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View User's Journal

Collected Ramblings
A Glimpse Into The Daily Runnings Of Your Typical Teenager.
Ever Crave Chocolate, But Can't Have It? =O
Ever Notice All Your Friends Are Offline?
Ever Feel Bored?
Then It's Time You (I) Quizzed! =D


What time are you starting this quiz?: 8:44 PM
Do you like quizzes?: Yuppers! I Love Them =)
What is your age?: Soon To Be 14 =O
What is your gender?: I'm A Boy 3nodding
What is your ethnic group?: Caucasian? =O
What is your Location?: Minot, North Dakota.
What is your Eye color?: Brown =/ Pretty Boring, I Know...
What is your IQ?: I'm Very Smart! =D I Just Don't Like To Show It...
What are / were your normal school grades?: I'm An Honor-Student =)
Do / Did you like school?: I Hate It! I Hate It With Every Fiber Of My Being! D=<
What grade are you in?: I'm Not In Any! It's Summer! =)
Are you in college?: Nope.
Will you be honest about this question, and ALL of the questions?: Sure, What's The Question?
What is your favorite TV show?: Hmmm..I Don't Watch T.V Much...
Cartoon?: I Used To Adore Tom And Jerry =)
Would you download music?: I Do Almost Every Day =O
Do you know where you are?: In My House! Duh...
Do you like this quiz so far?: Sure! =D
Do you have YIM?: Nope.
Do you know what YIM is?: Isn't It An Instant-Messenger?
Do you like The Sims or The Sims 2?: I've Never Played The Sims, So I Don't Know D=
What kind of shoes do you have?: These Beat Up Black Ones.
Sneakers or Sandals?: Sneakers, Totally. You Can Do Like, Anything In Them!
Do you call it... Soda Pop, Coke, The name of the drink, Pop, Fizzy Water?: Soda!
Would you drink Underage?: Hmmmm...I Dunno =|
Are you a vegetarian?: Yes Sir!
Are you a healthy person?: I Try To Be =)
Do you excercise often?: Sadly, No.
do yuo typo ofetn/ : No! I'm Very Neat About My Typing =)
Could you read that? : Yes, 'Do You Typo Often?'
When did you last look at the sky?: This Morning, Before Going Into The Humane Society.
When did you last go outside?: When I Took The Trash Out.
When did you last eat a banana?: I Love Bananas! =D But Like...Last Week...
When did you last scream at your parents?: I Dunno =/
Are you a daredevil?: Hahaha...No.
Do you hate the south?: No, But I Don't like The Temperatures There =O
Do you hate the North?: I Like The North =)
Are you religious?: Occaisionally.
Do you think I'll judge you based on your answers?: Maybe.
Are you a blonde?: Nope, I Was A Pinkette, Now I'm A Brunette =/
Are you a dumb blonde?: I'm A Smart Brunette, Darn It! D=
Do you type in perfect sentences?: You Bet I Do!
or do u tyep like this lol: Nope.
0R wOr$3 DO U 7Yp3 lIk3 t#!$?????!/1/1/1/1: Eww! Leetspeak! D=
Do you judge those that type like that?: Sometimes, It's A Bit Annoying...
Do you judge people?: I Think I've Admitted To That In The Above Sentance...
Do you make fun of people?: I Try Not To! But Occaisionally I Do In Good Humor...
Are you planning on taking over the world?: I Already Have, You Just Don't Know Yet!
Have you taken over the world?: Yes! I Am The Lord Of Candied Apples! >=3
Are you in shape?: I'm A Little Scrawny sweatdrop
Are you fat?: Nope =O
Would it be all over if you get fat?: Huh? No.
Is it all about American Idol?: Hahaha, No Way =P
Do you like American Idol?: I Guess It's Okay.
Do you want to kill your neighbor?: My Neighbors Are Elderly, No Way...
What is your favorite kind of clothing?: The Casual, Dark Colored Kind.
When did you last run around?: Yesterday! =D It Raaained!
Do you cry often?: No, But When Something Sad Happens, Like Azzi, I Will.
When did you last prank your neighbors?: Woah! Like...4 Years Ago!
Would you prank your neighbors?: I Have Before sweatdrop
Would you rather party, or be alone?: It All Depends On My Mood.
Are you friendly? Or all alone and misunderstood?: I Try To be Friendly, But I Don't Have Many Friends.
Or just hate people?: No.
Are you racist?: No.
Homophobic?: *Sigh* I Try To Be Accepting Of All People.
Stereotypical?: What Does That Mean? =O
Do you hate the above?: No! D=
Do you just lick the filling off of Oreos?: Nope, I Just Eat Them =O
Do you think Pokemon is about the dumbest thing ever?: Yes, But It Has Taken My Life Over, Before!
Do you think Pokemon is about the coolest thing ever?: I Did When I Was Like...7
