• “Deck the halls with boughs of holly~!” a young, black haired dark elf cheerfully sings, a little off key, in front of a wagon that pulled into town a few months ago. The shady drifter just, well, drifted into Barton town one day, selling his 'quality' wares.
    A man with tousled light brown hair and sleepy blue, nearly silver, eyes poked his head out the window of the wagon, “Hey sweetheart, it's three in the morning, can you...go home, or at least bother someone else?”
    Unfortunately for the male, the last word the elf heard was 'sweetheart.' “He called me...Nicolae called me sweetheart,” the girl thought to herself, inwardly squealing. If you looked hard enough, you could see the 'heart eyes' instead of the girl's natural green. Fortunately, or maybe rather unfortunately, Nicolae did in fact see them in her eyes.
    Now highly uncomfortable, but not totally worried for himself, he thinks of his options. “Call the guard? No, no, not after...” He slips back inside, “Then how about I move the wagon to...no...no, she'll find me again... I guess that leaves...” The gypsy forced on his best salesmanly smirk and opened his front door, “Hey sweetheart, hows about you come in for a drink?” Quickly, before the girl processed his words, he pulled himself back in. Just after, of course, a dark blur raced into the wagon.
    Glancing at the girl who now inhabited his store slash home, he asked her to excuse him while he snagged the drinks. When he was just far enough away, he pulled out a small vial filled with a sea green fluid and poured it into a cup he filled with some cheap liquor moments before he opened his door to the elfish girl. “Here you go, girlie,” he spoke to her as he handed the glass over.
    The girl's upside-down crosses on her blue tinted cheeks scrunched up as she smiled brightly, “Thank you, Nicu~!” They went through one bottle before the potion took effect, coupled with the alcohol, leaving her unconscious on Nicolae's bed.
    Barton town, still late enough that people still slept, hardly noticed the dark shape that was the gypsy con-man leave his wagon with a bundle hanging over his shoulder in a fireman's hold. He had plenty of options as to where he could dump her. Throw her in the Village Greens, drop her in the fountain, leave her near the smooth-jazz freak of a kid's mansion, but he wasn't that mean. No, he left her in a tree, hanging by a rope tied around her waist, in the middle of the woods. He was so nice, he even took a picture of it; to have and to hold forevermore...unless someone wanted to buy it, then it was fair game to the highest bidder. Nicolae slept well for the rest of the night, and on into the next day. Then she showed up again. “Oh well, good things can't last forever,” Nicolae thought.