• The hallway was silent and empty as foot steps echoed from my shoes to any blockade they could rebound from. Depending on who you are, this walk can seem like an eternity, the same white walls passing you by and the same schizophrenic light flickering every once in a while. Or it can seem like 30 seconds, from one door to the next being quicker than a rotating bullet. To me; it's a hallway. Nothing more than plastered walls to cover up sounds of things I don't care to hear, nor would I want to. At the end of the hall is the door. And inside the door is my next paycheck, whether it's in American dollar or Japanese yen. But no matter what the payment form is, as long as I open that door... I know who is in there and what I want.

    "Cuatro. Just the person I wanted to see. Do you seek enlightenment or money?" A short pale man sat in a small room complete with white walls, white floor, 2 white chairs, a white desk and a one white filing cabinet. Contrary to the hallway, this room was shiny and pristine and was completely illuminated. He had almost completely white hair, with 2 dark streaks going down each side of his head. He wore a fully black tuxedo with no ounce of any other color and he sat properly always staring me in the eye.
    "Money." I replied easily, walking up to the desk.
    "Here's your case. 20,000 to start and 30,000 when it's done. May peace be with you." The man pulled out a briefcase from under the desk, white as well, and handed it to me. I knew the drill.
    "And also with you." I'm not religious, but it's the standard courtesy around here.

    If you hadn't figured it out yet, I'm Cuatro. Thats not my real name though. I lost that a long time ago and I don't think anyone will or have tried to make an effort to find it. They call me Cuatro because I'm number four in an elite group of mutant-genetically-created assassins. I'm lying, though that would be pretty cool, expecting to have superpowers and all. I'm actually number four in an elite group of assassins. This is actually true. The man I was talking to before is Dos, or number two. He gives you your next meal ticket, or in other words, the next case you have to shut down. Dos is the only assassin in our little family that any other assassin will know or can know for that matter. In joining this group, you make an oath never to associate with any other assassin, or you WILL be eliminated. Basically, there could be a million assassins, or there could only be me and Dos. Who knows, and who cares. All that I know is that after this case, I can finally retire.

    The air was thick and musty from the smoke that leaked into the back room of Cecil's Tavern where Dos was based. I don't know if anyone else met Dos in the same building or anything at all, but I never wanted to find out. I sat in the back corner table, known as the Hellios table because more than 20 people have been murdered there. I can't say I don't know anything about it, but no one has ever needed or wanted to question it. The pearl white case glimmered in the dim red lights of the shady tavern as I opened it. I caught the eye of the bartender staring but he quickly looked away. He must be new, because there's an unwritten rule never to make eye contact, but I let him off this time. Inside the case is normally a disposable cell phone, information on the case, the beginning amount of pay, or as I call it, incentive and the body drop off point. But when I opened it this time, I was surprised. Inside the briefcase was almost normal except for the hit. His name was Johnathan Smith AKA Dos.
    "This can't be real" I said aloud drawing attention. I busted into the back of Cecil's tavern and took out my skeleton key to the locked door in the back covered by fake beer bottles and other junk. The procedure to see Dos is simple; I go to the back of Cecil's and open the secret door. From there I walk down a hall way and meet two men who take away any metals or weapons that I could use and then shuffle me quickly into an elevator. There are no buttons in the elevator or any indication of where I'm going at all, but once the door opens, I go down that hallway.
    This time it was different. The hallway seemed so much longer as the sweat dripped from the side of my head to my neck. The cold chill brushed my hands as I sternly trudged toward the door. What felt like an hour had passed by and I had finally reached it; the door. The cold metal sent a shiver up my spine when I put my hand on the doorknob. It took me 20 seconds to turn the knob, but then finally. As I opened the door, there he was, sitting there silently. He must know he's my next hit. He gave it to me. Or does he?

    "Cuatro. Did you come for enlightenment, or money?" Dos asked with a smile. His voice echoed as if the tension created a wall for it to bounce off of.
    "Enlightenment." I said before thinking of the question
    "I know I'm your next customer, Cuatro. But some things have to be done." The smile stayed still as if it were a part of the room.
    "Thats good, because I came to warn you..." My heart thumped as the words fell out of my mouth.
    "A warrior knows who his enemies are... and who his friends are. If a warriors enemy becomes a friend, does he trust him? If a warriors friend becomes his enemy, does all trust in him fall?" Dos slowed his way speech in a calming matter, but the tension grew thicker. "The only way for the warrior to trust his ex-enemy to be a friend, is the only way to know if your friend is really your enemy..." Dos continued, but the smile fell.
    "The only way to be sure... is to kill both of them" I knew the answer to his question and he knew the answer to his question. He knew I did not want enlightenment. I wanted his body. I pulled out three plastic thread needles from under my tongue and in a matter of 2 seconds, they pierced each eye and his vocal chords. The last needle was stuck in his ear and pierced his skull into the brain.
    "Goodnight and good luck" I whispered.

    To be an assassin, you have to have 3 important characteristics. Number one is quick thinking. Any situation you are put into should have no problems because you should be able to find the quickest and easiest way out. Number two is detachment. You can't like anyone or have anyone like you. An assassin is a loner and can never ever have a family. Number three is the most important. Luck. If you are missing even one of these characteristics, than you won't get far in the business. Just ask Dos.