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View User's Journal

Collected Ramblings
A Glimpse Into The Daily Runnings Of Your Typical Teenager.
There Once Was A Chalkeroo.
He Came In Posession Of A Mystical Coconut,
That, Upon It's Consumption, Gave His The Insatiable Desire To Quiz.
And That He Did...

Quizzage, Guys!

1.How much gold do u have?: Not A Lot, 689, Right Now.
2.How much do u want?: I Want Enough To Buy My Pants And Jacket.
3.Are you questing?: Yuppers.
4.If so what for???: For My Pants, And Jacket! =O
5.What is the best thing u have done in ur whole life?: I Don't Know, I'd Have To Think For A Long Time.
6.Do u like ice cream?: I Like Vanilla And Caramel cool
7.What do u like in your room?: I Like My Pillows =3
8.What country would u like to live in?: Yugoslavia! (Just Messin') I Like It Here, I Guess.
9.What dont u like about gaia?: That Everything Takes Effort =P
10.What do u like about gaia?: That I Can Talk With My Friends! =D
11.Who introduced u to gaia?: Cherry (Drusilla, At The Time)
12.Do you like animals?: Oh Yeah! =D
13.Do you have any pets?: Yes =)
14.If yes wat?: I Have A Pet Lizard Named 'Che Guevara' =)
15.If no wat would you like?: I'm Good, But Bunny Would like A Pony.
16.What are your hobbies?; I Like Music, Writing And Drawing, With A Side Of Chatting.
17.What is the best anime u have seen?: FLCL Rocked My World.
18.What is ur starsign?: Virgo.
19.Do you have a best friend?: Yes =)
20.Do they go on gaia?: Yes, They Do.
21.Boy or girl: She's A Girl =)
22.Anime or manga: Manga, People Tend To Change The Manga A Little In The Anime.
23.Family or friends: Both!
24.English or maths: English.
25.Day or night: Night.
26.Football or rugby: Neither neutral
27.summer or winter: Winter.
28.Fruits or vegetables: Fruits.
29.Playstations or Gameboys; Playstations cool
30.Sing or dance or neither: Dance whee
31.Fire or water: Water! Wait...Rain's Water, Right?
32.Rain or sunshine: Rain! Rain Rain Rain And More Rain!
33.Ketchup or mustard: Ketchup? =O
34.Shower or bath: Shower.
35.Socks or slippers: Socks =)
36.Gold or silver: Silver Looks A Little Nicer, In My Opinion.
37.moon or stars: The Moon =)
38.Easter or halloween: 1AwL! BUnN13Z [D)0N-|- LAi 3GGz!!
39.Colour pencil or painting: Colored Pencils.
40.Cadburys chocolate or Walkers crisps
41.Hello Kitty or Pucca: Hello Kitty cool
42.R&B or Pop: Pop =O
43.mp3 or radio: mp3
44.Cat or dog: Both =3
45.Turkey or ham: I Don't Eat Meat neutral
46.What is ur fav emotion?: Happeh! =D
47.What is ur fav colour??: Red, Green, And A Few Others =)
48.What is ur fav food?: Spicey Stuffs =3~
49.What is ur fav choco bar?: Umm...Umm...I Dunno ._.
50.What is ur fav number?: 11 cool
51.What is ur fav sport: Soccer, It's The Only One I'm Half Decent In...I'm Probably Way Out Of Practice.
52.Who is ur fav band/singer?: Jimmy! =O (Hahaha...Wiggle)
53.Who is ur fav actor/actress?: I Dunno =C
54.Who is ur fav author?: David Clemment-Davies, 'The Sight'.
55.Who is the best person in ur heart??: I Love So Many People ._.
56.Write the letters of ur user name: C, H, A, L, K, E, R, O, O.
57.Count down from 10: 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.
58. What is ur fav smell??: Ummm...I Like The Smell Of Mint, I Guess.
59. What is ur fav candy?: I Like Gummy, And Sour Stuff =)
60. Do you bump??: No, It's So Boring =/
61. Do you talk to strangers?: Sometimes =)
62. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?: Heehee, No =)
63. Do you walk in the rain?: Always! =D
64. Do you summer?: That Lacks A Verb eek
65. Do you drive?: No.
66. Do you like to drive really fast?: Sure...My Uncle Used To Do It A Lot...
67. Do you obey the road rules?: If I Had To, Yes.
68. Do you like taking quizzes?: I Am SIR PSYCHO QUIZZAGE!
69. Do you like Gaia?: Yes! =D
70. Do you watch Anime?: Occaisionally, I'm Not A Fanatic, Though.
71. Do you read Manga?: Yes ._. Droofase Caught Me...
72. Do you play video games?: Yes, I'm Currently Beating All The .hack Games I Own, Again.
73. Do you believe in luck?: Yes =)
74. Do you believe in miracles?: Yes.
75. Do you believe in astrology?: Sometimes.
76. Do you believe in zodiac signs?: Arn't They The Same As Astrology? =O
77. Do you believe in dinosaurs?: Yes...Fossils Have Been Found...
78. Do you believe in the moon landing?: Yes.
79. Do you believe in life on different planets?: I Think There's Got To At Least Be A Little Somewhere Else.
80. Do you believe in magic?: I Believe In People With Stylish Hats, Of Course!
81. Do you believe in God?: Yes.
82. Do you believe in Satan?: Yes.
83. Do you believe in Hell?: Yes
84. Do you believe in Heaven?: *Sigh* Yes.
85. Do you believe in Santa?: Santa's Actually An Obese Hobo, That Breaks Into Your House, Eats Cookies, And Leave Toys.
86. Do you believe in Spirit/Ghosts?: Yes, Ever Since Azzi's Grave.
87. Do you believe in love at first sight?: Yes.
88. Do you believe in ying-yang?: No =/
89. Do you believe in witches?: Sure, I Guess.
90. Do you believe in warlocks?: Ooh Ooh! Sakubo, And Drusilla Are Warlocks!
91. Do you believe in the Easter bunny?: Bunnies Don't Lay Eggs! D=<
92. Do you believe in wishing on stars?: I Do It, Sometimes.
93. Do you believe that there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow?: No.
94. Do you believe it is possible to stay faithful forever?: Yes.
95. Do you believe in superheros?: No.
96. Do you believe in the netherworld?: Isn't That The Same As Hell? eek
97. How much gold do you have?: 726, Now.
98. Are any of your friends online atm?: Cherry Is.
99. Are you going to continue this quiz all the way to the end?: Duh!
100. Are you a poll?: *Walks Up To Poll* Hello, Sexy, You Lookin' For Fun?
Section 6-More
101. What is your least favorite day of the week?: Tuesday...It's So Boring.
102. If you could change your name, what would it be?: Cookie =P
103. What is the most frequently used button on your keyboard?: 'Shift'
104. Do you have long or short hair?: Short.
105. Are you a virgin?: Yes redface
106. What year were you born?: 1992
107. Concrete or Asphalt?: Concrete.
108. Are your parents married or divorced?: Married.
109. MP3 or compact discs?: I Lose My CDs...
110. What are you allergic to?: Nothing.
111. How much gold do you have now?: 731.
112. Who is you favorite actress/actor?: I Don't Know! D=<
113. Is this boring?: A Little.
114. How old are you?: Almost 14.
115. What is your dream career?: Working At A Korean Animation Studio =P
116. Have you ever been arrested?: No.
117. Do you have any pets??: Yes, I Already Said My Lizard, Che Guevara! >=(
118. Do you believe in having boyfriend/girlfriend?: Yes.
119. Whats your favorite Movie?: The Buttrrfly Effect, And Dawn Of The Dead Were Good.
120. TV show?: I Don't Watch A Lot Of TV =/
121. Color?: Red.
122. Number?: 11.
123. Book?: 'The Sight', David Clemment-Davies.
124. Game?: The Entire .hack Franchise.
125. Band?: I've Got A Bunch =)
