I am at home. My brother is undoutubly at his friend's house. So I am alone. My house is in the woods. I think 'oh crap.' I quickly look out the window. I assume the zombies have migrated to the major cities for the human flesh. So I have a while 'till they come. It's bright outside, but I don't bother taking comfort in the sunshine. I glance at the TV again. The zombie reports are brodcasted on every news channel avaleble. I turn the TV's volume down low, just in case. Running up to my room, I grab my bookbag and dump all my school books out, since I fuigure that my teachers are dead already. I grab a few water bottles from the kitchen. I also stuff bread and cans of food in the bag. Not too much, though, otherwise it'll outweigh me and slow me down. I set my back by the door, then rum down to the basement; Grabbing all the guns, ammo, and knifes I can carry. I load the guns and fill my pockets with ammo. I draw the shades, turning off everything, including the clocks. I don't want the zombies to be drawn here, now do I? Nope.
    I pile my stuff by the door and take out my cell phone. I call AO-chan, J-soma, and LIZZIE-chan. Lizzie is with her family, in the basment. She asks me not to call again, but to text. The noise might attract them. I say yes, fuiguring that my phone bill will not matter if we make it out alive anyway. I hang up with her and glance out the window. Nothing. I call AO-chan next. "Hey, are you okay?" she asks. I say yes. She and her family were at a resterant when the zombies came, she says. Now, they are hiding in the mall. I tell her to stay there. I hang up. AO is already ahead of me and J-soma. Last, i call my mentor, J-soma. She answers on the first ring, out of breath. "Where are you??" she practically yells in my ear. "I'm at home. Can you come get me?" I ask, keeping my voice low. "No, imposible. We're walled up inside the ma---hey, Ao-chan!!! over here!" she yells. I groan. So, basically, I have to travel, alone, to the mall, many miles away. And on top of that, every one else I know is their too... Why go to the mall? well, it's well fortified, and plus, it has security systems, alarms and gates, unlike my house. "J-soma, i'll be their in about an hour. I'll keep you posted. Bye." I say. She wishes me luck. I grab the keys to my family's second car, an SUV. I pile my stuff in the back and rush inside once more. I wonder if zombies eat animals. And if they did...
    I rush around the house, picking up the cats and the dogs, putting them in the car. I run to the basement and grab a bag of cat food. Dogs like cat food right? Well, too bad if they don't because I didn't have time to get a bag of dog food from the store. I plopped the bag in the car beside my stuff and get in the front seat. I am suddenly really glad that I put the cats in their pet carriers and the dogs on leashes. I put the key in the ignition, and thank God that this car is an automatic. I clutch the cross hanging around my neck and pray. I back the car up and speed out of my driveway, onto the road. I don't encounder anyone for a while. I drive for thirty minutes going eighty,so I only have a few more minutes to go. I even have the huge sign that declares the mall OPEN in my sights. Then I see them. The zombies may be (un)dead, stupid and slow, but they know humans when they see it. "$h!*" I say. I veer wildly around one undead, only to charge another. I cuss again. I veer across the medium and drive over a small bush. I slam on the gas pedal, knocking a few zombies down in my wake.
    I stop at the back entrance, where my friends are waiting. I look back. A horde of zombies are limping toward us, a few crawling from my car's wrath. I throw my stuff to J-soma, and the cat food to Ao-chan. I grab the dog's leashes and the cat carriers. I run inside behind my friends, who swiftly close the doors. "Hey!!" J-soma says, throwing my stuff on the floor. "Hey, be caref--"
    "ARI-CHII!!!!!!" ao-chan yells, tossing the cat food in a corner. They both rush over, hugs all around. I smile and tell the dogs to hush as they bark at everyone. People are staring at me, but I don't care. "Come on. We put our stuff in HotTopic." Ao-chan says, smiling and grabbing the discarded cat food. I nodd and grab my animals. I look around. Then as much as it pained me to, I asked if I could perhaps leave HotTopic and room in a store with locking doors. My friends look at me sadly and say...."Sure. I think.... Hollister has doors."
    I twitch at the word and scream "NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! NOT ..... *gulp* HOLLISTER!!!! what form of torture is this???" They laugh. "DO NOT MOCK MEEEEEEEEEE!!" I yell at them, pointing at those trators. They laugh harder and carry my stuff into that dreaded store. I tie the dog's leashes to a bar on the counter in the back of the store and ripp the cat food bag open. I gave them two cups each, digging it out with my hands. I gave some to the cats. I wish I couldv'e let them out, but no. They might run off when I open the door to go out. I go back to my friends and fuigure out a plan.
    use paint or clothes (guess which store that'll be from hehehe...)
    to write S.O.S on the roof of the mall, like in the movies. Wait it out. If zombies get in, kill them DEAD!!!!!
    DON'T DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    ****************end of ARI~CHII'S zombie survival plan**************