Summery: You're awesome at a certain Chinese board game. The same one, in fact, that Iroh loves. So when you wind up on Zhao's ship threw a mystical portal you can only see one way out of Zhaos evil grasp, and that's getting invited onto prince Zuko's ship. Hopefully youll be able to keep out of trouble on it; then again, maybe not You X Zuko
Chapter: 1 You and your big mouth
"How is it you can go into every store in the mall and find the most depressing and dark thing in there?" Your mother yelled out in defeat.
You sweat dropped as numerous people in the mall looked at you two. Your mother took no notice as you moved to the center of the mall where the food court was.
"First of all there not depressing and second, its a gift." You said smiling happily as you skipped along, your mother sighing as she trailed closely behind you.
Walking along your eye caught the large word that was your favorite when in the mall
Stopping while ignoring your mother's grunt of disapproval after almost running into you, you inspected the sign further.
'Free DVD when you sign up for our E-mailing list.'
Looking up you noticed a man in a green and brown uniform. His face was partly covered by a round Chinese style hat. He kept his head bent down making you frown.
'He sure is secretive for a sales man.' You thought but grabbed the near by form and began to fill it out.
Name, address, phone number, age, and E-Mail were printed with blanks after each one.
'Easy enough' You thought filling it out and handing it to the man.
He nodded silently and scanned the page to make sure you had filled it out properly. Moving behind him he began digging threw a knap sack. He hesitated for a moment as if deciding something. Then his shoulder sagged in almost defeat and then turned, his Chinese hat still tipped and handed you a DVD.
Smiling you thanked him and moved on with your mom studying the DVD cover.
The title 'Avatar' was written at the top. You knew your friend was a major avatar fan but you had never really asked her about the show and she in return didn't try to force you into it.
It had a picture of a boy in the middle with an arrow on his bald head and hands, innocent green eyes and a smile. He wore red and yellow clothing and held a wooden staff in his hand.
Next to him, though a little more distant, was a young man in a red suit of armor. Most of his head was bald except for a pony tail in the back. He had a nasty looking scare over his left (???) eye. Despite the burn he must have gotten, both his golden eyes shown clearly. He held out his palm that had a small flame dancing in it while the other arm lay limply at his side. Unlike the boy the teen had a serious look about him.
On the other side of the boy you had deemed Mr. Arrow Head was a girl around the same age as the other two. She had long brown hair that was tied into a braid. She had gentle ocean blue eyes and a kind smile that curved into somewhat of a smirk. She wore blue clothing that had bits of white fuzzies (or at least that’s what you called them) on the end of the front flap of the fighting uniform and on the top of her shoes. She held a holder in one hand and seemed to be magically pulling water out of it with the other.
Next to the boy with the golden eyes was an older man in the same kind of clothing on. He was shorter that the boy and had graying hair. He had the same color eyes as the boy but unlike his counterpart, he had a wise fox like smile on his face. He held a steaming cup of tea with both hands.
Taking in more you noticed a boy that was slightly behind Mr. Arrow Head. He didn't have any hair except for a strip that went down the middle of his head that ended in a pony tail. She had keen blue eyes and clothing that seemed to be a boy version of the girls which meant it lacked the fuzz as well as a few other differences. He held a boomerang in one hand while the other seemed ready to defend him. Despite his warrior out look he had a kind smile on.
As long as it's free. ^_^
Zuko! *huggles DVD*
You silently wondered if they where one big group since the two in red seemed more distant from the other three.
'I guess Ill find out later' You thought as your mother and you headed to the food court.
Next morning
You awoke slowly not wanting it to be morning yet. You weren't much of a morning person. Looking over to the clock you realized it was almost 11. For a second you panicked but then took a sigh of relief realizing it was Saturday. Shivering slightly because of the winter weather you snatched one of your black hoodies and pulled it over your black wife beater (I think that’s what there called, I’m not sure though ^^u).
You moved from your bed standing up to take a quick look into the mirror noting that the only thing showing now was your black pajama pants that had a strip of white silk on the bottom of each pant leg.
Yawning and stretching lazily you moved from you room to the kitchen collapsing into one of the chairs at the table still half a sleep.