126. Song?: I've Got A Bunch, I'm Listening To 'Rock The House' - Gorillaz, right Now.
127. Animal?: I've Got A Soft Spot For Wolves, Cats, Rabbits And Foxes.
128. Person?: You, For Reading This Crap!
129. Sport?: Soccer.
130. Season?: Winter, It's Very Soothing, But After School, My Hair Freezes.
131. Why are you doing this?: Because I'm Bored. =)
132. What one thing on Gaia do you want the most?: My jacket D=
133. Do you like Wal-Mart?: Sure.
134. How tall are you?: I'm Pretty Tall, Taller Than My Mother, Almost As Tall As My Dad.
135. what kind of computer do you have?: A Crappy One, (A Dell)
136. How many friends do you have on Gaia?: 3. (Though It Should Be 4)
137. How many items do you have?: Just The Ones I'm Wearing, And A Few Clothing Articals In Storage.
138. How many items to you have equipped right now?: Seven.
139. Do you do surveys often?: Yesh! =D
140. Have you made your own survey before?: No =/
141. What do you mostly do on Gaia?: Chat.
142. Do you role play?: No, But I've Always Been Mildly Interested In It.
143. How many characters have you played?: 1.
144. Are you new to Gaia?: Kinda =)
145. Do you like to draw?: Yes! =D
146. Im sorry Im trying to make this survey as long and tiring as I can: Good For You.
147. Whats in your sig right now?: Something About A Drawing Of Gallbladder's.
148. Has your sig always been the same?: No.
149. If it hasn't, what has it been before?: Something I Thought Of While It Was Raining.
150. Do you change your avi a lot?: I Wish I Could Afford To ._.
151. Do you fish on here?: Sometimes.
152. If so, gotten any rares?: Rares? Like, Rare Fish? O.o
153. What kind of rod do you have?: Hahaha...A Cheap Beginner's One.
154. Witch rod do you think is the best?: Performance Rod? O.o
155. Have you exchanged any fish for anything good?: Yeah, Cash!
156. How many rare events have you gotten?: None ._.
157. Have you ever played slots?: Yes, Yesterday.
158. Have you gotten anything with your tickets?: I Wish.
159. Are you saving up your tickets for something?: Yes.
160. If so what?: A Tie, Just Because I Get Tokens In The Daily Chance.
161. Are you a boy or a ?: I'm A Boy.
162. Do you have a journal?: Yes, I'm Posting This In It.
163. If not did you know you can have one?: I Knew.
164. If you have a journal how many times have you posted in your journal?: A Bunch!
165. Have you ever done the hang out thing?: The Hang Out Thing? O.o
166. If so, have you done today?: I Don't Know What You're Talking About...
167. Are you apart of a guild?: Yes, Llama's.
168. Do you own a guild?: No.
169. If you are apart of more then one guild, how many are you apart of?: Just 1.
170. What are they called?: Kaleidoscope Guilds: You Forgot About Me, You Whore.
171. Do you have a house on gaia?: Yes...I Think =/
172. If you do, does it have a lot of stuff in it?: If So, Nope.
173. Do you own a shop?: No.
174. Do you like using the emoticons?: At The End Of Most Sentances wink
175. Are you a poll ?: Nope, But I Casually Whore Off Them All The Time.
176. Have you gone poll ing lately?: Yes.
177. Have you been in an avi contest before?: Nope, 'Cause I'm Ugly!
178. Are you engaged?: Nope.
179. Are you married?: Nope.
180. If so, congrats! Do you have kids?: No! D=
181. Which continent do you live on?: North America.
182. Do you live with your parents?: Yes.
183. Do you have siblings?: I Have A Evil Younger Sister.
184. What color is your room?: White =/
185. Do you like ice cream?: Sure. Vanilla And Caramel.
186. Whats your favorite kind of ice cream?: Vanilla.
187. Do you like to dance?: Nope, But I Will When I'm Giddy =)
188. Do you like to sing?: I'm Terrible At It...But That Won't Stop Me!! >=)
189. Do you like music?: Oh Yeah!
190. Do you a kind of music?: You Know, You Really Should Finish Your Sentances.
191. What is your favorite type of candy?: Gummy Stuff, And Sour Stuff.
192. Do you like popcorn?: It's Okay.
193. How much gold do you have now?: 735.
194. Are you getting irritated with the questions yet?: They Seem To Be Repeating.
195. Do you have a favorite soda drink?: Yes.
196. Whats your favorite soda drink?: Limey-Drinks And Cherry-Stuffs
197. Have you tried an alcoholic drink before?: Actually, Yes. My Mom's Sarcasm As A 5 Year Old Let Me.
198. Do you like Kool-Aid?: It's Okay =)
199. If yes then, whats your favorite kind of Kool-Aid?: The Watered Down Red Kind!
200. Do you collect stuffed animals?: No =/
201. Do you like to kill people: No eek ...Do You?
202. Do you collect scented candles?: Nope.
203. If so, whats for favorite?: *Sigh* I Don't.
204. Do you have a favorite animal; you can't keep as a pet?: Wolves? =O
205. What is it called?: Canis Lupus, You Dorkwad Writing This Quiz! >=)
206. Do you like your name?: Sure, It's Okay =)
207. Do you like it so much, you own stuff with your name on it?: No.
208. Do you have a job?: I Volunteer At The Local Humane Society.
209. What kind of job is it?: The Volunteer Kind, With Animals.
210. Will you be returning to school?: Yes.
211. What are your school colors?: Purple And Gold...Ewwww...
212. Does your school have dances?: A Lot.
213. Do you have any piercings?: I Pierced My Ear With A Staple Once, On A Dare, That Count?
214. If so, how many?: 1, If That Does Count.
215. If you have lots, where?: I Dunno If I Even Have One! D=
216. Do you have a tattoo?: No.
217. What is it of?: I Don't Have Any! D=
218. Broken any bones?: Broken My Foot.
219. If so, what bones did you break?: My Foot.
220. Have you ever broken anyone elses bones?: I Broke This Kid Bobby's Finger.
221. Sprain anything?: Yes.
222. If so, what did you sprain?: My Ankle =/
223. Do you own your own computer?: In A Sense.
224. Do you own your own phone?: No.
225. Do you have cable/digital cable/satellite in your room?: I Have Cable.
226. How many vhs movies do you own?: A Whole Collection! =O
227. How many DVDs do you own?: 3 Binders Full.
228. How many cds do you own?: A Few.
229. Do you still have cassette tapes?: No.
230. If so how many do you have?: None.
231. Getting tired of this yet?: A Little, You Keep Repeating Some Of The Questions.
232. You think I can go further?: Yes.
233. How much gold do you have now?: 739 =/
234. Are you regretting doing this?: A Little.
235. Are you determined to finish this no matter what?: Yes, I Said I Would.
236. Are your fingers crapping from answering these questions?: Nope.
237. Gonna tell anyone about this?: I'm Gonna Brag My Self Silly cool
238. Have you told anyone yet?: Cherry.
239. Being outdoors or being inside: Inside.
240. Cookies or ice cream?: Icecream =)
241. McDonalds or Burger King?: Neither...They Both Have Like, Nothing Without Meat.
242. Fast food or restaurant?: Restaurant.
243. Dairy Queen or TCBY?: Dairy Queen =O
244. Theme parks or fairs?: Theme Parks Have Way More Rides =)
245. Rides or games?: Rides Are Way Better Than Lame Fair-Games.
246. Water parks or roller coaster rides?: Hmmmm...Roller Coaster Rides =)