Do you dress or act certain way to fit in?: Nope, Which Is Possibly Why I Don't Have Many Friends.
Do you think this is stupid?: Do I Think What Is Stupid? O.o
Have you ever been chased by the police?: Nope =/
Type your name with your eyes closed: Zavl
Do you have pop ups blocked?: Yes =O
Do you have a friend name Kelly?: Nope.
What is your favorite Shampoo?: The Cheap Kind sweatdrop
Conditioner?: The Other Cheap Kind! 3nodding
Who are you obsessed with?: Hideto Matsumoto Is My Idol =O
Do you have any obsessions?: Oh Yeah! =D
If so what?: Lemme See: Rain, Kite And BlackRose, Writing, Drawing, Nicknames...
Are you addicted to caffeiene?: Nope, But I Enjoy It...I Enjoy It A Lot O.O
Do you consider yourself good looking?: I Guess I'm Okay =)
Do you have self confidence?: A Little, I Know When To Defend Others And Myself.
...Too much self confidence?: No, Maybe Not Enough =/
Do you have low self esteem?: Kind Of...
High self esteem?: Not Neccicarly.
WAY TOO MUCH self esteem?: No!
When did you last eat an apple?: And Weaken My candied Apple Nation?!? NEVER!
What color was it?: ...Red ._.
Do you have a laptop or desktop?: Desktop.
Are you on your OWN computer?: Yes, I'm The Only One Who Uses It.
Are you old enough for a job?: No =/ I Volunteer, Though!
Do you have one if you're old enough?: I'm Not.
Are you to lazy to get one?: I Think I'd Get One If I Could =)
What kind of music do you like?: That Kind You Hate!
What is your favorite band?: I Have Soooo Many gonk
What is a band you HATE?: That One You Adore! =P
Name a random person you know in real life: A Person Named Anne At The Gas Station.
Name a random person you know from online: My Best Friend, Droo! =O
Name a random word: 'Cookie'! =D
What are you doing?: Taking This Quiz =)
Whats on your mind?: I'm Thinking Of What To Listen To, Moo-Ziq Wise.
Do you watch south park?: I Did When Eric Was Here =/
Do you know any wEirD people?: My Friend Josh Is A Total Goon! X3 But he Rocks.
Are you weird?: A Little Bit =)
Are you daring?: Sometimes =)
Are you sane?: Nein, Mein Liebling Cookie Faces! Hahaha...Yes =)
Do you have any pets?: I Have A Lizard Named Che Guevara.
Have you ever been to a karaoke bar?: Yes =)
Do you know Martial Arts?: No! D=
Do you believe in love at first sight?: Yes =)
Do you believe in miracles?: Yes, I Do.
Do you like our president?: No! D=
Is George W. Bush your president?: Yes...Sadly...
Are you home alone?: Yes.
Would you love someone?: Of Course! =O
Are you married?: Haha, No.
Are you keeping in mind to be honest?: Yes Sir/Ma'am! =D
Are you afraid?: Right Now? No.
Would you kiss someone of the same gender?: No =O
Are you a virgin?: Yes.
Do you like food?: Sure! =O
Name a song you can relate too: 'Rocket Dive' - hide
Name a fun song!: Omnibus - Lautsprecher
Can you sing?: No, But That Doesn't Mean I Won't!
Name another person you hate: Bush! D=
What color are the walls of the room you are in?: White =/
What color are the floors of the room you are in? Brown And White Tile =/
Is someone mad at you?: No Right Now. Unless One Of You Are...
Do you ever get mad at someone often that is your friend?: Usually, No.
Are you toxic?: What's That Supposed To Mean? O.o
Are you spicy?: I Feel Blaaand! D=
Have you ever dyed your hair?: Pink! I Looked Awesome! =D
Do you highly care about what those who aren't your friend's think about you?: Not Really, I'm A Little Shy, Though.
Do you love yourself?: I'm Okay =)
Did you take that the wrong way?: Hahaha, No =)
Do you take everything the wrong way?: I Don't Think So...
Do you have an optical or standard mouse?: I Have An Optical One 3nodding
Do you remember the last time you had jelly beans? No crying
Have you ever been on a game show? I've Been On A Fear-Factor Thing At The Fair
Ever been on TV?: Once =|
Ever been out of your house?: Yes =O
Ever met a celebrity?: No =|
Name someone you love: You! For Reading This =)
What are you wearing?: Camoflage Pants, A Grey Shirt, Black Shoes =/
Do you have pride in anything that other people would judge you for?: Yes.
Did you vote for Bush, Kerry, Nader, or not at all?: Not At All.
Are you in my closet?: Maybe O.O
Are you an awkward person?: Sometimes I Can Be So Socially Awkward! D=
Are you stupid?: Sometimes =/

