• The large, green figure was sitting there when he heard a high pitch screech in the distance. All that the figure can think of is BANSHEES!!!! He/she opened up a box inside the Bumblebee. Inside was three medkits, two M6D pistols (from Halo Combat Evovled), two frags, clips for the M6Ds and a Rocket Launcher with two extra rockets. He/she loaded up the launcher and put everything else in his belt except for the medkits. The figure opened the door to check outside....which he/she saw four Banshees. He/she fired the launcher. The Banshees broke their formation trying to dodge the rocket. The figure then went inside to wait until the Banshhes have landed to take them out.....
    Khel 'Strum and Ukruk 'Gohjord flew down silently as their Banshees willed them to. The Elites got out of their Banshees as it just about to touch the ground. 'Strum was loaded with dual Plasma Rifles while 'Gohjord was with dual Needlers. They both sneaked quitely around a bunch of rocks that surround the area. 'Strum said quitely "You try to distract whatever is inside that thing". 'Gohjord grunted.
    He/she heard a small, scraping noise outside. That must be the Banshees, the figure thought, but not all the Banshees have landed; as two OTHER Banshees circled over the crashed pod. He/she looked over to his left where their was a Overshield and a Active Cameo sitting there. The figure decided to use the Active Cameo.

    What will happen to the green, large figure and the Elites?
    Conitued in part 3.......