• it was cold,and wet. they started to slow down,and so did i.i spun with my katana ready to strike.the warden smirked.he whispered something to the guard and came charging to me with twin blades,giving out a war-cry.
    i attacked.he knocked me down and i felt something pointy and cold on my chin.
    -i shall kill you myself,but.
    he took the blade away and put a hand to my mouth and nose.
    -with my hands.
    i was scared, too weak to fight him off.then someone attacked him from behind,and wouldnt let him live.he killed the rest of the guards then turned to me and said
    -are you alright?
    -yes thank-you.
    he was about my height and he had brown hair with black streaks.a handsome face and long nose with a sensitive mouth.he had brown eyes and dark skin,and had a ripped shirt that revealed a muscled chest.he was gorgious!
    -stop!i thought.you know what happened to the last one.-
    but i couldnt resist.
    -here lemme help you up.
    he gave out a hand and helped me to my feet.he looked me over like i did then said
    -if you want come with me and ill bring you to me and my buddies hideout.we have food and water and some place to sleep.
    i thought about it
    -it could be a trap,said one of my inner voices.but if it was he wouldnt have killed those guards.-
    -ok ill go with you.hold on a moment.
    i picked up my bag and checked its contents.it was all there.
    -i dont think i got your name.mines mino saman
    -mines salla serav
    i hung my katana on my belt,then he led the way.