War: War Is Terrible.
Peace: Peace, Isn't That What We All Strive For?
Love: Love Is Very Important.
Partying: Partying Is Fun! =D
Dancing?: I Suck So Bad At Dancing D=
Food!: Food's Okay =)
Anorexia: Eww...
Evanescence: I Have Never Heard A Single Song By Them =|
Green Day: I Guess They're Okay =|
Your life?: My Life is Great, I Could Have It Much Worse.
Religion?: I'm A Christian.
Athiesm?: I Do Not Condone Athiesm, But I Will Tolerate It.
Shop often?: Not A Whole lot In Real Life =/
Love often?: I Love My Friends =')
Been divorced?: Nope!
Want a divorce?: Uhh...No...
Cheat on someone who thinks you are their soulmate?: *Sigh* Nope...
Have good morals?: I'd Like To Think I Do =)

Are you...
Someone who loves animals?: Oh Yeah! =D
Someone who sits around all day?: Yes! D=
Someone who spends 8+ hours on their computer?: I Don't Count =/
Someone who has a life?: Yes I Am =)
Someone who has a cell phone?: I Don't Want One =/
Someone who is secretly in love with a friend?: I Really like Droofase, Does That Count? =O
Someone who believes in magic?: I'd Like To Think It's Real! =D
Someone who believes everything happens for a reason?: Yes.
Someone who believes in life after death?: Yes.
Someone who believes in creation of the universe?: Yes.
Someone who is prejudice against races, religions, etc?: No! D=
Someone who is fun!: I Hope I'm Fun ;-;
Someone who likes Spongebob?: Spongebob Rocks! XD
Someone who wants to have a good time?: Yes, I am! =D

What brand are / is....
Your atheletic Shoes? I Don't Think Those Exist =O
Your casual Shoes? Etnies or K-Swiss, The K-Swiss Are My Uncle's Beat Up Oil-Rig Shoes, But I Wear Them.
Your dress shoes?: I Am In Doubt Those Exist As Well =/
Your sandals?: I Have Those, But I Forget =/
Your favorite kind of soda?: Mountain Dew =D It's Great With Junior Mints.
The drink you drink most of?: Mountain Dew ;-;

