• The law has just been passed the mutants have been granted freedom and equality, but Xmen are in a lot of trouble. Xavier's institute, a long-time safe haven for mutants, is about to come...Under Siege...But before I can tell that story I must tell this one...

    Scott was stood at the firing range, stepping on the button that shoot the discs out. He shot one after another until he heard in his mind...

    X-men the President is in trouble...I believe the brother hood is behind it, but magneto is not with them. This will make them even more destructive and erratic...

    Damn! Thought as he jumped over the fence running towards the jet. He ran through the door pushing past Rouge. “What's going on Scott?”
    "Just get to the jet with all the other X-men!"
    He got to the under ground section getting dressed and grabbing his visor. Everyone was there by the time he had gotten ready. "X-men we don't have time for a plan we just need to get there and protect the president."

    Storm flew as the sped towards Washington. They were there in a flash and what the saw made Kat gasped and Scott clenched his teeth. Wolverine chimed in "Look at the White House. It's the Black House now he said sarcastically. Scott got up and looked at the White House it was burning to the ground.
    "Land now Storm!!!" Yelled Scott.
    "Now!!!" As Scott scanned the area he saw Juggernaut smashing cop cars and blowing through everyone. "Colossus can you put a leash on him for a sec.?"
    "Yah" He said changing right then. Scott pointed to the opining of the jet Colossus ran out and went after Juggernaut.

    Black Tom is everywhere! Thought Scott to Xavier.

    I know can't find one point of his mind. Jean stay in the jet with Rouge and help me find him.

    "You heard him you guys lets go." Yelled Scott as the jet landed and they all lept out...

    The rest of the X-men went out to face the very large group of the Brother hood. But the were soon over come by Back tome and the rest of the brother hood. But this is not the worst Scott was still able to move and had found the president behind a billboard. He ran there and got by him.
    "Sir I will protect you."
    "Ooh your one of the X-men, thank god." The president said but right at that second a vine crept under the sign and grasped his foot. "These mutants killed my whole secret serves. All the...Ah!!!" He could not finish as he was pulled in to the air and not soon after Scott was pulled up.
    "Help me!!!" He screamed as the vine crept around his neck “No!!!” Screamed Scott as his hand tried to reach his visor but the vine pulled it down. The vanes in his neck grew red and visible as he reached struggled. He looked right into the president eyes as his head turned...
    His head went limp...

    "No!!!" Scott shot out of bed sweat dropping down his neck. He rubbed his face. Jean woke up by him.
    "It's alright I know I know..."
    Scott couldn't sleep so he got up and went to the TV. He flicked it on and turned the channel over and over until he got to the News

    ~The presidents burial was today and the Vice president had this to say at the podium...“As my first action as president is to send our full power of the military, and others at the Mutant organizations out there...You hear me Mutants you are all going to pay for this injustice. ~

    He had to turn it off as he got up to go to the fridge. When he was done with the milk he had been drinking he looked right into Nick Fury's eyes. "Go ahead drink up. I know you probably had nothing to do with the president death, but I'm here to tell you the measure that the vice president has put forward is getting passed I say to you and everyone here get out and as far away from America you can all of you..."
    "You don't understand these people are pissed. Most people hate you guys and the few that didn't believe what people said about you believe it now...Think about the kids here...At least give them a chance. You know you guys can't fight the whole Us army...Plus everyone at Shield. I'm Resigning when it passes but the others have never met you guys so they don't believe me and...Well lets just say you guys are dead when you see Capt. America and every other superhero come over the hill..." he left out the side door into a black limo as it sped away.

    The vice president now president sat in his office. "So the heroes are in place outside of the manor."
    "Yes Mr. President." Said his chief of staff.
    "Give them the green light for operation X extermination."