247. Love or ?: Love. I Dunno What ' ' Is But I'm Sure Love's Much Better =)
248. Family or Friends?: I Love Them Both.
249. The sun or The Moon?: The Moon.
250. Books or TV?: Either Or, I Suppose.
251. Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings?: Lord Of The Rings neutral
252. Mulan or Brother Bear?: Brother Bear.
253. Pink or Red?: Red, Because You Can Make Pink Out Of It, Too.
254. Blue or Green: Green.
255. Shoes or Sandals?: Shoes!
256. Alone or with someone?: With Someone ;-;
257. Hilary Duff or Lindsay Lohan?: Neither sweatdrop
258. Romance or Comedy?: Comedy =)
259. Paper view or renting a video?: Renting.
260. Taking pictures or video taping?: Pictures.
261. Computer or laptop?: Computers, Laptops Are So Finicky...
262. Been Sick?: Lots =/
263. Told someone you loved them?: Every Day =)
264. Been told your loved?: Lots.
265. d someone?: You Need To Start Finishing Your Sentances.
266. Been called a Retard?: Sure, My Sister uses That Lame Insult All The Time.
267. Been told your pretty?: My Cousin's Friend Said 'Your Cousin's Hot!' XP
268. Been told your ugly?: Yuppers, By Whiney People Without Better Insults.
269. Been told your fat?: Nope =O
270. Hurt yourself by accident?: Yuppers.
271. Hurt yourself on purpose?: Nope =/
272. Read a book?: Duh!
273. Miss anyone?: Lots ._.
274. Wish to be alone?: Sometimes.
275. Want candy?: Right Now! =3~
276. Ate any candy?: Oh Yeah! =D
277. Saw a ghost?: Maybe...I Think I Heard Azzi...I'm Not Sure, Though, And I Didn't See Him, But It Was By His Grave.
278. Been on a date?: Nope.
279. Went shopping?: Yes.
280. Smoked a cigarette?: No.
281. Ridden on a subway?: Yes.
282. Make a frog out of clay?: No.
283. look under your bed to see if there is a monster before you go to sleep?: No.
284. Written a book?: I've Written A Story
285. If you have do tell what the name of it is and i will read it: No You Won't!
286. broke curfew?: All The Time.
287. Been kissed?: Once redface But It Was Unwilling, The Girl Was Older Than Me, I Was Like, 8, And It Involved Being Held Down.
288. feelings hurt?: Lots ._.
289. hurt someones feelings?: Many Times, But I Try To Appologize, And Make Ammends.
290. Got into a fight?: Yes.
291. Watch something on the news and find out someones missing?: Yes.
292. Mulan?: Yes.
293. Brother Bear?: Yes.
294. The Little mermaid?: Yes =/
295. Tarzan?: Yes.
296. Pizza?: Pizza's Okay.
297. Cheese?: Cheese's Is Okay =/
298. Ice Cream?: I Scream, You Scream We All Scream For Ice Cream! =D
299. Harry Potter?: I've Seen One Of The Movies With A Friend =/
300. Lord of the Rings?: Yup.
301.How are you: I'm Okay, I Guess.
302.How old are you: Soon To Be 14.
303.who's your best friend: Cherry.
304.do you have a best friend on gaia: Cherry.
305.whats your favorite on gaia: ...Pants? O.O Do You Have My Pants!?! O.O
306.are we friends: Nope, But You Made This Quiz, Stranger, And I Love Ya! =D
307.are you an only child: No.
308.have we met before: Nope.
309.how many friends you have: I Have Like Two "Friends" In Real Life...
310.do you have cell phone: I Don't Want One neutral
311.have you've been to my club: No.
312.what are you doing: Quizzing, And Listening To 'Hydra' By Dir en Grey.
313.what kind of systems do you have: The Slow Crappy Kind.
314.do have a pet: Yes.
315.where do you live: North Dakota.
316.do you have a rare item: I Have A G-Buckle...
317.how much gold do you have: Seven-Hundered-Something.
318.whats your favorite color: Red.
319.do you like anime: It's Okay, I'm Not A Fanatic Or Anything.
320.do want to be my friend: Nope =/
321.whats your favorite emotion: Happiness! =D
322.whats one thing you hate about gaia or people: That They Can Be So Closed-Minded.
323.what do you like about gaia or the people: When People Stop To Do Something For A Total Stranger.
324.do you donate: Sometimes =)
325.are you having fun: I'm Okay neutral
326.whats your reall name: Zack.
327.whats your favorite number: 11
328.QUICK TYPE SOMETHING: Dalaigon Anecdot Drained Segmentart! D=
329.did i scare you in my last question: Totally cool
330.whats your favorite song: I Have A Bunch. I'm Listening To 'Hydra'
331.whats your favorite band: I Have A Bunch. I'm Listening To Dir en Grey.
332.bed/sofa: Sofa.
333.boxers/briefs: Boxers.
334.plane/bus: Plane.
335.do you have a deep dark secret: Not Really, But I'm Good With Secrets =)
336.whose one person you trust on gaia: Haru! =D
337.whats 1+21+35/100*25-3m: I Can't Solve That, You Used A Un-Explained Interval, And An Empty Power.
338.whats your favorite subject: English.
339.whats your favorite food: Soup? O.o
340.are you bored: Kinda =/
341.would you like to get on the finished list: I Don't Know You, So I Can't Ask.
342.do you think i can see you: Nope.
343.do you think im crazy: I Don't Think Anything Much About You, I Don't Know You, Or Your Name.
344.can you cook: Yes.
345.socks/shoes: Shoes =)
346.up/down: Up.
347.left/right: Right.
348.spanish/english: No Ah Blah Ess Span Yole! D=
349.home/school: Home, Definately Home.
350.middle/high: Middle.
351.speed/strength: Speed.
352.tapes/cds: CDs.
353.2000/2005: 2005.
354.christmas/thanksgiving: Christmas.
355.did you enjoy your holiday: Which One? O.o
356.what do you want for christmas: I Don't Know.
357.i bet you cant finish: ORLY? NOUKANT! >=)
358.hip hop/rap: Hip-Hop.
359.pink/blue: Pink.
360.yellow/red: Red.
361.pencil/pen: Pen! I Draw Almost Exclusivly With Pen.
362.how much gold do have: I Don't Know Anymore =/
363.have you been to any of my other posts: No.
364.dogs/cats: I Love 'Em Both! =)
365.whats your favorite web site: 'www.gaiaonline.com'
366.whats your favorite show: That One You Hate.
367.where would you go for a vacation: I'd Visit Where hide's Museum Used To Be In Yokosuka, Japan.
368.angel/devil: Angels, I Suppose.
369.ski/snowboard: Snowboard.
370.surf/boogie board: Surfing And Boogie-Boarding Are The Same, I Think. I Lived In Hawaii, And They Called It Both.
371.do you want to finish: Hell Yeah! I Wanna Brag! =D
372.how old are you: *Sigh* I'm Turning 14...
373.new years/christmas: New Years.
374.post all emotions: No.
375.post numbers 1-20: No.
376.whatcha doin: Listening To Music, And Quizzing.
377.how are you today: I'm Bored, Now.
378.am a bothering you: You're Repeating The Same Questions Over And Over...
379.whats your favorite game: The .hack Franchise.
380.have you played the sims: I've Played One Of Them My Cousin Had.
381.have you played smack down 06: No.
382.did you play madden blitz: No.
383.do you have a job: I Volunteer.
384.school/work: They Both Suck!
385.are you going to stop: No, You Suck, And I Have A Desire To Beat You.
386.AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH: Sorry, Did Cherry's Jimmy Scare You? =D
387.did i scare you: No, I Thought Cherry's Jimmy Scare You sweatdrop
388.what time is it: 9:42 PM.
389.whatcha eatin: Nothin' =/
390.can you finish already: No, I'm About Halfway Done.
391.hurry up: NOU!