What kind of books do you like?: Fantasy! =D
What is your favorite series of books?: I Liked The Redwall Series! =O
Do you drink Orange Juice?: Yes 3nodding
Are you a sibling?: Yes I Am! =D
Are you the younger / older / same age?: I'm An Older Sibling =)
Are you a twin?: Nope.
Would you watch a horror movie?: Yes! =D
Does your ear itch?: No.
Does your head ache?: Nope =)
Have you taken any breaks during this quiz?: Yes ._.
Can you type fast?: I Can Type Really Fast, And Still Cap Each Letter! =D
Dooo yoooou tyyyyyyyyyype sloooooooow?: Nope! =D
Was that annoying?: A Little =)
What kind of computer do you have?: I Have A Dell =O
Are you wearing socks?: Nope, I'm Barefoot Now. I Took My Socks And Shoes Off.
Would you feel awkward around a satanist?: A Little.
Would you feel awkward around a christian?: No.
Would you feel awkward around an athiest?: No.
Would you feel awkward around anyone?: Yes.
What is the weather like RIGHT now?: It's Really Hot, Even Though It's Dark D=
When did you last bleed?: When I Accidentally Cut Myself With A Knife Yesterday.
Do you have braces?: Nope! See? mrgreen
Do you wear contacts?: Nope, I Have Great Vision =)
Do you wear glasses?: Nope.
If so.. To see? To see far away? To read?: I Don't Wear Them O.O
When did you last go to school?: The Last Day Of School? =O
When did you last hug someone?: Like, Five Minutes Ago.
Who was it?: My Parents.
Are you bootylicious?: Hahaha rofl No =P
Are you mature?: I Can Be =)
Are you immature?: Occaisionally =/
Do you like to party?: Uh Huh! =D
What is a turn off?: When Someone Says Really Rude Stuff Without Noticing It.
Do you have language problem?: I Don't Think So =O
What's zee quiz like so far?: A Little Repetitive =/
How's life?: Decent =)
What is your hairstyle?: Short! D= My Parents Cut It Sooo Short...I Hate It...
How does your hair look right now?: Ugly ;-;
Do you have clear skin?: My Skin's Okay =)
Are you flawless?: Psshf, No!
...Are you lying?: I Said I Was Going To Be Honest On This Quiz!
Do you realize that at least one person loves you?: Yes =)
Do you love someone so much you would die for them?: I Would.
If you would die tomorrow, what would you do today?: I Would Tell Everyone How Much I Care For Them.
Do you live like everyday is your last day?: No, I Do Not.
What time is it?: 11:35 PM
Do you savor every second after work / school?: No.
Do you savor every second of life?: No, I Must Admit, I Take Things For Granted Sometimes.
Name something TOTALLY free: My Friendship =) You Don't Have To Buy It Or Win It.
Hahaha! Were you breathing automatically?: Yes...Why? =O
Now that I mentioned it, are you having to breathe on your own?: No O.o
If you looked to your left, what would you see?: My Stereo.
What do you love?: My Friends, My Family, Music, Art, All Sorts Of Stuff =)
What don't you love?: When A Whole Day Goes Uneventful.
When did you last write something with a pen?: I Wrote 'Realistic'
Have you ever been on stage?: Yes =/
Are you married?: No.
Do you ever want to get married?: I Might =)
When did you last dance?: In The Rain, Yesterday! =D
Do you like the rain?: I LOVE RAIN! heart heart heart
Are you having a good day?: My Day Has Been Decent =)
Do you have an extensive collection of music on your computer?: Oh Yes I Do! =D
Do you like prank phone calls?: No, But I'm Very Good At Changing My Voice, I've Prank Called Before =/
Ever prank phone call the police?: No.
Ever streak?: No =P
Ever Skinny dip?: *Shy* No
Do you take showers, baths, or jump in the creek?: I Shower =O
Everyday?: Everyday =)
On the weekend?: Everyday! >=O
When did you last brush your teeth?: This Morning =O
What time is it now?: 11:40 PM.
When did you last kick a ball?: I Kicked A Vollyball My Sister's Friend Left In The Yard Yesterday
When did you last hurt someone? Yesterday.
Physically?: Yesterday I Threw A Duck At GE ='(
Emotionally?: Today, I Tried To Trip GE ='(
Are you mad?: No =O
When were you last sick?: Like...Two Days Ago I Didn't Feel Good.
When did you last listen to music?: i'm Listening To It Now =)
What did you listen to?: 'Dance Like An Idiot' - Lemon Demon.
Do you live life to the fullest?: No, I Don't, Sometimes I Do, Though =)
Type your favorite song lyric.: 'Love Is Free, Love Me? Say Hell Yes!'
Do you love clouds? I Do, They're Pretty =)
When did it last snow?: In Winter sweatdrop I Dunno The Date.
When did you last go to the beach?: When I Was Like 8 With My Cousin, Eric.
Have you ever kissed someone?: Yes.
How did you kiss them?: Against my Will D= They Did It On A Dare, I Was Young, I Ran! XD
Are you EXTREME?!: No, Are YOU?
What is your favorite pasttime?: Doing Stuff Like This =P
Day or Night?: Night, It's Much Quieter =)
Name something refreshing: When You Take A Deep Breath After It's Snowed =)
What entices you?: Your Awesome Pants =O
Have you ever broken a bone?: I've Broken A Bone In My Foot, Once =)
What are you afraid of?: Hights?
Who is your favorite online friend?: Cherry And Haru =3
Who is your best friend in real life?: I Guess Josh? We Don't Even Talk, Though.
Do you own an Ipod?: No =/
What is your parents name?: Amber And Chris.
What is the NAME of your street?: 19th Street, Northwest.
Do you want to go somewhere over the rainbow?: Sure! =D
Have you ever been to Disney World / Land?: No ._.
What's the best advice anyone has every given you?: 'Say Free Of Misery' - hide =)
What is your life goal?: To Make Something Out Of It!
Love or Hate?: Love's Much Better =)
Do you like life?: Yes.
Are you popular?: I'm In The Middle =)
...Amongst weird people?: *Looks At Friends* Totally...
How do you dress?: Casually.
How do you do?!: Fine, And You? =)
What is your favorite color?: Black, It Goes Well With Almost Everything =)
Do you dress in Dark / Light colors?: I Tend To Dress In Darker Colors =/

Are / Do your parents..
Nice?: They're =)
Baby you?: No!
Misunderstand you?: Lots
Judge you?: My Dad Does.
Give you everything?: No!
Think you haven't grown up yet?: No
Are they Married?: Yes.
Divorced?: No.
Fighting?: No.
On good terms?: Yes.
Rich?: In The Middle =)
Poor?: No.
Employed?: Yes, My Dad's A Airman, My Mom's An Eye Doctor. =O
Unemployed?: No.
Make dinner every night?: Nope!
Make you order pizza?: No.
Go shopping with you?: Sometimes.