"Sleep well?" Your mother chuckled in a much better mood now. Yea, she was a morning person.
"Mmmph." You mumbled incoherently.
"I'll take that as a 'yes' seeing as you're still a sleep." She said taking out a plate and putting on the eggs she had made. (Sorry if you don’t like eggs.) The smell of the breakfast woke you the rest of the way up as you gave her a thankful smile. She may not have been the coolest mom in the world but man could she cook, you had to give her that.
'Kudos to mom.' You thought smiling as you ate the food that had been placed in front of you.
You smiled happily as you finished up and moved into the kitchen to put your plate on the sink. As you walked toward the open kitchen which connected to the dinning room you notice the verity of suit cases by the door that led to the outside.
"Oh yea that’s right, your leaving on your business trip today right?" You asked as she nodded taking your plate from you.
"You seem pretty excited to see me go." You mom chuckled as your gave an innocent look.
"I'm a teenager who now has the house all to her lone some, now why would I be happy?" You said in a sarcastic yet humorous tone.
Your mom and you both laughed whole heartedly.
"Just remember, you can invite up to 5 friends per night but no boys in your room." Your mom said seriously. You rolled your eyes.
"Yea, yea, yea." You said waving your hand in and up and down motion dismissing your moms on coming lecture.
"Okay then. I’m off." She said cheerfully as you both moved toward her suit cases. Helping her with them you hoisted them into the car easily.
'Thank you for light packing.' You thought to yourself smiling as you waved your mom off.
As soon as you mom was out of sight you turned and bounded inside leaping onto the couch. Snatching the remote with lightning speed you clicked the on button. You had set up the DVD last night so the main page appeared on the screen instantly.
Smiling evilly you moved to the special features instead of the play button. A friend of yours had always scolded you for it seeing as a lot of the time it gave away spoilers.
'Well, since I’ve only heard about this from my friend it really won't make much of a difference.' You chuckle as you click the enter button. Changing screens with a clip from the movie more options appeared.
Portal, sketches, languages, and character bios.
Portal! Portal!
Sketches! I want to see Zuko-Sama!
Languages! I want to watch it en espanol. (Tu estas loco?)
Character Bios! I want to learn everyone’s deepest secrets! MWAHAHAHA! (o.0 Some how I don't think it includes that much information...)
"Hmmm, I wonder what the portal feature is..." You muttered to yourself in curiosity.
Pushing enter it once again changed screens. At the top it says:
This set up is a new feature that we have added to Avatar DVDs in order to help our fans feel like they are actually apart of the Avatar world. Please press enter to enter into the adventurous world of Avatar!
You interest peaked you moved the curser to high light enter and pressed it. With that the screen began to warp and stretch. A strong wind suddenly consumed the entire room as you let a yelp of surprise.
'I'm being sucked in!' You thought frantically trying to hang onto the couch as the wind became so strong it lifted your entire body off the ground.
Finally your grip gave out and you where sucked in. Between the turning and twisting and the fact that your body felt as if it would be ripped apart you let out a scream of terror and fell into the darkness of your mind.
"HEY! Hey, wake up!" You groaned as you began to be shaken a wake by someone.
"Mmmph, five more minutes mom." You muttered trying to turn a way.
"Hey! Wake up lazy." A giggle caught your attention as your senses began to become more aware of the voice.
"Huh?" You eyes slowly opened to find a girl hovering over you. She had long brown hair and chocolate brown eyes.
"Wah!" You yelled out as both you and her fell back in surprise.
"Nyah! Who are you?!" You yelled pointing an accusing finger at her.
"I should be asking you the same question! I mean, after all, you where assigned to my bunk after being found unconscious in the forest." She shouted back recovering from your out burst.
'Bunk?' You thought blinking taking a quick look around the room.
All the walls where metal with various posters that you didn't bother to decipher; you your self where sitting in the bottom bunk of a bunk bed. You didn't bother taking in anything else as the only thing you could seem to process was that it wasn’t your room.
"Where am I?!" You shouted in surprise.
