Hades woke up aburptly, looking around the nearest clock said it was only 2 a.m. The sound of Death snoring could be heard.
"Aww ********, I only slept 5 hours" Hades said to himslef. He sat up and looked around for what seemed to be five minutes before finally getting out of bed. He took a shower, and got dressed, were he was going, he had no idea. For some reason the thoughts in his head were going crazy and his heart was beating abnormally fast. Hades placed his hand over his heart and began to slow down his breathing in hopes of slowing his heart rate.
He left Condor's warehouse, passing by his Celica, just walking in what seemed to be a random direction, not even noticing the fact that it was raining outside.
"Come one heart, slow down"said Hades to himself, completley oblivious the anything else going on around him. Eventually giving up on his heart rate, he continued to walk, but now that he was no longer paying attention to his heat rate, his mind began to race again.
"Holy s**t man, I never realized what's been going on these few days. I died, or did I......just because I'm pressumed dead doesint mean that I actually am. What if the police determine that I either survived or never was inside the building when I blew it up. Then I wouldnt be dead. We'll I can always check one way"Hades thought to himslef as he pulls his bank card out of his wallet.
"If the province presumes me dead, then this, in theory, shouldnt work. Now, I just need to find a bank"thought Hades. He looked up to realize there was a bank just a short distance from were he was standing.
"Wow, how convienient" thought Hades. He went up to the bank machine and inserted his card. INVALID ACCOUNT NUMBER was what flashed accross the screen as the machine rejected the card.
"Well, I guess this shouldn't come as a suprise"Hades said to himself as he walks off again.
"Well, If I'm technically considered dead, then I can go fix everything and go back to my life.....but why would I want to go back to my life, ya it was the way I wanted it, but that was before I had these powers. I can just go back to my job having the powers that I have, people would start to suspect something's when the door opens up before I get near it, and things start turning on without anybody physically doing it, and knowing myself I would use my powers, I wouldnt hide them from anybody, because I would become way to acustom to them.
Awww man, imagine the amount of people crushed......we'll let me thi....."Hades paused for a second and his stomach clenched up. Only one thought went through his head......Lisa.
"She must be devestated from my death....that is if she even knows that I technically died. What am I thinking of course she knows, an exploding house hits the news stands pretty fast. Maybe I can go see her and explain that everythings ok. It might shock her be she might...what the hell, I can't go see her, this would ******** flip her world upside down, I cant do that to her. I might have to just finally admit that me and her will never get back together, even though we've decided to stay friends for some 10 years. Ya, but I always have that optomistic view on everything, even after 10 years of being friends, still hoping we get back together. But If I tell her, then we might still have a chance, and if I dont tell her and she somehow finds out then she would hate me forever for not telling her that I was alive. But maybe she's gotten over my death and moved on, so if I do tell her that could ******** destroy her mentally."Hades stopped for a moment after realizing he was pacing for a while. He looked up to find the he was standing in front of house in some rural area of town.
The door to the house opens up and a beatifully voluptuous women with shoulder length black hair stepped outside in what seemed to be her pajamas.
"Adam!?"asked the women
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Hells Army
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Hades Hellsarmy
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