This or That
Pie or cake?: I Like Pumpkin Pie =O
Pie or 3.14159...?: Math Sucks! >=O Screw Pi, Gimme Pie! >=3
Chocolate or vanilla?: Vanilla! =D
Black or white?: Black.
Ceiling or floor?: Floor.
Couch or bed?: Bed.
Cough or sneeze?: Eh? Sneeze =/
On or off?: On =)
Closed or open?: Open.
Brush or comb?: Brush.
Long or short?: Umm...Long?
Big or small?: It Depends =)
Wet or dry?: Dry.
Under or over?: Under.
Top or bottom?: Bottom.
Fly or fall?: Fly! =D
Smile or frown?: Smile =)
Tears of joy or tears of sorrow?: Tears Of Joy.
Hot or cold?: Cold.
Warm or cool?: Warm.
Rough or smooth?: Smooth.
Cat or dog?: Both =3
Snake or bird?: Bird.
Shark or T-Rex?: T-Rex! >=D Rawwr!! =P
Past or present?: Present.
Science fiction or fantasy?: Fantasy! =D
Dull or sharp?: Sharp.
Live forever or die young?: I Think If You Lived Forever, You'd Lose The Joy Of Living.
Books or television?: Books.
Jump or skip?: Jump!
Fast or slow?: Slow.
Run or walk?: Walk.
Guy or girl?: Girl, I Guess =)
Disney or Warner Brothers?: The Warner-Brothers! =D The Made The Animaniacs!
Belle or Jasmine?: Jasmine.
Gaston or Cruella Deville?; The Song For Gaston Was Catchy =)
Food or friends?: Friends! =O
Colors or black and white?: Colors =)
Cute or pretty?: Pretty =)
Good or evil?: Hmm...The Bad Guys Always Look Cooler, But Good. =3
Fruits or vegetables?: Fruit! =3
Milk or juice?: Juice =)
Hot chocolate or gingerale?: Gingerale, I Think? O.o
Movies or cartoons?: Movies.
Pillow or blanket?: Blanket.
Moon or stars?: Moon! =D
Sky or sea?: Sky.
Explode or implode?: Explosions!?! O.O I Have Head 'Splody!

Odd Questions
What color is the bottom of your tongue?: Pink =O
Your foot?: The Same Color As My Hands =O
Do you have any medical problems concerning feet: None, Except I Broke My foot once.
Do you chew on your homework?: No O.o
Pencils?: Okay, I Know It's Gross, But I Used To =/
Do you read the dictionary?: No O.o
Encyclopedia?: No O.o
Atlas?: Argh! NO!
Road map?: NOOOO! D=
Do you memorize random facts?: Sometimes.
Do you stalk anyone?: No.
Does anyone stalk you?: *Hides* GE's Coming, He Wants His Muffin Back D=
Do you cut the grass with a pair of scissors?: Nope =P
Do you dust your lawn?: No...
Do you collect dust?: No!
Lint?: *sigh*....No.
Baby teeth?: No, But My Mommy Does.
Do you use lotion on your feet?: Eww, No.
Do you have problems with Canadians?: I Live NEAR Canada...I've not Go Problem
Mexicans?: Nope =)
Americans?: I've Got Issues With Bush =O
The French?: Nope =/
The English?: No =/
Have you ever played a kazoo?: Yes =3
Have you ever shot someone?: I Shot At My Cousin With A Nerf Gun, Once O=
Something?: At A Can, When I Was Bored.
How many pairs of underwear do you own?: I Dunno =O
Jeans?: I Hate Jeans! D=
What ring size are you?: I Have no Clue =/
Belt size?: I Dunno!! D=
Have you ever gotten anything amputated?: No.
Do you have a calendar from 2001 hanging in your room?: Nope.
Do you eat a lot?: I Eat Ramen, And Tomato Soup Almost Every Day =/
Do you get excited over cameras?: No =P
Do you have a strange obsession with pickles?: No O.o
Poison?: No.
Knives?: Knives Are Pointy =B
Cheese?: Cheese Is Good In Tomato Soup =3
Penguins?: PENGUINS: Nature's Tuxedo.
Bald people?: No =P
Midgets?: Nope.
Pirates?: Pirates Kick Butt! =D I Talk Like One Sometimes...
Corny jokes?: Hahaha...They Suck, But Yeah, A Little =P
Do you tie string to your teeth?: No =O
Do you bite yourself?: Ewww...No.
Do you get cold sores often?: Nope =)
Do you have a cold right now?: No.
Do you suffer from chronic migraines?: I Get Them Sometimes D= They Suck!
Do you like to touch sharp objects?: No, That's Uncomfortable =O
Do you have a twitching problem?: Nope.
Are you homicidal?: Nope.
What do you do on the computer?: Crap Like This! D=
Anything your parents should know about?: No, I Guess Not =/
Are you happy with your life?: My life's Great.
Is everybody else happy with your life?: Probably not =)
Do you like 100% white grape juice?: No! D=
Do you honestly believe that trees are, in fact, green?: No.
How big is the universe?: 100000000000000000000000000000000000000 Miles?
What's the logic behind your answer?: The Idea That The Universe Is Big? =O
How many hours of sleep do you get every night?: A Bunch =3
What do you dream about?: Weird And Random Stuff =O
Anything your parents should know about?: Hahaha, No =P
Do you fall for Internet advertisements?: No, I Don't Trust Them At All!
Do you enjoy bungee jumping?: *Scared*
Do you have AIM?: No.
MSN?: No, But I Have MSI =3
YIM?: No.
A Vampirefreaks account?: No.
A Quizilla account?: Nope.
Do you watch bugs crawl on the floor?: No =O
Do you follow the bugs that crawl on the floor?: No.
Do you get attacked by ladybugs?: Hahaha! =D No, But THat's Hilarious!
Are you scared of everything that breathes?: Nopers =O
Doesn't breathe?: *Sigh* No.
Are you scared of anything at all?: Yes!
What?: Like...Heights.
Which cardinal direction do you like best?: North?
Do you have a life?: Yes =3
Do you have a microphone on your computer?: I Think So =O
A webcam?: Yes, It's My Uncles.
A scanner?: I Wish! I Wish I Had A Scanner So Bad! D=
A printer?: Yeah, A Crappy One.
A cordless mouse?: Nopers.
Does your mouse light up?: Yes, It Does =3
Are you scared of mice?: No! =D
Do you wish you were a fish?: No =O
A cat?: That Might Be Neat =3
A dog?: Sure! =D
Do you weasel out of things?: Sometimes ._.
Do your teachers like you?: Yes, But I Don't like Them So Much.
Do your parents like you?: They Like Me =)
Do your siblings like you?: I'm Pretty Sure My Little Sister Hates Me sweatdrop
Does karma, if it exists, love you?: I'm Sure Karma Is Neutral Towards Me.
Did you have a tail when you were born?: Maybe =O Did They Take It Away?
Do you sleep under or over the covers?: Under =3
Do you sleep in a bed?: Yes. =3
Do you catch yourself floating at times?: No O.o
Are you a packrat?: Nopers =)
Do you know HTML or CSS?: I Think I Know A Little HTML.
Do you find yourself chewing on anything your fingers have touched?: Yes =O
Do you shy away from social situations?: Yes *Shy*
Are you obsessed with shiny things?: Shiny Things Are Okay, No Obsession Though
Are you at least attracted to them?: Sure =O
Do you know what you're going to get for the holidays?: No Clue =|
Do you smash guitars or any other type of instrument?: Nope.
Do you label other people?: I Do Sometimes, At Like, School.
Are you proud?: I'm Proud Of Some Of The Things I've Accomplished =)
Do you like scrambled eggs?: No =O

