• The day I wished I never came to school

    This is the day I wished I had never got up for school. It was a rainy and cold day. When I got on the bus, I found a empty seat in the back of the bus. Then Jacob sat next to me. (By the way, Jacob is my friend.) “Oh Hi Jacob” I said “Then Jacob turned to me and said…, “HAPPY VALENTINES DAY, BELLA!” Under my breath I say, “ok, that was random.”
    When I got to school I saw this really cute guy! I think someone tripped me because I fell down the stairs. I found myself on my back and a ton of people looking at me. All I said was “… Sorry…?” Then I smiled. The cute guy saw that I dropped all of my stuff. He rushed down the stairs; he was right next to me when Jacob pushed him over. The next thing I knew there was a dog fight! They “barked and growled” at each other. The cute guy pushed Jacob aside, to see if my stuff wasn’t picked up yet. I was reaching for my #2 pencil, when they both dived for it. I got out of the way. “Oh joy, here we go again.” Finally, they dropped my pencil; I grabbed it and ran to class! When I got to class it hadn’t started yet, so I told everyone those two boys are crazy! Everyone was scared of them. The boys finally noticed I was gone. They stopped and went to class.
    When I was sitting in class, my friends asked me why those boys were fighting over a pencil. I told them I didn’t really know why. I looked over at Jacob because was kind of freaked out on why he was fighting with the guy I seemed to like. I saw that Jacob was staring at me with an anger face. I turned away quickly, so I didn’t have to see the anger in his eyes. I flipped my hair to the side of my face that was facing Jacob. Half way through class, I peeked through my hair to see if he was still looking my way. He was, but now his face was full of worry. I didn’t know what to do so I put my hair back down to the side of my face again.
    After the bell rang, I raced out the door to my next class, before anyone got up. I looked back seeing that he wasn’t there and relived that he wasn’t. I turn back around finding Jacob right in front of me, staring at me square in the face. I jumped back, almost falling over. “Why’d you leave so quickly? Are you trying to avoid me?” he said in a concerned voice. I looked down. He waited for me to speak; only the words wouldn’t come out. When I didn’t speak in a while, he lowered down to my level, trying to see my face. “Are you ok?” he asked, still looking at me. “I j-just was t-thinking about this morning.” I mumbled in a low voice. “Is that why you’re avoiding me? Come on, Bells, I just was playing with him.” Jacob said in a joking manner. “Well… It just bugged me ok?” I began to walk away when he caught my hand and spun me around to face him. “Are you sure you’re ok?” He was concerned again. “We will talk later.” I said, pulling my hand away and rushing to next class.
    Next class was as boring as the first one. We had to do a lab on earthquakes, but Jacob still stared at me the whole time. At lunch, I didn’t feel as hungry as I should have. I got some animal cookies and sat down, waiting for Jacob. Jacob sat down with a big pile of food, he began eating. I sighed, waiting for my chance to speak. He looked up at me with eager eyes. I finally spoke out of the silence. “Who was that guy you were ‘playing’ with? Was he your friend, because I haven’t seen him around here.” I said, looking down. There was a long silence, then he spoke. “His name is Edward and I wouldn’t call him my friend.” His eyes tightened. “Why?” I asked. He stared into the crowed room. “Well, you know what I told you about being a werewolf, right?” he said in a low voice so that only I could hear him. “Oh… yeah, but what’s that got to do with anything?” I said back. “I’ve have thought about it and well, I think he’s a Vampire.” Vampire, the word stood alone. I was shocked that he would say that. “How can you tell?” I asked. “Us werewolf’s don’t like the smell of vampire’s. He smells too sweet for me and only a bloodsucker would smell like that.” “Oh. . .” I said a little confused. It got really quite then and I ate the rest of my animal cookies. All of the sudden, Jacob said “Hey Bella, the bloodsucker is staring at you.” I turned my head to the side slowly, seeing that Jacob was right and looked right back at the table.
    “Oh s**t, what do I do now” I thought to myself. I was panicking. Then something ice cold tapped my shoulder. I froze, I lifted my head slowly. Edward stood above me, my eyes widened. He was… he was… was so beautiful. I wanted to touch his face, to feel his frozen skin. He was flawless… I sighed… His mouth moved but I heard no words, I was lost in his trance. Jacob touched my shoulder, his touch was hot and it woke me from my trance. I blinked, then looked at him. “Huh? Oh sorry.” I said being a little embarrassed. He looked at me with one of his eyebrows rise and then wrinkled his nose up at Edward. Edward glared down at Jacob and then had a peaceful smile on when he turned to me. I looked up at Edward and then back at Jacob, I gave Jacob the eye to shoo. He sighed and got up. “Well, see you in class Bella… Edward…” he said, shooting a glare at Edward. Jacob left, I was happy but a little bit scared because I was with a so called Vampire. I rolled my eyes at the thought. Edward cocked his head, “What are you thinking?” I forgot that he was even there, I was so lost in thought. “Oh..um..sorry I forgot you were here…heh..” “Well, what was it that you were thinking about?” he asked again. “It-it’s nothing” I stuttered. “Ok” he said, suddenly reaching out and brushing his hand down my face. I gasped at his touch and he pulled away. “I-I’m sorry. I’m just a little shocked” I said stud. He looked confused, but then his face changed to worry. “Did I do something wrong? I am truly sorry if I have.” He said. “No no no, I-It was just a little different” I said. His face went blank as he got up from the table. I stared at him blankly as he walked away, I didn’t want him to leave. I got up and caught his arm. He froze, it was freezing; he was freezing. He pulled away from me, I stood there; looking blankly at him. “What’s wrong? Did I say something wrong? You just left, I’m confused.” I said, confused still. He sighed and put his hands into his face. “I’m sorry” he said then walked away. I watched him leave me, alone. A tear drop ran down my face. I touched my face, “oh god, why am I crying?” The bell rang and Jacob came down the hall. He saw me crying and ran to me. “Oh god Bella, what did he do? Did he hurt you; I’ll kill that b*****d if he did.” “No, I have no Idea why I’m crying, I just am.” I said with more tears coming down my face. Just then someone brushed me and an ice cold shock went through my body; I fainted.
    I woke in a room with lights beaming down on me. “ugh…” I said, covering my eyes. Something hot touch my arm, it was Jacob; I could tell without even opening my eyes. “Bella? Can you hear me, Bella?” Jacob put his hand on my face, it felt good to have his warm hand on my face. I moaned and he pulled away. “no, put your hand back” I searched for his hand and found that it was on my face again. “Bella, do you remember what happened?” Jacob asked in a soft voice. I open my eyes and looked at him. His eyes widen, he looked away. I tried to get up, but it hurt so much that I couldn’t. I moaned louder and louder holding my stomach. “Jacob what’s wrong with me? Why are you scared of me, why are you looking away.” I almost screamed in pain. He looked back to me, “Bella here look at yourself” he told me handing me the mirror. I grabbed it and put it up to my face, I screamed.