My name is Clara, I’m 16, I live in California, that’s only half of my life the rest I would have to go back to the day it happened, the day my life changed forever, I remember it like it was yesterday, I was walking home from school, I’m part of the punk group, we’re know as the outsiders so we can’t go anywhere without people giving us dirty looks, ”Hey Clara”, that’s my friend Leslie, she’s know as the talkative girl, she always has something to talk about so if we were ever bored she’d always have a topic to talk about, she never talks around strangers and is well know for hacking into the schools computers, ”Hey Leslie what’s up” I could tell she had been running around trying to find me cause she was out of breath ”oh nothing, hey are you going to Breanna’s house today”, “I don’t know, why?” by the way Breanna is another one of my friends, she’s know as the gossiper, when ever she hears about something she always told us about it, she like our own personal news paper, its kind of funny when you think about it.” Oh no reason, Breanna wants the gang to come over and hang out, Rj is there, so how bout it wanna come?”, “Sure I’ve got nothing better to do”, Rj is my boyfriend, he’s a skater so he mostly goes to the skate park with his friends after school or practices with his friends in his band, he says he’ll make it to Hollywood with practice,” hey Clara, Leslie, what’s up ladies”, “hey Johnny, nothing much just on our way to Breanna house she wants the gang to hang out there wanna come?” she said lovingly, that’s Johnny, he plays the drums in Rj’s band, he also a skater, and one of many of Leslie’s crushes,” sure, who’s all ganna be there?”, “ Rj, me, Clara, Breanna of course, Bryan, and Becky”, you should have seen her face she looked like one of the preppy blond girls that’s our on the cheer squad, it was disgusting. Johnny had that unsure look on his face I could tell he wasn’t sure if he wanted to go if Bryan was there, Bryan and Johnny were friends but the were in a compotation, Bryan was the bass guitar of Rj’s band and he was the lazy one of the group, if you ever went to his house you’d find him playing video games and the coffee table in the living room stacked with snacks.” Sure I’ll tag along” you could tell he really didn’t want to go by the sigh he gave, “well, well if it isn’t the outsiders”, “who ordered prep” I heard Leslie snarl, that’s Jessica the most populists girl in school and head of the cheer squad, we used to be friends in 7th grade until I became one of the outsider group, “hey Jessica” I murmured, “ ah yea, anyway, hey Johnny me and the girls are throwing a pool party today wanna come” and by girls she was referring to Britney and Tiffany they may not act like it but there actual twin sister, but the act totally different, Tiffany acts like a total snob and steps over everyone she also a suck up when it comes to Jessica, while Tiffany was a party girl and mostly got drunk at any party, she could have been in our group if she didn’t wear pink and acted like a total prep, “ummm I don’t think I can Jessica I’m going to Breanna’s house today”, by now Leslie had a hateful look on her face that why is he talking to her look, “ah come on it’ll be fun” you should have heard the giggles she gave him, the sort of preppy giggle that you hate to listen to.