How bad can I make you Look?: Pretty Bad, I'm Sure =/
Do you wash your hands frequently?: Yes! =O
Do you wet the bed?: No XD
What age did you stop?: I Never Did =O
Do you lie a lot?: *Lies* Yes.
Do you forget to brush your teeth frequently?: Nopers =O
Brush your hair?: Now It's So Short I Don't Have To =/
Do you use deoderant?: Yes.
Do you drink illegally?: No D=
Do you wear underwear?: Yes =O
Do you change your underwear frequently?: Yes =O
Are you a coward?: Sometimes, I Can Be.
A loser?: Maybe, In Someone Else's Eyes.
An idiot?: Read The Above Anwser
Do you chatspeak?: What's That? O.o
Are you a bad friend?: I Hope Not! D=
Are you untrustworthy?: I Think I Can Be Trusted.
Unreliable?: I've Puled Through Things I Thought Were Really hard To Do =)
Do you pick your nose?: Eww, No!
Are you imperfect?: Yes.
Ugly?: To Someone Else, Maybe, I Think I'm Okay =)
Do you have bad hair?: Now I Do! D=
A big nose?: My Nose Is Awesome! =D
Are you shallow?: No.
Greedy?: I Try To Be Generous.
Do you tell people you love them just to get want you want?: NO! D=
Do you have any important talents?: I'm An Artist =D
Do you burp often?: When I Want To Gross People Out I Can! =D
Are you impolite?: When I Want To Be =/
Disrespectful?: When I Want To Be ._.
Sadistic?: No!
Are you a conformist?: Sometimes._.
Are you a fan of George W. Bush?: No! I Hate Him! D=
Do you have buck teeth?: Nope =)
Mental illnesses?: I Have Insomnia And Seasonal Depression =O
Are you fake?: Nope.
Does your breath smell?: *Eats An Onion* You Tell Me >=) Sniff The Onion! D=
Do you have a strong body odor?: I Don't Think So =O
Do you have bad teeth?: My Teeth Are Okay =D
Do you have a bull ring through your nose?: Nopers =O
Are you overweight?: Nope =P
Anorexic?: Ewww... No.
Bulimic?: *Sigh* No.
Do you have a piercing in an inappropriate spot on your body?: No =P
A tattoo?: Nope.
Are you a wannabe?: I'm A Wannabe Chalkie =/
Are you a bad guesser?: Nope, I Can Be A Pretty Good One =)
Are you slow?: I'm Decently Fast =)
Are you bad at reading people?: Sometimes =/
Are you too nice for your own good?: I've Been Told That Once...
Do you have a lot of friends?: Not Too Many.
Do you give in easily?: I Put Up Decent Resistance =|
Are you stubborn?: Sometimes! =D
Are you annoying?: Sometimes ._.
Is your room messy?: It's Clean! =D But My Sheets Are Messed Up From The Dogs Playing On My Bed.
Do you respect your body?: My Body Is Okay, I Respect It =)
Are you arrogant?: No.
Are you unique?: I Hope So =O
Are your hands clammy?: Nope =|
Are you short?: I'm Decently Tall =)
Are you freakishly tall?: No.