392.tub/sprinkler: Sprinklers Are More Fun wink
393.whats your favorite day of the week: Friday! =D
394.what do your friends think of you: They Think I'm A Person.
395.yawn: Yawn.
396.can you give me some food: Sure...What Do You Want?
397.outside/inside: Inside! Outside! *Goes On Singing Gold Lion*
398.are you going to go party: Not Really =/
399.are you tired yet: No.
400.what do you want from me: I Want Your Member's Address (Blam! Sora!)
401.why are at my house: I Want Your Pants! >=O
402.do you think you will finish: Oh Yeah.
403.how much gold do you have: You've Asked That Like...Six Times...
404.have you donated to a person on their birthday: Oh Yeah!
405.do you have a dollar for me: Noe.
406.what are you watching: My Computer Screen =/
407.what time is it: 9:46 PM.
408.how long has it been since you started: A Long Time.
409.whats the weather like: It's A Little Cold, It Was Supposed To Rain, But It Didn't...
410.are you spy: No...Are...Are You? O.o
411.do you go to the trainstation: No, I Used To Go To The Subway Station, Though.
412.do you have a car: No.
413.are you cooking for christmas: Ha, No Way.
414.pants/capris: Pants.
415.whats your favorite in real life: Pants, I Don't Like SHowing Skin...I'm Shy redface
416.light/dark: Dark =/
417.cable/dvd: Cable.
418.ps3/xbox360: PS3
419.gameboy/nintendo ds: Either Or, I Could Care Less.
420.are you tired: Nope.
421.guess what you have only 9 questions left: Liar...
422.what color is inuyashas shirt: Red.
423.whould you wear a kimono: Sure, I Guess.
424.how much gold do you have: Will you Stop Asking? It's None Of Your Business!
425.are you ready for the last 5: You're Lying, I Don't Have My Hopes Up...
426.what do want to do after high school: Go To College.
427.would you ever become a doctor: Yes.
428.shake dat laffy taffy: I Hate That Song So Much ._.
429.are you going to visit me: Hahaha...No.
430.will you me back: You Need To Learn To Finish Sentances...
431. What's your username?: Chalkeroo
432. What's your first name?: Zack.
433. What's your middle name?: Chaise.
434. What's your nickname?: Chalkie.
435. How old are you?: Turning 14 Real Soon.
436. How much gold do you have?: Will You Shut Up With That Stupid Question!?!
437. How much gold do you wish you had?: Enough For Pants!
438. Are you questing for something?: Yes.
439. If so, what? In not put a ninja!: Pants And A Jacket.
440. How much does the questing item cost?: If I Tell, Someone Might Help...
441. Are you questing for more than one item?: Yes.
442. If so, what? If not put a ninja!: Pants And A Jacket...
443. How much do those cost?: I'm Not Telling. whee
444. Reason for taking this quiz?: Because You Said I Couldn't Finish.
445. Were you bored?: Oh Yeah.
446. Are you still bored?: Oh Yeah.
447. Nothing better to do?: Nope.
448. Want to make more gold?: I Need Pants, And A Jacket. So, Yes!
449. Want to make the list?: No.
450. Want to make me happy?: That's A Kinky Sentance wink
451. Do you think these questions are annoying, but helpful to get gold?: No.
452. Post a random number in this post.: 11!
453. Post a random emotion in this post.: heart
454. Post random letters in this post.: SARS
455. Post what you are thinking right now. 'Hahaha...Jimmy.'
456. Do you have a favorite color?: Yes.
457. What's your favorite color?; Red.
458. Is everything you have basically your favorite color?: In A Sense =)
459. Do you have more than one favorite color?: Yes, But Red's The Best...
460. Do you know other people who have the same favorite color as you?: *Shrugs*
461. Do you have a favorite book?: Yes.
462. What's your favorite book?: 'The Sight' By David Clement-Davies, Or Abarat, By Clive Barker.
463. Do you have more than one favorite book?: Yes ._.
464. Do you read often?: Occaisionally.
465. Did you know that reading these questions is reading?: Yes.
466. Do you have a favorite quote?: Yes.
467. What's your favorite quote?: 'The Wolf That Follows, The Fawn That Flys'
468. What does your quote mean?: It's A Series Of Verbs, From The Sight.
469. Why is it your favorite quote?: I Suppose Because It Was In My Favorite Book.
470. Would you care to here my favorite quote?: Sure.
471. Would you comment on it?: No.
472. Do you think my favorite quote is true?: I Haven't Heard It O.o
473. Do you have a favorite movie?: Yes.
474. What's your favorite movie?: The Butterfly Effect.
475. Do you have more than one favorite movie?: Yes.
476. Have you watched a movie this past month?: No.
477. Post a random number in this post.L 11
478. Post a random emotion in this post.: cool
479. Post a random letter in this post.: P
580. Post what you are thinking in this post. "P Is For Pink And Lots Of Other Cool Words"
581. Do you have a favorite band?: Sure!
582. What's your favorite band?: I've Got A Bunch! cool
583. Do you have more than one favorite band?: Yes.
584. Have you listened to every song that band has played?: No.
585. Do you own every CD that band has?: No.
586. Do you have more than one favorite band?: You Just Asked That.
587. What is your favorite letter?: P, Or S...
588. Why is it your favorite letter?: Because You Can't Spell SARS Without S, And Because P Rocks.
589. Do you know?: Yes.
690. Do you not know?: No, I Don't Not Know.
691. What is your favorite number?: 11.
692. Why is it your favorite number?: Because Me And A Kid Ben Used To Say It.
693. Do you know?: Yes.
694. Do you not know?: No.
695. What is your favorite computer program?: Limewire. ITPWNZMIFASE.
696. Do you know what is a computer program?: Yes
697. Are you totally confused on what is a computer program?: No.
698. What is your favorite word?: 'Hallo!'
699. Why is it your favorite word?: Because It Rocks wink
700. Is there a story why you like this word?: One Day I Said Hallo To Droofase, The End.
701. Would you care to tell the story?: I Just Did.
702. Post a random number in this post.: 11.
703. Post a random emotion in this post.: ninja
704. Post a random letter in this post.: P
705. Post what you are thinking in this post.: 'He Just Asked This Same Block of Questions...'
706. Do you have a favorite video game?: Yes.
707. What is your favorite video game?: The Entire .hack Franchise.
708. Why is it your favorite video game?: It's Witty, Deep, And Amusing.
709. Is it fighting?: Kind Of.
810. Is it adventure?: Yes.
811. Is it action?: In A Sense.
812. Is it arcade?: No.
813. Is it music?: I Like Some of The Music In It.
814. Is it racing/driving?: No.
815. Is it role-playing?: Yes.
816. Is it shooter?: No.
817. Is it simulation?: Yes, It's A Simulation Of A Simulation, Clever, Huh?
818. Is it sports?: No.
819. Is it strategy?: Kind Of.
920. Do you like more than one video game?: Yes.
921. Did you know that you could say yes to more than one?: Yes.
922. Do you have a favorite food?: Yes.
923. What is your favorite food?: *Sigh* Hot And Sour Soup.
