Gabriel woke-up screaming. He was sweating and tears ran down his face. He looked around his dorm and his wet black hair gently slapped him on the face.
eww! he thought.
He checked his alarm clock, 11:15. He looked out his window, dark, the cresent moon shining brightly.
Gabriel forced himself out of bed to his closet. He scratched his bear chest. And took a towel and axe body wash. Gabriel walked out side of his dorm to the bathroom. The hallway was dark. He feeled his way to the bathroom, to his surprise the bathroom door was opened. That was strange, thought Gabriel, the maintenence dude always locked the door past eleven.
Either way Gabriel closed the door behind him. gabriel turned on the bathroom lights to reveal a white bathroom, the whites room he had ever seen in his life.
He turned on the shower and adjusted the temperature. he looked at himself in the mirror. He noticed a red spot on his chest.
Gabriel scratched once and undressed. When he decided the temperature was perfect, he took one of the most refreshing showers of his life. when he had put his shorts back on and was drying his hair in the mirror, he noticed the red spot on his chest was gone. But the spot still itched. Scratching one more time he slowly opened the bathroom door, stepped out, turned off the lights and closed the door behind him. In the dark while Gabriel walked down the hall to his dorm, he could've sworn somebody was watching him. When he reached his dorm door he felt a cold chill from his back, up to the back of his head. he turned around...no one, atleast no one he could see.
"Is any one there?" Gabriel asked with a rather deeper voice than usual.
No answer, but he thought he saw the slightest movement among the dark.
Gabriel quickly turned around and opened his dorm door and went in.
In side his dorn the dark was still present, Gabriel locked his door and threw the towel on the floor.
He looked throught the piles of trash next to his bed to find his cell.
s**t!, GAbriel thought, empty battery.
He was about to look for his cell charger when he remembered he had left it on Charlei's dorm. Gabriel was about to go out into the hall again when he thought for a momment. He hadnt actually seen anyone. He had just dreamed the most horrific nightmare he'd ever had. Now that he thought about it, the dark plays tricks on people, specialy scared to death people.
Gabriel decided it was all in his head.
He placed his cell on his desk and went back to bed.
Gabriel woke-up screaming.
HAh HAh hah..
Gabriel was panting and sweating, he sat up and looked around.
Darkness, still there, he looked at his alarm clock, 12:03.
Not an hour had passed since he last woke-up. Gabriel scratched his chest again, he was drenched in sweat. he got off the bed, picked up the towel he had thrown on the floor and went out into the hall, scratching his chest. No axe body wash these time. He closed the door behind him and walked to the bathroom. When he finaly got there he found the door opened, he'd sworn he had closed it. He stepped inside and turned on the lights. Gabriel almost jumped back in horror, the walls were covered in red words, written all over the white walls in...
Gabriel touched a red letter in the mirror.
Gabriel didn't look back. He ran first to his dorm. "********!" He said out laud, he had locked the door from the inside. He had no choice, he ran down the hall, turned the corner towards the maintenance dude's room...he stoped half way there. The door to the maintenance dude's room, it had four words glowing bright blue on it.
Gabriel wasn't thinking right, he had to tell someone. No one on that floor, all gone, to a party. If he wanted to tell someone he had to go back and pass the bathroom.
He didn't have a choice.
He slowly aprouched the door. He had his hand on the door knob and almost turned back. But something madehim change his mind. Inside the room a single muffle, an attemp to talk. Gabriel turned the door knob and stepped inside, darkness in here too. Another muffle, lauder this time lauder.
gabriel looked for the light switch with his hands.
Green light filled the room.
GAbriel could see now.
THIS tells some of what happened the night Mitch died. Here is Part foUr.
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