Do you believe in God?: Yes.
Do you believe in magic?: I'd Like To.
True love?: Yes =)
Heaven?: Yes.
Hell?: Yes.
Satan?: Yes.
The Lord and Lady?: Isn't That About The Same As God?
The Greek Gods or Goddesses?: No, But I Think They're Neat =)
The Pagan Gods or Goddesses?: Yet Again, No, But I Think They're Cool =P
Are you an atheist?: No.
Do you believe in fairies?: No.
Dragons?: No.
Unicorns?: No.
Gollums?: No.
Santa?: Santa, In Secret, Is Really A Obese Hobo In Red Tights That Breaks Into Your House, Eats, And Leave Presents.

The Easter Bunny?: He's An Alien! D= Everyone Knows Bunny's Don't Lay Eggs!
The Tooth Fairy?: I Faked Sleeping And Found Out It Was My Parents =/
Pixies?: arn't Pixies And Fairies The Same? O.o
Phoenixes?: No.
Elves?: No.
Dwarves?: No.
Mermaids?: No.
Karma?: Yes!
Immortality?: Maybe.
Do you believe in the Aztec Gods?: No.
Mayan Gods?: Nope.
Incan Gods?: Nope.
Do you believe that each different belief creates a new reality?: Yes =)
Do you believe in life on other planets?: Maybe.
Do you believe in parallel universes?: No.
Do you believe that black holes are time portals?: I Dunno =O
Do you believe in Eternity?: Yes.
Do you believe in life after death?: I Do =)
Do you believe in superheroes?: People In Tights? Sure I Do! =D
Super villains?: People In Ugly Tights? Sure! =D
Do you believe in Fate?: I Do.
That everything has a purpose?: I Think So.
Do you believe that everything revolves around money?: No.
Love?: I Think So, I Mean, If Love And Hate Never Existed, What Would It Be Like?
Success?: Nope,
Making yourself happy?: No, But It's Nice To Keep At A Constant Medium.
Making others happy?: I Think It's Nice To Make People Happy, Just My Opinion =)
Religion?: I think Religion's Important. I'm No Fanatic, Though.
Politics?: I Hate Politics =/
Do you believe in miracles?: Yes.
Angels?: Yes.
Demons?: Yes.
Ghosts?: Ever Since That Time With Azzi, I Doubt It, But Accept The Posibility...
Do you believe there's a someone for everyone?: Yes.
Do you believe in true, selfless happiness?: Yes =)
Do you believe in selfessness at all?: Yes.
Do you believe that wishing for something can make it happen?: Yes! =D
Do you believe that anything can happen?: Yes.

Tell me about you...
Name: Zack.
Age: 13
Gender: Male.
Happy with it?: Yes.
Eye color: Brown.
Happy with it?: It's Boring, But I'm Fine With It.
Hair color: Brown, Now =/
Happy with it?: No! D= I Wanted To Keep It Pink! D=
If not, what would you change it to?: Pink.
Hair length: Really Short, Now ._.
Hair style: The Ugly Kind, Now.
Have you ever dyed your hair?: Yes.
What color?: Pink.
Do you dye your hair frequently?: No.
Has it ever gotten damaged?: Yes.
Are you clean-shaven?: Nope.
Are your fingers long and slender, short and fat, or somewhere in between?: Really Thin!
Thin or full lips?: Hmmm...I Dunno =/
Thin hair, thick hair, or somewhere in between?: Thin, Now =/
Have you ever had lice?: Yes D=
How old were you?: Like, 6.
Nicknames: Chalkie, Chalkeroo, 'Kid'.
Happy with them?: Sure Am =)
Aliases: Chalkie
What made you choose them?: A Story I Read =)
If you were born a member of the opposite sex, what would your name be?: Zoe? O.o
Think of the situation above. What would you want your name to be? I Dunno! D=
If you had a choice, would you drop your last name?: Yes.
What heritage does your first name imply?: None, Whatsoever.
Middle name?: Chase.
Place of birth: Del City, Oklahoma.
Date of birth: 9-09-1992
Nationality: American
Were you named after anyone?: No
What side of the family does your name come from?: Both =/
Did your parents immigrate?: No.
How about your grandparents?: No.
Your great grandparents?: Yes.
Where did they emmigrate from?: The Netherlands.
Where did they immigrate to?: Canada.
Skin color: Really Pale =/
Height: Decent =P
Happy with it?: Yes =)
How old are your parents?: 36, I Believe.
What's your father's name?: Christopher.
Your mother's?: Amber.
Do you have any siblings?: Yes.
How old are they?: 9
What are their names?: Her Name Is Alec.
Do you get along with your family?: I Get Along Fine =)
Do you wish they were different?: No.
Who do you get along with most?: My Mother.