"My bunk!" The girl repeated crossly. Now that you looked back at her you realized she was around your age. She wore a red T-shirt, brown capree’s and black fighting shoes. A red apron was tied around her neck and waist.
"Well I know that, but where is your bunk?" You asked trying to keep your patience.
"A fire nation ship; I work here and from now on so do you." She informed you, a bit more calmly now.
"You work here now, or at least until we get to the next port. Do you know who you are? You had a pretty nasty bump on your head when you where found." The woman said now seemingly more concerned than anything.
"Come to think of it my head does kinda hurt." You said cringing as your hand came in contact with a bunch of bandages.
"Uh, yea I’m Y.N." You said blinking up at her.
"Sweet, I'm Yumi, now c’mon we have to get going! Can you stand?" She asked holding out her hand.
"Dunno." You muttered taking hers. She pulled you up with surprising ease.
Walking a few steps in a testing manor Yumi didn't give you long as she took your hand and pushed you into the bathroom.
"Here, put these on." She said throwing some clothes at you and shutting the door on you. Blinking you clumsily took your pajamas off and put the clothes Yumi gave you.
Looking in the mirror you discovered that they where identical to Yumi’s except she hadn’t supplied an apron.
Walking out Yumi gave an approving nod before grabbing your wrist and dragged you out of the room into a hall.
"C'mon, we need to get going or General Zhao might find out and think where slacking off." Yumi said as you passed down another passage way.
"General Zhao?" You questioned quirking an eye brow as you came to the end of the hall. Yumi stopped and began opening the door.
'Now where have I heard that name before?' You think putting yourself in a pondering stance.
"Yea, you know; the guy in charge, the one who will burn us to a crisp if we don't get out there." You new friend said as she tugged you along out the door into the afternoon sun.
"Burn us to a crisp?" You asked as you where pulled along the side of the boat to another door. Pulling it open you where then taken into what appeared to be a kitchen.
"Miguel! I got your new recruit!" yelled Mika.
"Oye, the girl they found unconscious in the forest?" Came the gruff voice as a hefty man appeared around the corner.
"Yea Y.N. This is Miguel, the ships chief chef." Mika said smiling as the man came nearer to inspect you. He had short wavy black hair and crystal blue eyes.
A cigar hung from his lips as you scrunched up your nose but then gave an indifferent look as it was his choice to smoke, you where no one to judge. He wore a red tattered and stained shirt with white pants that also had stains in them. You figured he had different clothing on because he was of higher ranking than you and Mika.
"So you finally woke up did you?"
He questioned placing his thick yet massive hands on his wide hips.
All in all he was a very big guy, twice your size in fact, both in looks and bulk. It would have intimidated you more if you hadn't noticed his smart alike smile and the twinkle in his eyes. You couldn't help but smile a little and reply,
"Yes sir." He made a face of dislike.
"Don’t call me sir, Miguel is the name." He said holding out his massive hand for you to shake.
All in all, if he had had a beard he would have reminded you of Hagrid from Harry Potter. You did so hesitantly. He proceeded to shake the appendage with surprising softness.
"Okay, now, you got all the cleaning done right?" Miguel asked looking over to Yumi for conformation.
"Yea, of course, you know I would never slack." Yumi chuckled huffed.
"Okay, now, time for cookin', Yumi, your usual job, and Y.N. was it? You get to peel potatoes. It's the standard starting rank in the kitchen." Miguel informed as you nodded having no complaint.
You knew how to cook a few things but you had feeling they might have stuff you'd probably have never heard of. Moving over the high stack of potatoes you sat on the stood and began to wheedle a way at the skin with the knife Miguel had handed you before letting you walk a way.
And so you peeled.
And peeled..
Wait for it
And peeled some more....
Pretty soon the kitchen seemed livelier than ever and you where put to work for more than just peeling potatoes. It was so hectic you almost spilled trays of food or bowls of liquid at least 50 times. Eventually you where put into waitress duty. Managing to balance the tray on your hand you made your way out of the double doors. Moving over to the table you saw decorated with food people had already brought out. You where in charge of, wouldn't yea know it, small handless cups filled with piping hot steaming liquid we call tea that was for the general him self. Biting down on your lower lip you moved closer to the table. Before you managed to get there however, a bit of a commotion arose.
