• Daughter of a pirate...
    Born during a storm, her mother laid her down in her cradle then suddenly the ship hit a rock and slowly sank. Her mother threw her overboard in her wooden cradle so her daughter would survive. She floated till she landed on a island. Wild wolves took her as their own and raised her them selves. She sprouted a tail because of her connection with the wolves that raised her. People around her found out she was a daughter of a famous pirate at that time. They gave her clothes that were specially made for her so the she was recognizable. One day a band of pirates came to that island. she followed them around because she had learned that they were pirates. One night, she asked the leader who they were. They recognized her immediately in some odd way. The leader proclaimed that she was the daughter of his brother. The young girl gasped. The leader asked her if she wanted to come with him to his sister-in-law her mother, and her father had died in the storm] or stay with the wolves that had raised her. She cried and cried. But finally she said That she would rather stay with the wolves that had raised her and the people that had helped her then go to her mother which she barely knew. The leader of the band of pirates [her uncle] understood perfectly. He left and gave the news to his sister-in-law. She demanded to be brought with him to once again visit her daughter. The mother and daughter had finally reunited and the mother lived with the girl on the island. The people accepted her as one of them immediately but the wolves didn't allow her to come near them. The wolves eventually allowed the mother to stay with them in their den. The girl is now married to a straggler who was in a ship wreck and she died happily, surrounded by her husband, her son, her wolf family, her mother, and the towns people.