    “Don’t you have anything better to do Jessica”, “for your information, Clara I do, I’ll be on my way now” I watches her walk off and then turned around and saw Leslie dragging Johnny by his shirt, I let out a little laugh cause you should have seen his face, I could tell he wasn’t enjoying his self at all, we got to Breanna’s house 20 minutes later, she and Rj were standing on the porch laughing, Rj and Breanna were spending a lot of time together lately, I never thought anything of it cause they were best friends almost like family so I never felt there was anything going on between them, “Hey guys”, I walked on the porch and stood next to Rj, “hey Babe” he gave me a kiss on the cheek” hey yourself hot stuff” Leslie enturpted me before I got to say anything else” anyway so is everyone here?”, “yea there inside come on” we all walked inside, I saw Bryan playing the playstation that Breanna has had for 2 months, ”hey gang!”, “ Hey Leslie, Clara, what’s up chicks’, that’s Becky she the fighter in the gang she’d always get into a fight with anyone, but mostly the cheerleaders, she never started any fights with them the started first and Becky seemed to always finish it, she’d would always go to dentition all the time, “nothing really just being bored like always” the whole gang laughed, “hey Rj can you help me with something in my room please”, “sure Bre”. They didn’t come back down until 30 minutes later, I know red signal flag that something might be going on, but like I said I didn’t suspect anything since the were like family “ hey guys we’re back” she looked tired, “hey what took you guys so long?” Bryan was still playing the playstation, see I told you he’s lazy, “oh Rj help me move my furniture around”, before I even let out a word my cell phone rang,” hello?”, “Clara its time to come home now”, it was my mom, “ok mom I’m coming home “ the gang was all looking at me, “I have to go guys”, “bye Clara” they all said, I walked over to Rj and gave him a good night kiss and hug, then I walked out and headed to my house. As soon as I got on my porch and to my door I could hear my parents arguing like they do ever night, I walked in and went to the kitchen and saw my mom and dad fighting, “ you know Robert maybe if you found a better job money wouldn’t be a problem now would it!!”, “ I do have a good enough job that puts food on the table so I don’t need another damn job!!”, money… the one thing my parents fight about all the time is money ,“god you guys are arguing again” I ran up stairs and went to my room and slammed my door and flopped in my bed, my dad was working in a mechanical shop fixing cars he’s been working there for 30 years and hasn’t gotten a raise since, my mom is a waitress at a near by restaurant, she’d been working there for a short time but I think she like her job cause she always motioned it a lot, I heard a knock at me door” go away”, even if I said that they’d still come into my room and try to talk to me, “honey can we talk”, “no, go away”, my mom was a sweet person she was kind to everyone, she had the sweetest smile you’ll ever see, her hair was as brown as maple syrup minus it being so sticky, she was skinny and sometimes she look like a super model,” honey I know its tough hearing me and your father fight a lot but trust me, it’ll be better and we’ll be a happy family again just wait and see”, I rolled my eyes at what she said cause I know that the fighting was going to continue.

    The next day at school me and the gang were hang out at the usual spot we hang out at before class starts, today it was a slow day but we get to get out early so it’ll go by really fast, “ hey guys did you hear about Jessica’s party, some one totally trashed her house and now she grounded and can’t drive the pink mobile for a while, the pink mobile was another word for Jessica’s pink corvette were everything inside is nothing but pink, pink, pink, she reminds me of a pig sometimes, minus the dirt of course, “oh wow I guess it’s a good thing Johnny didn’t go to her party huh”, “ha ha very funny guys”, just as the gang was having fun Brick came up out of no were, Brick is the school football quarter back, he was totally consisted, so he thinks about nothing but him self, you should see him when he looks in the mirror and the worst part is he’s going out with Jessica and they are a perfect couple cause the think their better than everyone else, and step on almost any one they come across. The bell rung and everyone headed to class, oh yea I go to Middleton high school, its like a smart school, but the really brain wash you to learn what ever they want, your like a mindless zombie trying to steal everyone’s brains and using them as their owns even if they may not be so smart, I was in first period by now and I have math in first period, and trust me it is the most boring subject you’ll come upon, you can imagine me just staring at the clock for the last 30 minutes of class, when second period started I was happy cause Rj was in my class, as soon as I got there he came over and gave me a hug, “hey babe, glad to see you”, “I’m glad to see you to” you should have seen my face imagine a cheerleaders face when they flirt around with guys and then look at mine and we look totally alike, so alike it’ll scare you, “awww you guys looks so cute it makes me gag” that’s Roxy she like my bestest friend in this world, she’s like my sister even though we act different, if you ever wanted to know who the coolest girl was in the world Roxy would be it, “ Roxy what’s up”, “ nothing just getting into a little trouble I got dentition for spiting a spit ball at Mr. Erickson it was so funny though”. Roxy is the trouble marker she always gets in trouble either at school or the skate park, her parents are divorced so she just liver with her mom and she gets to do whatever she wants when she wants to, its kind of unfair to the gang but we get over it pretty quick” so what are you doing after school Roxy?”, “oh me I’m ganna hang out with Ron at the skate park and maybe even go to Rj house to see his brother”.