• Chapter 3 - Arriving at Jalkwia..

    Drakutha and Seirta have longed to fight Shimaru Chinto,Considering he was powerful and they would finally get to test their new powers out.But there was a twist in the plan.."So,What do you think will happen at Jalkwia?",asked Elrokk."Nothing much.Just loads of work and magic and sorcery and stuff like that..",Replied Seirta.They had just arrived at Merthintal.They were walking down the filled streets,Looking up at the skies where Brooms and flying magical carpets flew gracefully."Ouch!",said Drakutha,Looking forward.Shimaru Chinto was in front of him."Hello,Our fight has been cancelled until you are at Christmas break from Jalkwia.Then we shall fight..",He said,Smirking."Oh....Ok.",Said Drakutha.Sort of disappointed.They had seen a swish of a cloak and he was gone."That was weird.",said Seirta..Worried."Yeah.I guess he kind of understands we are going to need more spells and magic and sorcery guidance at Jalkwia.",Said Elrokk Hopefully.

    They had came to Remanda;The town in which the Train station was.As they had opened the doors of the train station.They saw the portrait of the Old lady and her dog sitting quietly on a old porch just west of Tumaron."Uhh...Barfowl!",said Drakutha.Seirta stepped through the portal first.Then Elrokk,Then Drakutha.The train was maroon and had a black whistle.On the side it said Jalkwia Academy.They had looked around at all of the families and their worried kids."I wonder how it is to be the oldest around at Jalkwia.You get to battle eachother I believe..",Said Elrokk."Whatever Elrokk,Lets get on the train as we have no family to say goodbye to.",Seirta replied.First Drakutha stepped in the train and saw kids walking down the isleway."Shall we sit here?",he asked as he opened the door to one of the booths."Sure..Why not?",Shrugged Seirta.They sat down and dragged their belongings with them."So..Not much to say,eh?Only that this is going to be the most awsome trip of our lives pretty much.",said Elrokk."Yeah..Lets just hope we dont get any..Rather,Mean..Teachers.",said Seirta.The rest of the trip didn't take too long.They had finally arrived at night."1st Years,Please follow me.",said a short and stubby elf with a gleeful smile shining across his face.

    Seirta,Drakutha,and Elrokk followed the elf along with many others that were their age."Welcome to Jalkwia.You all will be sorted into houses along with other students.The four houses represent the 4 people who have Built this castle.",Said the elf.Drakutha and Seirta nodded,Listening to everything he said.Elrokk waited to be sorted.They walked into the Great Dining Hall and standed in the back.The teachers must introduce themselves before attending their huge table in the front.A tall,old man walked in the doors.He had a long beard with a point at the end and brown hair.His cloak was purple with the official badge of Jalkwia embroidered near his chest.As he got to the front,He introduced himself."Hello Sorcerers!I am Headmaster Wardle.",he said.Then another person walked in.This time it was a girl with long,black hair and cloaks that were black."Hello students.I will be your Potions teacher!",she said.A man with short,brown,sleek hair and a mustache with cloaks that were also black walked in."Hello,I am Your Defensive Magic teacher.",he said.Teachers had kept flowing in.As they finished they got seated.A student brung in a stool and set it at the front of the Hall."You will sit on the stool.The stool will spin around twice and call out a house Name.Then you will sit at your table.",said Professor Meral,The Potions master.Then she called out names."Ok,The last three students.",She pointed to Drakutha.He got up and sat on the stool.It spun fastly two times and shouted,"Gypraskin!",Drakutha smiled,That was exactly the house he wanted to belong in.The same house was shouted for Seirta and Elrokk."Yeah!We're in the same house together!",said Elrokk.All of a sudden,The last teacher swooped in and revealed his face..

    Shimaru Chinto.

    Drakutha,Seirta,and Elrokk gasped."It cant be Shimaru Chinto!",said Elrokk."It is..Elrokk.Our fear has been unfortunatly true.",Seirta gulped.Shimaru had spotted the three and smirked.Headmaster Wardle whispered a few words and swished his wand.A large buffet appeared in front of the students.They immediantly started eating.

    As an hour passed,Headmaster Wardle got up from his seat and clapped his hands,At the moment the students were quiet."It is now time for you to go to bed,Good night.",He said.The students filled the doorway.As they arrived at their Main room,They went into the appropriate dorms.One for the girls..And one for the boys."Good night!",Said Seirta as she followed the girls."G'Night.",Elrokk and Drakutha said together.As they got to sleep,Drakutha thought about what would happen in the fight against Shimaru.