924. Is there more than one favorite food?: No, No I Don't, Regardless Of What I've Said The last Six Times You Asked This.
925. What is the reason of liking the food?: Because It's Good, And Healthy.
926. Do you like more than one food?: Yes.
927. Post a random number in this post.: 11.
928. Post a random emotion in this post.: whee
929. Post a random letter in this post. P
903. Post what you are thinking in this post.: 'He's Done This Like, 6 Times!'
931. Have you ever had a crush?: When I Was Much Younger.
932. Did you do something embarassing in front of your crush?: Nope.
933. Did your crush laugh?: Didn't Do Anything.
934. Have you ever said anything rude to your crush without meaning to?: I Dunno.
935. Have you ever felt toung-tied in front of your crush?: Nope.
936. Have you ever thrown something at your crush?: No.
937. Have you ever thrown at anyone peroid?: Sure.
938. Have you smoked?: No.
939. Do you know someone who smokes?: Yes.
940. If so, who? If not, put ninja!: My Uncle, My Dad, My Mother Used To, My Grandparents, My Cousin Jared, My Favorite Artist.
941. Have you ever gotten drunk?: No.
942. Was it bad?: I Haven't.
943. Did you get in trouble?: I Have Never Been Drunk...
944. Place ninja here!: ninja
945. Hit someone without thinking?: Not Really.
946. Hit someone on purpose?: Yes.
947. Hit your parents?: No.
948. Hit yourself and said you parents did?: Hahaha...No.
949. Hit the wall hard enough to make a hole in it?: With A Hammer, When We Had To Remove The Sheetrock In The Basement.
950. Have you ever gotten hit?: Yes.
951. Did it hurt?: Uh, Yes.
952. Post a random number in this post.: 11.
953. Post a random emotion in this post. scream
954. Post a random letter in this post.: A
955. Post what you are thinking in this post.: 'I'm So Bored...'
956. Did you lie in any of the questions above?: Nope.
957. Why?: I Didn't, I Like Taking These Quizzes Honestly.
958. How could you!!!: You Are So Annoying With Your Chain-Questions...
959. Ran out of the house shouting random words?: Yes.
960. Ran out of the house shouting words that made no sense, even to you?: Yes!
961. Ran out of the house naked?: No.
962. Ran out of the house naked, to see the cops out there?: No.
963. Ran out of the house naked, cause you were drunk?: No!
964. Ran out of the house fully clothed?: Yes.
965. Summer or Winter?: Winter.
966. Winter or Fall?: Fall.
967. Fall or Spring?: Fall.
968. Spring or Summer?: Summer.
969. Summer or Fall?: Fall.
970. Winter or Spring?: Winter.
971. Winter or Summer?: Winter.
972. Fall or Winter?: Fall.
973. Spring or Fall?: Fall.
974. Summer or Spring?: Summer.
975. Fall or summer?: Fall.
976. Spring or Winter?: Winter.
977. Pepsi or Coke?: Either, If I'm Thirsty.
978. Red or Black?: Red.
979. Red or White?: Red.
980. Red or Blue?: Red.
981. Red or Purple?: Red, Definantly.
982. Red or Green?: Green's Okay.
983. Red or Yellow?: Yellow.
984. Red or Orange?: Red.
985. Red or Pink?: Red.
986. Red or Grey?: Grey.
987. Red or Silver?: Red.
988. Red or Gold?: Red.
989. Red or Brown?: Red.
990. Black or White?: I Love Them Both.
991. Black or Blue?: Black
992. Black or Purple?: Black.
993. Black or Green?: Green.
994. Black or Yellow?: Yellow.
995. Black or Orange?: Black
996. Black or Pink?: Pink.
997. Black or Grey?: Grey.
998. Black or Silver?: Black.
999. Black or Gold?: Black.
1000. Black or Brown?: Black.
1001. White or Blue?: White.
1002. White or Purple?: White.
1003. White or Green?: White.
1004. White or Yellow?: Yellow.
1005. White or Orange?: White.
1006. White or Pink?: Pink.
1007. White or Grey?: Grey.
1008. White or Silver?: White.
1009. White or Gold?: White.
1010. White or Brown?: White.
1011. Blue or Purple?:White.
1012. Blue or Green?: Green.
1013. Blue or Yellow?: Yellow.
1014. Blue or Orange?: blue.
1015. Blue or Pink?: Pink.
1016. Blue or Grey?: Grey.
1017. Blue or Silver?; Silver.
1018. Blue or Gold?: Blue.
1019. Blue or Brown?: Brown.
1020. Purple or Green?: Green.
1021. Purple or Yellow?: Yellow.
1022. Purple or Orange?: Orange.
1023. Purple or Pink?: Pink.
1024. Purple or Grey?: Grey.
1025. Purple or Silver?: Silver.
1026. Purple or Gold?: Ewww...School Colors...
1027. Purple or Brown?: Brown.
1028. Green or Yellow?: They Both Rock.
1029. Green or Orange?: Green.
1030. Green or Pink?: Pink.
1031. Green or Grey?: Grey.
1032. Green or Silver?: Green.
1033. Green or Gold?: Green.
1034. Green or Brown?: Green.
1035. Yellow or Orange?: Yellow.
1036. Yellow or Pink?: They're Both Nice.
1037. Yellow or Grey?: Grey
1038. Yellow or Silver?: Yellow.
1039. Yellow or Gold?: They're The Same, Arn't They?
1040. Yellow or Brown?: Yellow.
1041. Orange or Pink?: Pink.
1042. Orange or Grey?:Grey.
1043. Orange or Silver?: Silver.
1044. Orange or Gold?: Orange.
1045. Orange or Brown?: Orange.
1046. Pink or Grey?: Grey
1047. Pink or Silver?: Pink
1048. Pink or Gold? Pink.
1049. Pink or Brown? Pnik.
1050. Grey or Silver?: Silver.
1051. Grey or Gold?: Pink.
1052. Grey or Brown?: Grey.
1053. Silver or Gold?: Silver.
1054. Silver or Brown?: Silver.
1055. Gold or Brown?: Gold.
1056. Angel or Demon?: Angel.
1057. Ying or Yang?: Ying.
1058. Is Ying black or white? White.
1059. Is Yang black or white?: Black.
1060. Left or Right?: The Left Rights...?
1061. AIM or MSNS?: Either.
1062. AIM or Yahoo?: Yahoo, I Guess.
1063. MSNS or Yahoo?: Yahoo.
1064. Do you like DDR?: I Suck At It...
1065. Do you know what DDR is?: Dance Dance Revolution.
1066. What do you do in your spare time?: This Stuff.
1067. Do you come on here?: Sure.
1068. Do you eat?: No.
1069. Do you watch TV?: Rarely.
1070. Do you go outside?: No.
1071. Do you read?: Sometimes.
1072. Do you dance around naked?: You Wish.
1073. How was you day today?: It Was Okay.
1074. Was it good?: It Was Alright.
1075. Was it bad?: It Was In The Middle!
1076. Why?: It Was Ordinary...
1077. What time is it right now?: 10:23 PM.
1078. What time do you wish it was?: Time To Stop.
1079. Do you like cops?: They're Okay.
1080. Do you like Fruits Basket?: I Haven't Seen It.
1081. Do you like Anime?: It's Okay.
1082. Do you like Manga?: Manga's Better Than The Anime Shows...
1083. What is your favorite Anime?: FLCL Rocked My World.
1084. What is your favorite Manga?: I Dunno...I Own A Few Copies Of Jing: King Of Bandits.
1085. Do you have more than one favorite Anime?: No.
1086. If so, Please list.: I Don't.
1087. Do you have more than one favorite Mange?: No.
1088. If so, please list.: I Don't.
1089. What do you think of my quiz?: It's Long, Boring, And Several Quizzes Put Together, I Can tell By The Typing Styles.
1090. Have you ever seen someone naked?: Yes.
1091. Have you ever seen someone running outside naked?: No.
1092. Have you ever daydreamed someone naked?: Hm...I Dunno...Have I? O.o
1093. Will you complete this quiz?: Yes.
1094. Do you have the paitence to finish it?: My Patience Is Wearing Thin =/
1095. Do you really need gold that bad that you'll finish my quiz?: I Won't Get Much.
