her sorrow. She bullied others to boost her own spirits and her contemptible exterior laughed when others cried. People found her revolting.

    She was a terrible sport, always yelling when she lost and bragging for days when she won. Even during a simple game she acted inappropriate. She accused anyone beating her of cheating and constantly teased those who were loosing. If she lost, she would go into a mad rage, wrecking game boards and throwing glassware. Soon, no one would even play with her. If she came over to play they’d immediately make up an excuse. Then she’d have a fit and cry.

    In school she was always bragging about her grades, especially to the worst students. It made her feel good. Sadly, she was an excellent student; always completing assignments on time and making them look beautiful. Students were jealous of her grades, but not her personality. Every trimester her teacher’s comments were the same. “Shows much promise. Very bright. Having trouble communicating and working with other students.” Her teachers tried to involve her during class, but quickly abandoned the task when she reduced a teacher to tears. The teachers shrugged, gave up, and wondered what would happen to their intelligent, indecent mannered student.

    She had no real friends. She had those who hung out with her, but none who really liked her. Bullies pretended to be her friend because other children were scared by her. Deep inside she longed for friends, but she never let this soft side creep along to the surface. She had to act tough; even if it meant being offensive.

    Deep down she was a good person, perhaps perfect, but she couldn’t bring herself to let it out. Instead she went on as a sickening human being. There were those who tried to help her, but she turned them away repugnantly.

    I turned away from the mirror, shielding my eyes from the image etched in my mind. Right then and there I made a vow to never let that heinous monster inside me loose.