"I don't care if I asked for it cold. I changed my mind, I want it hot. Then again, I'm sure you wouldn't mind challenging me to an Agnikai." The general smirked.
He looked like he was middle aged and had brown hair that was tied up in a bun symbolizing his high ranking. He had both a beard and long side burns. He wore red armor that you remembered the boy and old man from the DVD you had been watching last night. The small girl looked positively terrified.
Wait THE UNIFORM! The DVD! The merge! That's must have been what moved you here then again, where was here? You knew it was on a ship but-
"Nnno." The girl stammered bringing you out of your stupor. You frowned.
"Hey, you don’t have to be such a jerk about it." You gasped realizing what you had just said and who the guy was.
The captain of a ship, your boss, a fire bender (From which you had heard from Yumi was a person who could bend fire to use as attacks or defenses.) and you had basically just royally pissed him off.
'Aw Crud'
Jeeze What a jerk!
Oh boy...
C'mon! I can take him!
... (Aren't you going to say anything?)
Okies, sorry but that's the end of the first chapter, hope you enjoyed it. ^^ Please R/R
No way! This fic sucked! (Great, now tell me how you really feel -_-)
... (You really aren’t going to say anything are you?)
Hope you all liked it, here’s a pic. as a special treat for being patient with me ^^
Chapter: 2- What’s an Agnikai?
"Excuse me?" The general asked standing up quickly only to knock the tea from your balancing arm, spilling it all over you two. You shouted out in surprise and pain as he did the same.
"You insolent wretch!" He yelled making you flinch. A memory flashing threw your mind.
"You!" He yelled back handing you. -1
You froze in fear, not of the general but of the dark figure that loomed over you in your mind.
"How dare you insult me, and then spill tea on me." He growled. Your memory began to fade as you senses began to return to you.
"What do you have to say for yourself?" He demanded. At first you didn't reply, still recovering from your shock.
"Well?!" He shouted impatiently. This time you replied, though it wasn't exactly how you wanted it to come out as.
I'm sorry, I'm sorry! *begins crying*
Go jump off the boat!
Shut it or I'll burn you to a crisp! (Me: Uh... You don't know how to fire bend...) ...
... (Nice to see you back again)
"Shut up you’re giving me a head ace!" You yelled instantly regretting it. You where so confused and disoriented at this point you really shouldn't have been surprise by it.
"That's it. You will learn to know your place! Agnikai, tonight after I am finished cleaning this mess you have spilled on me!" With that he turned on his heal and stormed out. Leaving you stunned. Yumi burst threw the kitchen door a few moments later.
"Y.N.! Kimi told me what happened! You insulted the general?" Yumi said in a shocked manor. You assumed that Kimi was the girl who had originally been being threatened as she was now gone from the room.
"Worse I yelled at him." You said still staring at the door in shock.
"You what?!" Yumi shouted in disbelief making you cringe slightly; turning to her to look worriedly.
"He he said he was going to challenge this girl to an Agnikai I think he called it. She was so scared, it was dumb, he had asked for the dish cold anyways! He was being a jerk It just kinda, well spilled out." You sputtered threw the recap.
"Oye, that wasn't good, he could have challenged you to an Agnikai! Actually, I'm surprised he didn't" She muttered the last part to her-self.
"Uh actually He kinda did." You said blinking. You where getting a bad feeling about this.
"Holy-" Yumi muttered putting a hand on her head.
"Yumi," You said carefully.
"What's an Agnikai?" You asked blinking. Some how you knew it wasn't simply him inviting you to tea. Yumi looked at you wide eyed.
"Y.N.! It's a fight between two fire benders." Yumi exclaimed. (Cue special Dun, Dun, Dun music.) "But I don’t know how to fire bend!" You shouted back; panic rising in your stomach.
"Aw crap." Yumi muttered in fear.
Oh I know I should have said sorry, why didn't you let me say sorry?! (Me: Well, like it said in the first chapter, you have a tendency to speak without thinking.)
So what, I'll punch his lights out! Who cares about fire bending!