1096. Where do you live?: North Dakota.
1097. Where do you wish you lived?: Somewhere Close To Cherry ._.
1098. Are you Female or Male?: Male.
1099. Do you like being that gender?: It's Okay =)
1100. Do you wish you were the opposite gender?: No, I'm Fine With Myself.
1101. Do you have siblings?: Yes.
1102. How many?: 1.
1103. What is their names?: I Have A Younger Sister Named Alec =/
1104. Did you lie about their names?: No, Actually.
1105. Did you lie on any of the above?: No.
1106. Are you tall?: I'm Pretty Tall =)
1107. Are you short?: No.
1108. How tall are you?: I Haven't Been Measured, But I'm Almost Taller Than My Parents.
1109. Do you like sports?: They're okay...
1110. Do you play sports?: Not much.
1111. Do you watch sports?: No.
1112. What sports do you like?: Soccer.
1113. Do you like school?: No.
1114. What grade are you in?: 8, Soon.
1115. Do you get good grades?: I'm An Honor Student.
1116. Do you get bad grades?: No.
1117. Do you get detention?: I Used To, A Lot.
1118. Have you ever gotten detention?: Yes.
1119. Do you have SAVE?: No?
1120. Have you ever gotten SAVE?: What Is Save?
1121. Did you know my sister got kicked out of SAVE last year?: Haha! >=)
1122. What is your favorite subject?: English.
1123. Why is it your favorite subject?: It's Relatively Easy.
1124. What is your least favorite subject?: Math.
1125. Why is it your least favorite subject?: It's Tedious, Time-Expending, And Boring.
1126. What school do you go to?: Bush Says I Shouldn't Tell, You Might Be A Terrorist =P
1127. What is your favorite thing to do on gaia?: Chat! =D
1128. What is your least favorite thing to do on gaia?: Scraping Up Money...
1129. What do you think about gaia?: It's A Great Place! =D
1130. Why do you think that?: Because It Just it.
1131. What is your favorite website?: This One? =O
1132. Why is it your favorite website?: My Friends Are Here...
1133. How did you find gaia?: I Came Here With Cherry.
1134. How much time do you spend on gaia?: A Lot.
1135. Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend?: I Wish...Unless Someone's Got A Secret? wink
1136. Do you have a gaia girlfriend/boyfriend?: I Have Very Good Friends.
1137. Do you have a gaia wife or hubby?: No.
1138. What is your favorite song?: One Of Them Is 'AGITATOR' By Pierrot.
1139. Why is it your favorite song?: It's Just Amazing...
1140. Are my questions making you think?: Not Much =)
1141. Do you hate me for that?: No.
1142. What is your favorite type of music?: I've Got A Lot, They Vary.
1143. Why is it your favorite type of music?: Music Just Rocks!
1144. Do you have more than one favorite?: Yes.
1145. If so, please list. If not, ninja!: A Bunch...
1146. What type of movies are you into?: Sci-Fi, Thrillers, Comedies...
1147. Horror?: Occaisionally.
1148. Comedy?: Yes.
1149. Action?: I Don't like A Movie Full Of Oneliners, But Yes.
1150. Romance?: Sure.
1151. anime?: Anime's Okay...
1152. Other?: Sure? O.o
1153. What's your birthday?: September 9th
1154. Is your sign Aries?: No.
1155. Is your sign Taurus?: No.
1156. Is your sign Gemini?: No.
1157. Is your sign Cancer?: No.
1158. Is your sign Leo?: No.
1159. Is your sign Virgo?: Yes, I'm A Virgo.
1160. Is your sign Libra?: No.
1161. Is your sign Scorpio?: No.
1162. Is your sign Sagittarius?: No.
1163. Is your sign Capricorn?: No.
1164. Is your sign Aquarius?: No.
1165. Is your sign Pisces?: No.
1166. What year were you born?: 1992.
1167. Are you a Dog?: No.
1168. Are you a Dragon?: No.
1169. Are you a Horse?: No.
1170. Are you a Monkey?: Yes, Monkey Is My Chinese Zodiac.
1171. Are you a Pig?: No.
1172. Are you a Ox?: No.
1173. Are you a Rabbit?: No.
1174. Are you a Rat?: No.
1175. Are you a Rooster?: No.
1176. Are you a Sheep?: No.
1177. Are you a Snake?: No.
1178. Are you a Tiger?: No.
1179. Is anyone else a Virgo Dragon like me?: I'm A Virgo-Monkey.
1180. Who's your favorite actor?: I Dunno.
1181. Why?: Because I Don't like Knowing Celeberity Names.
1182. Who's your favorite actress?: Yet Again, I Dunno.
1183. Why?: I Just Don't...
1184. What is your favorite CD?: Ummm...ID-Attack, Pierrot.
1185. Why is it your favorite CD?: It Has Neogrotesque On It.
1186. What is your favorite TV show?: I don't Watch Much TV.
1187. Why is it your favorite?: There's No Show Posted Up There, Buddy.
1188. What is your favorite holiday?: Halloween?
1189. What make is better than the others?: Candy, Baby, Candy! =D
1190. What is your favorite day of the week?: Friday.
1191. Why is it your favorite day of the week?: Weekend! =D
1192. What is your favorite day of the month?: The 9th, The 6, Or The 7th
1193. Why is it your favorite day of the month? They're All Okay.
1194. What is your favorite day of the year?: I Dunno...
1195. Why is it your favorite day of the year?: I Dunno! D=
1196. What is your favorite season? Winter.
1197. Why is it your favorite season?: It's Very Cold, Tranquil, And It SnowsA Lot.
1198. Do you have allergies?: I Think I Have Seasonal Allergies, Come To Think Of It.
1199. If you do, to what? If not, ninja!: I Dunno =/
1200. What is your favorite car?: Jaguar.
1201. Why is it your favorite?: hide Had One.
1202. What color?: Silver.
1203. Can you drive?: No.
1204. Do you wish you could drive?: Sure.
1205. What's stopping you?: Age.
1206. What is your favorite animal?: I Like Wolves, Rabbits, Foxes,Cats...You Name it.
1207. Why is it your favorite?: Becayse They're Adorible!
1208. If you could be half an animal and half human, would you be your favorite animal?: Sure! =D
1209. Do you like M&M's?: They're Okay.
1210. What is your favorite color M&M?: Red.
1211. What is your favorite ice-cream?: Vanilla.
1212. Why is it your favorite?: It's Classical, And It's Good =)
1213. What makes it your favorite?: I Just Told You...
1214. Have you ever commited a crime? I've Stolen, When I Was Like...4.
1215. Would you ever commit a crime?: I Have =/
1216. Are you thinking of commiting a crime?: I Stole A Battery When I Was 4, Jeez!
1217. Would you even tell me if you about to commit a crime?: No...No I Wouldn't.
1218. Have you ever jumped off Mount Everest?: No.
1219. Would you ever jump off Mount Everest?: I'd Roll Down It cool
1220. Are you thinking of jumping off Mount Everest?: Kinda, Now That You Ask.
1221. Would you tell me if you are about to jump off Mount Everest?: Sure! =D
1222. Do you want to push me off Mount Everest?: Yes...I Do...
1223. Have you ever cross dressed?: I Can't Pull It Off...SARS Can, Kinky Little Zombie...
1224. Did you get caught?: I Never Did =O
1225. Would you ever cross dress?: No D=
1226. Do you think you'll get caught?: If I Did It? Oh Yeah.
1227. Have you ever sang in front of people?: Yes.
1228. Were you good?: I Was Okay.
1229. Would you ever sing in front of people?: Yes.
1230. Do you think you're good?: No =P
1231. Do people think you're good?: I Guess.
1232. Have they told you that you're good?: No.
1233. Have you ever gone to school naked?: No.
