• I slowly awoke, upon the long and wild grass, as the sun crept out from behind the mountains in the East. My memory was still foggy from last night, all I can remember before I blacked out is getting a bite...And a man telling me something that I just cannot recall.

    As the sun arose from behind the mountains, and a short beam caressed me, my skin slowly steamed and sizzled before I jerked my hand back to the shade, I noticed as another beam reached my face, that the sun was burning the skin off of my bones, I ran into a nearby cave, for complete shade, and I thought to myself, "What in the hell is going on here?!"

    I rested myself clumsily against the cave's walls as I watched my burns recover with such speed, it astonished me.
    "What the Hell am I??" I said aloud,
    "You, my friend, are a Vampire,” Said a cold raspy voice, randomly from amidst the dark corners of the caves.
    “I am a…What!?” I said in pure disbelief.
    “A Vampire, must I repeat myself for you?” The figure in the shadows said in annoyance.
    “No, I just…I can’t recall a single thing about the last week except being bitten and some words from a strange man standing above me.” I said slightly cautious.
    “That’s because you got bit near death, when you are bitten like that you tend to lose some memories.” It said, waiting patiently
    “May I ask who...Or what... You are?” I asked in curiosity.
    “I am Lynx of the Lycan clan, Leader of the pack of the mountains.”
    Suddenly the very word brought rage to my throat as I wanted to simply kill him.
    “ You don’t know us, but being a Vampire and seeing your distress right now I can only guess that Werewolf brought the blood feud inside us all to life”
    “Blood….Feud?” I gasped out of the raging hate inside of me.
    “ Many centuries ago, a Lycan fell in love with a Vampire stewardess which was illegal by a blood contract at that time. People found out and had her executed by sunlight... It started a war between the Lycan and the Vampire.” The Lycan said with wavering voices as he talked about her.
    “And this war, we are in it?” I asked.
    “We both are now, but I am part of the mountain Lycans, we oppose the war. Tomorrow I shall take you to camp, for now… Sleep.”

    "Sleep!" Lynx proclaimed in a commanding voice.
    I gave up undeviating to his wishes and as I laid back down, I watched the world inch away as I faded into oblivion.

    I woke up to a whispering in my ear saying “Mitternacht…..mitternacht…” which somehow I knew was a common language for Vampires… Was it French? No… It was German…But German for what?”
    “Time to go, it‘s just about midnight, when the creatures of the night start to wake up from their slumber during the light.” Lynx said quietly behind me.
    “Sure, I guess.” I responded with a hint of grogginess
    “We hike to the East, follow me and stay alert, and don’t say anything.”
    I nodded in agreement and followed him closely.
    Hours passed, trees creaked, the moon shined, half of the moon was hidden into the starry night. I felt watched by a fellow being, but it wasn’t the same, it felt older, more powerful. I glanced into the woods as we hiked the mountain and I saw a creature with a mysterious nature around it with red eyes and wings blacker then the night.

    We approached the camp at what I guessed was around 4 am, the feeling of being watched had gradually faded away about a half hour before. Some of the houses and huts we passed by had markings on them, some had the moon, some had blood, it seemed simple enough, moons were werewolves and the blood was the vampires, Lynx did say this was a war-opposing camp anyway, so it made sense that both of our kind would be here.

    “Hey Lynx?” I had to ask something that bugged me the whole hike.
    “Yes?” He responded.
    “What was that thing in the woods?”
    “What thing…?” He looked perplexed.
    “The being with red eyes and black wings I felt watching me, that’s all I could see of it.”
    “It was one of your kind, only...” He paused pondering for the right word for a moment. “It was evolved. They are the Elder Vampires, more commonly known as the Fallen Angels. There are only 10 of them, but they are the oldest and most powerful, one of them isn’t like the others… He has a soul and compassion.”
    Suddenly my memories came back. He’s the one who bit me and saved my life.
    “What’s his name?” I asked with curiosity and odd determination to know him.
    “His name is Nathanial.”

    Five days afterward, I still have no idea how to continue on with my life except instinct, pure instinct. Some of the vampires in town have brought me blood as I am new to this world and do not know how to hunt for myself as well as they do.

    I do not even remember my own name.
    What do I even look like now? I cannot check mirrors any longer.

    There was a brief soft knocking on my door and as I got off my chair I remembered that it is daylight and with my new condition, that was a issue, so I plainly said with a lazy voice “Come in”.

    Lynx walked in carrying something in a large wooden box stamped ‘Fragile’, then lightly put it on my table with a sigh of exhaustion as his fingers left the wood.
    “I am giving this to you… I will explain later, I have a meeting. And do not open it.” Lynx stared at me with caution.
    I couldn’t resist… I slowly pried open the wood to find… Another box, only this one had a hatch around it. I grabbed the hammer and started to smash it for what felt like hours, then finally, it opened. Inside was a small box lined with red cloth and a golden tint around the edges, and a mysterious logo of which I did not recognize, then my eyes looked at the lock the shape of a eye….
    “DAMNIT!!” I shouted in frustration.
    Right then the box glowed with a blue shine, suddenly I felt woozy, and then all I remembered was collapsing on the floor, the world fading away.