No worries! Zuko will save me. (Me: You haven't ever even met Zuko yet) So, I know he'll save me!
... (Me:...)
Right after the shocking revelation and your confession she had grabbed your hand and pulled you back threw the kitchen, explained to Miguel the situation and then practically dragged you back to your room and threw some clothing at you.
"These are proper Agnikai clothing." She had said immediately ushering you into the bathroom. Now you where fully dressed in blood red clothing.
Your top consisted of two layers; the first one was a rose red tub top. Over tops was a slightly darker shade of red tunic like over coat that was tied from the back and front by a black sash. The bottom was a pair of pants whose legs where really big and baggy. They sort of reminded you of a skirt. You where to fond of them but they made it easier to move around in. Your shoes where similar to the generals only the color of them was black instead of red and weren't pointy. Around your wrists where red cuff links; your arms where bare other than the gold arm bracelet that Yumi had given to you for luck. You emerged from the bathroom slightly gripping your arm nervously.
"How do I look?" You muttered blushing slightly.
*nod nod* Not bad, not bad.
*Winks at a random mirror* Lookin' good.
YUK! Horrible taste in clothes Yumi! (Me: Grouchy much.)
Here's what your clothing looks like (It's Toph wearing it so it's not what your features look like as I have already promised that you would threw this entire fic):
(If it doesn't show up here's the link:
http://photobucket.com/mediadetail/?media=http://i227.photobucket.com/albums/dd112/agnes_hell/toph.jpg&searchTerm=fire nation&pageOffset=12 )
I tweaked it a bit as far as coloring and the cape goes but its fairly close.
Wow, that puts it in much better perspective!
*Winks again* Still lookin' good. (Me: *rolls eyes)
Like I said, horrible. (Me: TT.TT)
... (You won't even talk for a picture?)
"Great! We're lucky you and I are about the same size. Now, I'll teach you a few basic fire moves." She said confidently.
"Uh, I don't kno-" Your protest was cut short by her yank on your arm as you where dragged out of the room and down some halls to the deck and then towards to front of the ship.
"Okay, now, here is a basic stance." She said as you stopped in a large open space you assumed to be the training ground that the general had mentioned. She spread her feet apart and put her hands in a simple position. (I have no clue what I'm doing, so you guys get to use your imagination.)
"Keep your hands closer together, centered. That way it won't leave you open for a direct attack." You nod and move your hands to match hers.
"Okay, now, remember when you where angry with the general?" Yumi said as you nodded curiously.
"Well, remember how that felt and direct the energy and emotion into your fist as you feel the suns warmth and then jab you fist forward like this." She said moving to the side and taking a deep breath. Jabbing her fist forward a flame was produced and was shot forward.
It flew over the ships railing and steadily dropped until it hit the water making a hissing sound; a fair distance a way.
You looked at you fist nervously. You had extreme doubts about being able to fire bend. You where pretty sure you weren't from here (where ever here was) and there for, pretty sure you couldn't fire bend. Pushing your doubt aside you closed your eyes remembering the General's stupid comment and how it made you so agitated that he had scared that poor girl. Breathing in you calmed you self, directing your attention to the suns warm, calming rays. Feeling your fist tingle you took in a breath and shot your fist forward in a right strait. Opening your eyes in time to see a small fire ball come forth from your fist and moved not even half as far as Yumi's and designate in mid-air.
"Oye, I forgot how sucky people are when they first start." Yumi said rubbing the back of her head.
Meanie! *points a Yumi* (Me: Well she is kinda right...)
Ok...now tell me how you really feel.
Keh! Just you wait! I'll get better, then I'll burn you all to a crisp MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! (Me: o.0 *backs a way slowly*)
... (Well at least you're not as loud as the others)
"Jeeze tell me how you really feel." You muttered looking at her like this: -_- She laughed nervously.
"Ok, why don't we focus on breaking stances instead?" Yumi said sweat dropping.
"Yea, probably since I only probably have a few more minutes." You replied nodding in agreement.