1234. Are you thinking about going to school naked?: No redface
1235. Would you think of going to school naked?: As A Joke, Maybe.
1236. Would you tell me if you were about to go to school naked?: No.
1237. Have you ever eaten dog/cat food?: No.
1238. Did it taste good?: I Didn't
1239. Did it taste bad?: I Didn't...
1240. Are you thinking of tasting dog/cat food?: No, It Smells Terrible.
1241. Do you think you'd like it?: No.
1242. Have you ever swam in a shark infested water?: Actually, Yes.
1243. How was the experance?: It Was Swimming In An Ocean.
1244. Are you thinking of swimming in shake infested water?: No.
1245. Would you ever swim in shark infested water?: I Have, I Think.
1246. What do you think the experance would be like?: Like Swimming, With More lifeguards.
1247. Have you ever stayed up all night and morning chatting with someone?: Yes =)
1248. If so, who? If not, ninja.: Cherry, Haru A Few Others That Are Important, But I Cant Fit Here.
1249. Have you ever stayed up all night and morning chatting with someone on a school night?: Yes.
1250. If so, who? If not, ninja.: Cherry.
1251. Have you ever talked in your sleep?: No.
1252. How did you find out you talked in your sleep?: I Don't.
1253. Do you have control of talking in your sleep?: No.
1254. How do you control your sleep talking?: I Just Don't Sleeptalk! D=
1255. Can I have a hug?: No...
1256. Will you finish?: Yes.
1257. Do you live on a farm?: No.
1258. Do you wish you lived on a farm?: Not Really.
1259. Realistic or Make-Believe?: Make-Believe! =D *Copies Haru's Rainbow-Sparkle-Throw*
1260. Why did you choose that answer? It's Much Cooler cool
1261. Cartoons or News?: Cartoons.
1262. Why did you choose that answer?: News Is Depressing.
1263. Internet or Life?: Life.
1264. Why did you choose that answer?: Life Is More Important.
1265. Silly or Goose?: Silly =B
1266. Why did you choose that answer? Because Then I Can Add 'Buns' To The End! =D
1267. Paper or Plastic?: Plastic.
1268. Why did you choose that answer?: I'm Saving Trees, And Recycling! =D
1269. Hurricane or typhoon?: Typhoon.
1260. Why did you choose that answer?: I Think A Typhoon Is Less Powerful...
1271. Dust or Dirt?: Dirt
1272. Why did you choose that answer?: You Can Grow Stuff In Dirt.
1273. Cat or Dog?: Both! =D
1274. Llama or Cat?: Llama cool
1275. Dog or Chicken?: Dog.
1276. Horse or Llama?: Llama cool
1277. Cat or Chicken?: Cat.
1278. Horse or Cat?: Either! D=
1279. Cat or Rat?: Cat? ;-; Does The Kitty Hurt The Mouse? ;-;
1280. Horse or Dog?: Dog.
1281. Rat or Dog?: Dog.
1282. Horse or Rat?: Horse.
1283. Rat or Chicken?: Rat.
1284. Llama or Dog?: Llama cool
1285. Tiger or Llama?: Llama cool
1286. Llama or Rat?: Llama.
1287. Tiger or Lion?: Lion.
1288. Lion or Llama?: Llama cool
1289. Chicken or Llama?: Llama! cool
1290. Tiger or Horse?: Tiger
1291. Horse or Lion? Lion.
1292. Cat or Tiger? Cat.
1293. Lion or Cat? Cat.
1294. Rat or Lion? Lion?
1295. Tiger or Rat? Tiger?
1296. Dog or Tiger? Dog.
1297. Lion or Dog? Dog.
1298. Chicken or Lion?: Lion.
1299. Chicken or Tiger?: Tiger.
1300. How much gold do you have now?: I Dunno =/
1301. Did you spend any of it while you did the top part of the quiz?: No.
1302. Is the gold that you have now telling you to spend it on something?: No.
1303. Do you still have to save gold for the item you are questing for?: Yes.
1304. Are my questions on gold making you think about spending it?: No.
1305. Shy or Loud mouth?: Both Have Good Qualities =)
1306. Loud mouth or Cry baby?: Loud-Mouth.
1307. Shy or Cry baby?: Shy.
1308. Evil or Good?: Good.
1309. Night or Day?: Night.
1310. Breakfast or Lunch?: Neither.
1311. Lunch or Dinner?: Dinner.
1312. Dinner or Breakfast?: Dinner.
1313. Bed or Floor?: Bed.
1314. Floor or Roof?: Roof.
1315. Roof or Basement?: Basement.
1316. Basement or Bed?: Bed.
1317. Roof or Bed?: Roof?
1318. Floor or Basement?: Basement.
1319. Bark or Woof?: Bark.
1320. Woof or Arf?: Arf.
1321. Arf or Bark?: Arf.
1322. InuYasha or Sesshoumaru?: I Dislike Them Both D= I Don't Know Why, But They're So One-Liner-Y.
1323. Sesshoumaru or Miroku?: I Don't Care.
1324. Sesshoumaru or Naraku?: I don't Care.
1325. InuYasha or Miroku?: Jeez! I Don't Care For The Show, Or Manga!
1326. InuYasha or Naraku?: I Have no Opinion Either Way.
1327. Miroku or Naraku?: I Don't Care.
1328. Kagome or Sesshoumaru?: Why Do You Have A Whole Block Of This Stuff?
1329. Kagome or InuYasha?: I Don't Care...
1330. Kagome or Miroku?: I Have no Favor To Either!
1331. Kagome or Naraku?: I Could Care Less.
1332. Sango or Kagome?: I Don't Care.
1333. Sango or Sesshoumaru?: Ask Someone Who Does Care.
1334. Sango or InuYasha?: I Don't Care =/
1335. Sango or Miroku? I Don't Care About Either.
1336. Sango or Naraku?: Go Ask Someone Who Care About Either Of Them!!! scream
1337. North or South?: North.
1338. South or East?: East.
1339. East or West?: Eart.
1340. West or South?: West.
1341. North or East?: North.
1342. West or North?: North.
1343. Soda or Pop?: Soda.
1344. How many friends do you have?: I'd Say 4.
1345. How many friends do you wish you had?: I Like How Many I Have...
1346. How many friends are girls?: 3.
1347. How many friends are guys?: 1.
1348. How many friends do you talk to almost everyday?: 2.
1349. What is the color of your eyes?: Brown.
1350. What is the color of your hair?: It Used To Be Pink...
1351. What is the color of your nails?: They're Nail-Colored...
1352. What is the color of your toe nails?: The Same Color As My Nails.
1353. Are you wearing make up?: No.
1354. Do you have acne?: I Dunno =O
1355. Do you wish you had acne?: Eww...No.
1356. Do you wish you didn't have acne?: I Hope I Don't Have Acne...
1357. Post a random number.: 11
1358. Post a random letter.: P
1359. Post a random emotion.: ninja
1360. Do you hate long quizzes?: Nope.
1361. Do you hate this quiz?: A Little, It Was Very Repetitive.
1362. Why are you doing this quiz?: Because I've Got Nothing Better To Do.
1363. Are you in a guild?: Yes =)
1364. Are you in more than one guild?: No.
1365. Please list them. If not, ninja!: Kaleidoscope Guilds: You Forgot About Me You Whore.
1366. Do you wish to be my friend?: No.
1367. Spell you name backwords! Kcaz, Or Ooreklahc.
1368. Contacts, glasses, both, or neither?: Both =) I Like Colored Contacts...
1369. Why?: They're Both Neat, I Suppose.
1370. Where were you born?: In A Hospital =)
1371. Do you like the place you were born?: What's Not To Like? =O
1372. Do you wish you were born someplace else?: No.
1373. If so, where?: Seattle? =D
1374. What does your username mean?: It's A Nickname.
1375. Why did you choose that as your username?: Because It's From A Person I Really Care About.
1376. Do you like your username?: I Love It.
1377. Why do you like/dislike your username?: Because I Think It's Important.
1378. How many days ago was it since your last birthday?: A Lot ._.
1379. Did you have cake on your birthday?: No.

