• The Invasion began a few days ago with several hundred demonic minions of the Burning Legion pouring through. Horrific beasts of all sorts pummeled through way through the ebony abyss; powerful imps with the fires of Hell admist their paws, gigantic void walkers with shadow auras that could make the bravest men tremble in fear, succubi and their whips, giving smiles that were laced with cruelty and yet still inviting, and felhunters by the thousands, their tendrils hungry for the taste of magic. The worst were the massive felguards with their heavy armor made of bones of their fallen prey and axes that could cut through any other creature, compiled with the strength to wield such a powerful weapon and dark magic, they were a force to be frightened of.

    Jovis was nowhere near the Blasted Lands when the portal started to open, being at nearly the complete opposite of the world. She would be sitting at a lone table in a goblin tavern, in the piece of junk known as Gadgetzan. How it passed for a city was beyond her own knowledge, as it wasn't as cozy as Winterspring, but it survived on it's own. Between her goblet of moonberry juice and body was a bronze-colored ring with a ruby stone etched deep in the metal, which shone from the creeping sun's rays that made their way in. Anyone who was terribly involved in the duties of the world knew what that ring was and how one acquired it. Jovis had spent so much of her time doing her duty, which involved traveling into the temple and ruins of Ahn'Qiraj and slaying the beasts there. So much time that she was now exalted with the outsiders of the Brood of Nozdormu. She knew that with every flight there was certain ranks within their kind and while she would be a hero to the outsiders, to their royalty and military she was nothing.

    Those weren't the thoughts that bothered her though. The deal she had made... she would have to return to him when he called for her and then what was she to do? Go through with it like she had said? The worst part was having to hide it from her lover, Nallaen...

    "Lady Immortalus!" A voice cried out from behind her, grasping her from her thoughts and ripping her back into reality. "There's a big problem and your help has been requested!"

    Jovis stood up from her chair and turned to glance in the direction of the voice to see a young man wearing the tabard of the Argent Dawn. It was often that she was called upon in these times by the Dawn, whether it was to fend off some evil, to purge the plague lands, or to even travel into the dread citadel Naxxramas, she grew use to seeing this particular messenger. She had to wonder how he always managed to find her... her trail wasn't too easy to pick up on. "A problem?"

    "The Burning Legion!" The words themselves drove a stake deep through her heart. Her first thoughts were of home; how was Haleh going to handle this, who would lead the army now that the general was presumed dead, her whelplings could be in danger!!! "They are trying to inflitrate past the Dark Portal!"

    "Trying?" This word rang hope in her mind.

    "We have soldiers there ready to defend and have barricaded the area off. The Argent Dawn is still commissioning those who have helped us in the past to help us now!" The messenger seemed desperate. "So will you come or stay here?"

    Very desperate if he was ready to dismiss her so quickly. "I shall come assist. It will take me several days to make the journey back, however..."

    "No need to worry about those things, Lady Immortalus!" The messenger would pull out his staff, indicating he was a wielder of magic. This made things a lot easier and explained how quickly he was able to travel through the world. "I will give you a moment to collect your belongings, then I shall open a portal to the city of Stormwind."

    "A wise choice." Jovis murmured out loud to herself. Stormwind was very close to the Blasted Lands and from there she could travel through flight or her steed and cover a lot of ground quickly. She would wave her hand. "Let us go."

    The messenger chanted a few words as arcane energy swirled before him. Mortals and their flashy ways... Jovis would sigh and wait, but then snap to attention. Her ring! She would quickly stride towards the table and glance at it once more. It sat there on the smooth wood, mocking her of her deal with the Timeless One's keepers. She'd give a heavy sigh and reach down to scoop it into the palm of her hand, fingers clutching tightly around to make a fist, and turn back to the portal. Several other members of the alliance rushed about in a frantic spree, either preparing for the demons or in fear of their lives.

    "Thank you." Were her final words to the messenger as she stepped through the portal and entered the hectic crowd. One of her guild mates would grab her hand as if on instinct and lead her off away from the crowd, taking great care to not lose her. His firm and yet gentle hold on her was nice and spared her the trouble of having to seek out her allies. Out the gates of Stormwind she would be greeted with the presence of several other guildmates who were mounted up and ready to travel. It was a peculiar sight but one she had grown use to - gnomes on gigantic tigers, humans on rams, elves on horses, and their leader, who was a hero in this day and age and rode a gigantic ebony silithid. Judging by the amount of guild mates that were before her, Jovis figured this was going to be a long adventure...