So for about 15 minutes she taught you the basics of fire bending stances and how to break them. You learned pretty quickly. When you tried to fire bend again, however, anyone could see you definitely weren’t a natural. Just as you where about to start another stance a gong rang out. Both of you over to where the loud sound had come from only to find the general in a pair of fire nation pants and no shirt smirking at you with the ut most confidence.
'Ew' Was your first thought but as you further studied you opponent (while being dragged toward the arena by Yumi) you realized he was extremely fit and there for, much stronger than you.
'Not good' You thought.
'Seriously, is the universe against me or something?' You continued to anime cry in your head as he turned and bent down into a kneeling stance, facing a way from you. A cape with a flame on it (that you assumed was the fire nation’s symbol) was placed on his back. Yumi instructed you to copy him as she draped the same red cape over your shoulders. Nervousness bloomed within your stomach, you where so nervous you felt sick.
"Yumi, I don't think I can do this" you gulped looking down.
"Hey, General Zhao is impatient and throws wild shots. I've seen him in practice. You can beat him; just remember how to break his stances." Yumi coasts in a confident manor.
"I'm more concerned about these wild shots. I mean, I can't even shoot a decent fire blast." You muttered concerned. "Don't worry, I'll have the ref call the match, he's a friend of mine." Yumi winked. The gong sounded as you smiled back to Yumi, a bit more relieved now as you turned to face him with a serious face. Clenching your fist you waited patiently for him to make his first move.
I can't do this! I'm not a fighter! I bruise easily! (Me: -_-u Chill out.)
*Looks at the general again* EWWWWWWW! *Is about to puke*
Enough talkie, more fightie! (Me: You sound like Goku from Saiyuki XD)
You didn't have to wait long though as he drew in a breath and spoke out loudly and confidently.
"You will be my example to all who are foolish enough to anger me." He boasted smirking at you.
A great anger built up within you at this. Man did this guy have the ability to piss you off. With that he crouched into a fire bending stance as you did the same. He thrust his fist out with such speed you nearly had no time to react as you stumbled out of the way only to loose your balance and fall on your butt.
'Crud.' You cursed as you scrambled out of the way.
The small audience of the ships crew also ducked as some of his shots flew past you almost smack dab on where their heads used to be. Trying to get closer to him you began to try to fall forward in order to avoid the blast. Your hair got singed a couple of times but for the most part managed to remain unharmed. By the time you got close enough to even think of firing a shot of your own you where sweating from the intense heat that the fire being shot around you had caused. Taking a big breath you formed a fist and shot one of your own pathetic fire balls at him only to have it collide with one of his own fire balls. The collision created a mini explosion pretty close to you making you fly backwards in surprise as his blast had more power to it. Groaning you hear Yumi yell something at you. Snapping your eyes open just in time to see a large ball of fire shot at you. Gasping in surprise you jumped out of the way only to land on your side, skidding. You cried out in pain as the flesh of your arm was grated against the stone pavement covered ring.
"Y.N.!" Yumi cried out worriedly.
"C'mon, get up!" A new voice caught your attention. You looked up to see Miguel had joined into your little cheering section. Growling against the burning feeling that prickled at your torn skin you hoisted yourself up glaring at the smirking general.
"Haven't learned your place yet?" The general mocked.
"I know my place, and it isn't underneath you." You shouted. He growled and once again you realized you had shot your mouth off before thinking. A vain popped out of his temple as he shot a fire blast toward you. This time though, you where ready for it; dodging it you smiled.
"Whoa! Wild shot!" You chuckled watching it burn and ashen a near by metal wall.
"I'll show you wild!" *1 He shouted sending another shot toward you. You moved as swiftly as you could. This time you wouldn’t let him take the advantage. Adrenalin pumped threw your veins as you moved from side to side; avoiding every blow he threw became increasingly bigger, yet slightly more off target.
"You don't know when to give up!" He yelled laughing at you.
"I just don't like giving up! There's a difference!" *2 You shouted dodging one last black and ducking down into a crouching position and spinning with one leg stuck out tripping the general. He gave a yelp of surprise as he fell heavily onto the ground. You moved over top of him pulling your fist back. As soon as he got his breath back he growled at you.
"Do it." He growled. His eye's daring you. Grounding your teeth together you glared down at him.
