• The year was in the 1450's when I was turned into a vampire. I still remember the day that I was turned. It was in Europe. The black forest, we call it. I was rifing on my horse. Every thing seemed fine but then a man wearing black stopped me. Like any other man, I drew out my sword. The man did not want to fight since he did not pull out his.
    "Sir, can you help me?" He asked.
    His voice was deep.
    "What is it that you need help with?" I asked kindly.
    "My horse got killed by the english."
    "why did they do that?"
    The man did not finish his sentance.
    "Could you help me?" he suddenly asked.
    I jumped off my horse. with my sword out, the man showed me into the forest.
    We walked for an hour before he showed me a dead black hores. That was the first time I saw one.
    "What is it?" He asked.
    "This was the first time that I saw a black horse."
    The man smiled at me.
    "I can show you more."
    "Yes but it comes with a twist."
    "What is it?"
    The man showed me his fangs.
    "I have been following you for some time Xavier."
    "How do you know my name?" My voice was scared and he knew it.
    It was then, I saw his fangs.
    I pointed my sword at him.
    "If you want to turn me then you got to fight me."
    "So be it."
    The man pulled out his sword.
    He charged at me and I charged at him. A screeching sound was made as our swords collided.