The Quad. The most dangerous place to be if you were a nobody like me.
The 'populars' hung out there after school, hoping to catch an unsuspecting 'regular' and publicly humiliate them. I looked out from the safety of the school building, the savannah in front of me. I saw the lions in their pride, the most powerful and good-looking for miles. I saw the poor little zebras, carrying their bookbags and perpetually adjusting their glasses.
It was feeding time; a football player snatched a book right out of one boy's hands and dangle it over the fountain. Though I could not hear it, I could see the boy cry out, reaching for his beloved book. The football player withdrew the book from the fountain and acted as if to give it back. The boy heaved a sigh of relief and went to take the book back, but clutched air. The football player hurtled the book to another player, and him to another, all the time the poor boy chasing after them. The rest of the lions laughed at their entertainment.
I sighed and pushed open the door, making a bee-line for my bike. I stayed to the side and kept my head down, hoping to avoid an attack from the lions, but to no avail.
A few cheerleaders spotted me. From this distance, you could still see the head smile maliciously.
"Hey, Cheryl," the blonde said with fake enthusiasm, "How's the diet going? Don't worry, keep it up for a few more months and you could lose a few of those rolls." Several of her followers laughed. She spotted a guy walking past with an ice cream cone and took it out of his hands. I tried to move past them, but they made a circle around me.
"You want some ice cream?" The cheerleader said, waving the dripping ice cream in front of my face, "You don't have to worry about working off the pounds; You've got all that," she waved her hand near my stomach, "to work off first." The followers laughed again and the head cheerleader smiled.
"You know what Jenny?" I said taking a courageous step forward, "I think I will have that ice cream." I took it from her, a confused expression on her face. I wasn't supposed to fight back! "I know your squad feeds on humiliation, so here's this," with a determined look on my face, I smushed the ice cream into her pretty blonde hair. "Try working off those pounds," A gasp rippled through the quad. She stood there with a baffled look on her face, the whole quad silent. I turned to the rest of the cheerleaders, whick cleared a path to my bike. I strode through, everyone watching me. With a little smile on my face, I mounted my bike and rode down the street.
The Savannah
Glittering Insanity
A short story about a girl who defies the status quo, and slightly rearanges her immediate food chain. Tell me if you like!
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