"No. I may not be smart enough to know when to hold my tong but I at least know the difference between right and wrong." You muttered as you moved a way from him. Sighing you smiled as Yumi cheered and Miguel gave you a thumbs up. You grinned back and waved but hesitated as Yumi gasped.
I won... I won! Woot woot! Go me, Go me! (Me: Wow... that sure put you confidence up a bit...)
Wait... What's Yumi gasping about? Is she that surprised I won? (Me: No...)
Yea, uh huh! Told you I'd burn him to a crisp! (Me: You didn't though, but you did beat him ^^) Well why didn't I? He deserved it! (Me:...)
... (You really have nothing to say? You just won your first Agnikai...)
Turning back you had just enough time to gasp as a fire ball was sent your way and collided into your arm and partly onto your back. You shouted in pain as you fell to the ground rolling around trying to sooth the pain in your burnt and bleeding arm and back. A cry that wasn't your own could be head from the back ground but you where in so much pain you didn't even try to open your shut eyes.
"Y.N. Y.N.!" Yumi's urgent voice caught your attention as you tried to open your eyes enough to squint and look to the now darkened sky and Yumi's worried face that loomed over you.
"Y.N. are you O.K.?" Yumi asked; her voice frantic.
"Just peachy." You muttered, chuckling lightly as you gripped your arm.
"C'mon, let's get you down to the med room and treat that." Came Miguel's gruff voice. Huge strong arms circled around you, careful to avoid your skinned and burned arm.
"It looks like he got her arm pretty badly, right where she skidded against the pavement too. It seemed to spread onto a bit of her back too." Miguel said in a tight tone. He was so calm.
'I wonder if he was a doctor before he was a cook.' You thought absentmindedly.
"Nnn, doesn't sound painful at all." You muttered sarcastically as exhaustion and pain washed over you. Your eyes drooped and you began to fall a sleep.
"Go ahead, rest, you deserve it." Miguel's warm voice comforted you as you slipped into your dreams.
I told you I couldn't do this, I told you! (Me: You sure changed your tune quickly. -_-u)
*Is in dream land*
Why that son of a- Let me at 'em! Let me at 'em! (Me: You unconscious though...) So What, I'll kill 'em in my sleep!
... (Are you awake or a sleep like I wrote?)
Wow 0.o that took forever! I actually enjoy writing it quite a bit though ^^ I haven't written an all out battle in quite a while.
1: Those lines are from when Zuko and Zhao had they're Agnikai. ^_^
2: I got these two lines from the 3rd InuYasha movie. I felt that they where quite appropriate for the scene. ^^
Please R/R Thankies in advanced ^^
Thank goodness! I don't think I could have taken much more of that! You really beat me up! (Me: Sorry... I just can't resist.)
What?! Your stopping there! *Wines* (Wow, now I kinda feel bad... sorry... ^^u I'll update asap.)
Keh! Good riddance. This story sucks anyways. (Me: TT.TT Jeeze, hash much. If you hate so much why are you still reading the second chapter?) ... (Me: That's what I thought.)
... (Me: It was nice talking with you...)
Thank you for reading 'The fire within his heart' ^^ *Bows*
Ok quick explination: -1 is basically a quick flash back to you seeing a dark figgure looming over you and then back handing you while yelling that, is like when you have a bad memory and certain things or words remind you of it and you have a quick flash of memory, sorry if it confused anyone ^^u
- by Riku Tsumi |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 09/06/2008 |
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- Title: The Fire Within His Heart1+2
- Artist: Riku Tsumi
This is a Zuko / Avatar: The last air bender Fanfiction Chapter 1 and 2 and a reader insert just so everone knows ^^u.
Summery: You somehow are transported through your TV because of mysterious free DVD given to you by an anonimous sales man in the mall, now you end up on a fire navy ship and soon become one of General Iroh's favorite people because of certain pi sho game. (warning, this does not all happen in one chapter ^^u) - Date: 09/06/2008
- Tags: zuko avatar romance adventure chapter1
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Comments (1 Comments)
- aikoeri - 10/17/2008
- its relly relly long i only got 2 were u get succed into the tv but its relly good
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