• Ami stood there, paralyzed with fear. Her “Girls Night Out” had turn into a nightmare. There right in front of her was a real vampire. This comic-book creature had jumped out of the ally-way shadows and now had his black beady eyes set on her. She was too scared to scream and there was no where to run. She was trapped. The “thing” started walking closer and closer to her. But it was so graceful that she thought of it as more of a glide. He got so close that she could smell his fowl, rotting corpse, breath. She pushed herself closer to the wall, but it was no use. She couldn’t escape and she knew it. She tried to scream but it only came out at a squeak, for an unseen force had pushed her hard against the wall and it was now hard for her to breath. He had now glided so close that she could feel the warmth of his breath on her neck. She gasped in surprise and she closed her eyes getting ready for the pain that would surly come. But it never did, for at that moment the vampire shrieked the most horrid high pitched scream Ami had ever heard, and fell to the ground dead. She realized that she could now breath and stepped forward to see what had killed him. A silver tipped arrow. How did she know? Because that very same arrow had killed her brother, Roxas. Ooh she will never forget that day. It plays back in her mind over and over again. She will find that man and kill him. She will avenge her brothers death. She slowly looked up, wondering, knowing deep in her heart, that this was the same man who killed her brother, and she was set for revenge.

    What she saw took her breath away. He was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen. His beautiful shoulder length, jet black hair gently blew in the wind. Even in the dim light she could see his bright blue eyes. They were the brightest bluest eyes she had ever seen. So kind. When she looked into them she could tell he would not harm her. Or would he? He just killed that vampire. And she knew he had killed her brother. No doubt about it.