*Arm Pump!*
I've So Gotta Brag...

Finished Quiz listening To: 'Where It's At' - Beck.
Time: 11:08 PM.
Feeling: Proud.

heart heart heart heart heart

User Comments: [4] [add]
Wonder Cherry
Community Member
commentCommented on: Fri Aug 18, 2006 @ 06:07am
Bunny wanted the Pony! x3 <3

It asked if you read manga, and you put no? o.O

Aww, you don't like murdering people? ;-; xD

I wish I could still be able to stay up all night and talk to you . ;0;

*huggeroo* ;w;

Jimmy: *wiggles* <3


commentCommented on: Fri Aug 18, 2006 @ 06:11am
Nope, I Don't Read Manga ._.
I Own A Few, That I've Read Before, But I'm Not A Frequent Reader...

Ummm...Did I Say Llama Wanted The Pony?
I Don't Remember...And I Don't Want To Page Through The Questions...

Nopers, It's WayToo Messy, And People Come To Your House To Ask Questions =/

Hahaha...Jimmy Likes To Wiggle...

Community Member
Wonder Cherry
Community Member
commentCommented on: Fri Aug 18, 2006 @ 07:20am
Well that still means you read manga, silly bunz xD <3

Yeah, you did x3

Kill the people that come to your house, too! >:3

*dances with Jimmy*

commentCommented on: Sat Aug 19, 2006 @ 06:25am
Okay, Fiiiiiine...

Can't You Accept That... "Killing's Bad, M'kay?" gonk

Jimmy: *Wiggles* <3

Community Member
User Comments: [4] [add]
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