• This is a story of love, one that happened many years ago.

    Back, many ages ago, in a place that
    no one ever speaks of, there was a royal ball being held. Tis it was the coming of age party for a young girl named Juliet, who was the daughter of the royal general. We are at the general's house at the ball of many ages ago...

    And then the clock struck midnight. She, the girl they called Juliet, saw him, the boy called Romeo. He saw her there talking with her closest friend Anne Marie. He saw her face smiling as he realized that he had been caught staring at her. He blushed and became very flustered but he realized that she was staring back at him. She too, was blushing and seemed very flustered. He started courting her even though he was just a lonely and poor peasant. In the light of that very twilight she fell in love with him. They were the a couple that wasn't supposed to happen. For as you surely know, royalty was not supposed to fall in love with peasants. They loved each other to the ends of the earth and back. Even though it was a forbidden love.
    Until the boy named Romeo came to her and told her that he knew that she loved him, but that he had fallen in love with someone else. That someone else turned out to be her best friend, Anne Marie. Anne Marie told her that she had no interest in Romeo and that she didn't know why he wanted to court her. She told Juliet that she took pride in her friendships more than her lovers. Then, again in the light of twilight, three eves past, the one named Romeo came to Juliet. He told her that he was only in love with her and only her and she believed him. Then five eves later, she was told that she must tell the young man that was courting her that he wasn't being allowed to court her anymore. She spent the night crying away her tears and sorrow. The next day at daylight, she found him and told him what had happened. He told her that he understood what had happened and to not to worry or shed any tears and that one day he would be back to take her as his bride. She smiled and believed that this was true. In her heart she knew that her dearest Romeo loved her and that he would come back to her one day. She believed that for many nights on, until the day that her faith in him started to fade away. She waited for many a day for his return. She was told that she needed leave the peasant boy alone and to go about her time as a general's daughter should. Then, many daylights later, he came to her. He ran up to her and told her that she was the only person that he loved. She believed him in the light of her worst days. His love for her kept her alive for many eves on. Finally, on one fateful eve when the sunset was most perfect, he came to her and told her that he was being shipped off to fight the war in the New America. She cried and begged him not to leave her. He told her that it was his duty to serve for England and fight off the rebellious Americans. She cried on and on for many days forward. She became withdrawn from her friends, family and, she wouldn't attend any of the royal balls. No one knew what had caused her to be like that. Everyone assumed that it was the fact that her father wanted her to get married and give an heir that could fight the war too. But no one knew the truth. Then, one day there were papers delivered to his mother saying that he had been killed in an ambush at Lexington and Concord. His mother knew that he had loved the general's daughter, so she passed the terrible news on to her through an unmarked letter. She received the letter and cried for the rest of her days. She swore to herself that she would never love again and would never marry. Then one day, many years later, a man showed on her doorstep and introduced himself as Lord Reyard of Versage. He told her that when the twilight's light had shown she found the one she loved. The only person who had known this was her begotten lover Romeo. She whispered his name as if it was a forbidden word. He told her that if her heart would always lie within him. She understood what he had said and realized that it was her true love. He told her not to tell anyone who he was because they thought that he was dead. His new name was the one of royalty. Because before he was just a lonely peasant. He started courting her under his assumed name of Lord Reyard of Versage and they fell in love in a twilight's instant. In a year's days they were married. It was a ceremony of gold and silver where even the gods would be envious. They lived on for many years until they were an old man and woman still in love. They were together until the day the one they called Anne Marie saw a resemblance in the new the one called Lord Reyard and the begotten Romeo. She came to him one day and introduced herself. He acted as if this was a new person that he had met, even though he had already met her. She could tell that he was lying. She went to the town official and told him about the liar who was calling himself one of royalty. The official came to the house of Lord and Lady Reyard and confronted the Lord of what had been told to him. The Lord and Lady looked at each other and realized that they had been caught. The official looked at them and could tell that they were hiding something. The Lord and Lady looked at each other, kissed, said that they loved the other to the ends of the earth and back. Then they told the official the truth. He took Romeo and Juliet to the town jail. Juliet's father discovered what had happened and disowned Juliet. Romeo's mother didn't care about what he had done. She was just glad that he was alive and well. They council held their meeting and it was decided many daylights later, that even though the penalty was death for such crimes, that in light of the situation and of the case of true love. For had Romeo not loved Juliet he would've never tried what he had done. Even though they were let out of prison, they were exiled out of the town. Romeo's mother came with them and treated Juliet as she was her own daughter. Anne Marie went to the official soon after their exile and asked the officials why they had let them live. The officials told her that no matter what would happen to either of them that the other would carry on with their love. That true love is the strongest weapon a person can ever have. And without it even the strongest person is vulnerable. Anne Marie never married and after she died, so did the ones given the gift of true love, Romeo and Juliet. Anne Marie's niece was going through her personal items and found a journal. She read the journal and it told of how Anne Marie had loved the one called Romeo even though it was clear that he would never love her. She had seduced him and had convinced him that he was to love Anne Marie if he was to ever get anywhere into the royal status. It was very obvious that she was very jealous of named Juliet and that she wanted Juliet to be exiled so that she could have Romeo to herself. Her niece couldn't believe what she had read. She went to the children of Romeo and Juliet and told them what she had found. They read it and even they couldn't believe what they had read. They swore among themselves that they would tell everyone and anyone who wanted to listen to the story of their families, they would share it. Even though Romeo and Juliet may have died, their gift still lives on. It lives on in many other young peoples of new days and ages. The gift of love will never
    be forgotten or lost. It is something that lives on forever, even if you are alive or dead.