• Robyn Wisewalker is a witch. No, she’s not a mean old hag with warts all over her nose. She’s a spell-casting, candle-lighting, herb-growing witch. She practices magick, using natural energies to make life better, which is what being a witch is all about. Just starting high school, she’s never been very popular. Everyone is afraid of her because of her “witchy” ways. They always make fun of her for it too, so she’s developed a sharp personality toward the other students. Self-confident, she’s never afraid to let people know that she’s a witch. Smarts are definitely on her side. She gets straight A’s, but with such natural talent, she has plenty of free time to think, which can sometimes get her in trouble.

    She doesn’t have many friends, and the ones she does have either are witches, too, or want to be. Her best friend in the world, Sammi, was the only girl in the first grade that would play with her. Sammi now looks up to Robyn, and wants to be a witch too. Robyn’s other two friends, Eric and V, are witches like she, and their parents are in the same coven. This band of friends is now braving high school the best they can, with each other for support in a world that seems to hate them.

    “I have gym after lunch,” Robyn said sitting down next to her friends V and Eric.

    Sammi sat across from Robyn, “Me, too. That should be fun. We can talk about our summers.”

    “Sammi, you were with me all summer. There’s nothing to talk about,” Robyn said, rolling her hazel eyes.

    “Details. Details. Then you could teach me some new spells. You know I need the practice,” Sammi said, waving at a guy walking past.

    “V, what do you have after lunch?” Robyn asked.

    V, with his eyes closed, replied, “I have Calculus 2. We only have lunch and Creative Writing together.”

    “Yeah, I heard Mrs. Brueggeman was a great teacher for that class,” Eric said. “It’s a good thing we all have that class together.”

    “Oh, look, it speaks,” Sammi laughed.

    “Well, you talk so much, it’s hard to get a word in,” Eric retorted.

    Sammi stuck her tongue out at him. “So, Creative Writing is 7th hour, right? I can’t wait.”

    “You’ve got to get through Gym first Sammi. Patience,” Robyn said.

    “That word is not in my vocabulary,” Sammi said, waving at another guy walking past. He gave her a weird look and walked faster. “Oh, well. There’s always another fish.”

    “You do know that we are the least popular group in this whole school?” Robyn Commented

    “So, a girl can dream, right?”

    Robyn rolled her eyes. “I’ll light a candle for you. Or maybe two, one’s not enough.”

    Before Sammi could defend herself the bell rang. “Time for Gym,” she said, picking up her tray. “Maybe we’ll find some cute guys there, too.”

    “You really are hopeless, aren’t you,” Eric commented.

    “You better believe it,” Sammi said with a huge grin. “See you in Creative Writing.”

    “Bye,” V and Eric said in unison.

    Coach Clemens was the biggest scariest looking guy Robyn and Sammi have ever seen. He had biceps bigger than their heads and towered over everyone in the gymnasium.

    “I bet you sissies thought that we would have an easy day in here,” Coach’s voice rumbled like thunder through the gym. “Well, you thought wrong. Just because it’s the first day of school, doesn’t mean anything. After your now daily half mile run for a warm up, we’ll be playing capture the football. Now get running.”

    “Capture the football!? Well, this just sucks,” Sammi muttered, while they started their laps.

    “It could be worse. Imagine with me… ‘Smear the Queer.’ We’d probably be it all the time.”

    “Good point.”

    They finished running and the coach divided everyone up into teams. Sammi and Robyn cheered as they were put on the same team.

    “Hey look, who’s that cutie?” Sammi asked.

    “Hey, Zackhia,” another boy called out. The ‘cutie’ turned to see who called.

    “What’s up Jer?”

    “Zackhia. He’s cute,” Sammi said.

    “You’re repeating yourself again, but you’re right, he is kinda cute.”

    “I saw him first, he’s mine.”

    Robyn and Sammi were so busy talking, they didn’t notice the game had begun. They also didn’t notice that Zackhia had already got the football from their side and was running back. They didn’t even see he was running right at them to escape being captured by another teammate. However, they did notice when he plowed into Robyn, full force.

    “Ow, that hurt,” Robyn said, rubbing her head. “I think he broke something.”

    “No, he looks fine. He’s still running to the other side.”

    “On me! Not him. You can have him, he didn’t even try to dodge me, and he didn’t even care to see if I was alright,” Robyn stood up, but was still a little wobbly.

    "Are you okay?" a girl asked. "I saw Zackhia run you over. I'm Julia."

    "I'm Robyn. Does he always do that?"

    "Run people over? No, but he doesn't care much about pain. He never seems to get hurt, ever."

    "Well, just once, I wish he'd know what it felt like to be hurt," Robyn said, imagining Zackhia twisting his ankle, and howling in pain.

    “Yeah, wouldn’t that be something,” Julia laughed.