• STRANGE VOICE: You have no purpose here!
    MOLLY: (breathes heavy and cries)
    MOM: Molly i know it's weird to ask but...i want you to be in a musical with me...how about it?
    MOLLY: Mom you know i only have one more day to live!? I can't learn a whole script in one day...i'm so sorry...
    MOM: I know you're right.... i-i shouldn't have asked anyways...

    (the next day, the day Molly will be killed, she is fishing with her father, for the last time.)

    DAD: ................
    MOLLY: Are you ok Dad?
    DAD: Yah............
    MOLLY: Why are you being so quiet? You know i only have a few hours till i have to be killed right? You heard the vote....i have no purpose to this world i'm just a waste of time.....i have to die.....
    DAD: I know that Molly, i just don't want you to die hating me...so i best be quiet....
    MOLLY: That wouldn't change a thing.

    Molly programs her computer to the time she has to live till....she had one minute, and the next thing she knows she wakes up in a huge arena with millions of people screaming and chanting ''KILL HER!!!'', there was a guy with a sword and a gun with her, in the middle of the huge arena, and the man said "Choose your weapon, this is how you die."

    Molly woke to find herself not breathing...and her face was wet...she were dreaming of herself and how she would later die in life...then she glanced at her computer her time was up.....her time was now to die, and she was painfully injected with the lethal serium....and her life faded slowly bfore her, into nothing, but a worthless young girl, crying silently,....dead.