Color: Black And White, They Match Anything.
Month: September, It's Winter And It's My Birthmonth.
Animal: I Like Wolves, Foxes, And Rabbits =O
Movie: The Butterfly Effect =O
Book: 'The Sight' By David Clemment-Davies.
River: The Red River, I Guess =)
Ocean: The Artic Ocean.
Country: Spain?
City: Yokosuka, Japan. hide's Museum Was There! =D
State: North Dakota? O.o
Province: Ward County
Place to go in your neighborhood: Down By This Bridge. I've Only Been There A Few Times, But I Like It There.

Person: Any One Of My Friends.
Relative: My Mother.
Pet: Che Guevara.
Actor: I Dunno =/
Actress: I Dunno ._.
Celebrity: Yet Again, I Don't Know.
Musician: Hideto Matsumoto.
Singer: Jimmy.
Band: Mindless Self-Indulgence.
Movie genre: Comedy =O
Book genre: Fantasy, Or Fiction.
Musical: Cats? =O
Poem: 'Tuesdays'
Writer: I Like David Clemment-Davies Works.
Song: Bedshaped - Keane
Sport: Soccer =/ It's Like, The Only One I'm Half Decent At.
Drink: Mountain Dew! =3
Food: Ramen =D
Candy bar: I Like Junior Mints! D=
CD: 'Ja, Zoo' - hide.
Board game: Monopoly?
Word game: Charades?
Clothing style: Casual Stuff.
Holiday: I've Got A Sweet Tooth That Would Drive A Dentist Insane...Halloween.
Mythological creature: Werewolves =3
Miscellaneous item: CD Players.
Storybook character: Fell - The Sight
Vegetable: Bell Pepper =3
Fruit: Bananas! =D
Toothpaste brand: Colgate?
Type of computer: Dell =3
Medication: Ibeprofin? =O
Type of sword: The Massive-Videogame-Too-Big-To-Be-Used-In-Real-Life Kind.
Planet: Pluto, It Gets So Little Credit.
Space feature: Quazars. We Don't Understand Them At All.
Breed of cat: Siamese? =3
Insect: Dragonflies?
Pair of socks: These Ones I Wear A Lot =3
Scooby-Doo character: Shaggy, He's A Total Goof, But He Rocks.
Spongebob Squarepants character: Patrick...He's So Random =P
Quote: 'I've Come This Far With You, What Am I To Do When You Start To Doubt Yourself?'
Astrological sign: Virgo? =O
Chinese zodiac sign: Monkey =3
Number: 11
Short story: I Dunno =O
Word: 'Hallo!'
Definition: 'Greetings'
Series of books: Redwall?
Artist: Una.
Childhood memory: When My Family-Friend Mike Came With Me To School =)
Facial expression: '=D' That Kind...
Instrument: The Drums! =3
Brand of chocolate: Any =)
Candy: Gummy Stuff! +D
Brand of candy: Haribo! They Had It in England And I Loved It.
Time of day: Night.
Inside joke: The Lazy Muffin One =3
Scent: Vanilla =)
Onomotapoeia: Wo0sh!!
Alliteration: Liberating Lazy Losers, Lame-os And Leprechauns!
Your ideal date: The Romantic, Calm, Truthful, Enjoyible Kind =)
Will you even get married?: I have No Clue =)
Are you taken or single?: I'm Single =O

Animal: Hey! That's Not Nice!
Number: 3.14
President: Bush =/
Actor: That One You Like! =P
Food: Corn! D=
Fruit: Unripe Grapefruits! D=
Vegetable: Corn =O
Candy: I Don't Like 'Circus Peanuts' =O
Skittles flavor: Grape.
War: No War Can Be Good, Can It?
Book character: Morgra - The Sight.
Person: Bush! D=
Brand of cereal: Capt'n Crunch =/
Brand of battery: Duracel! They Brag A Lot In Comercials.
Toothpaste brand: The Nasty Kind =O
Scent: Burning Plastic.
Taste: I've Tried Tea Concentrate By Accident, I hated It.
Sound: The Sound Of A Gunshot.
Article of clothing: Jeans! >=(

What are you feeling?: Bored, And A Little Lonely.
Smelling?: Air? =O
Seeing?: The Words Appear On This Screen.
Hearing?: 'I Am The Highway' - Audioslave.
Doing?: Typing =/
Who are you talking to online?: Cherry, Haru, And GE.
On the phone?: No One.
Are you cold?: My Feet Are A Little Cold, I Was Thinking About Putting Socks On...
Bored?: Yes.
Warm?: Nope.
Hot?: No.
Do you look nice?: I Look Okay =)
Are you eating anything?: Nope.
Drinking anything?: No.
What brand of shoes are you wearing?: I'm Barefoot =/
What are you wishing for?: Someone To Send My A Letter Here =O
What are you worried about?: I'm Worried About Haru's Friend.
Sad about?: Azzi.
Happy about?: That Amber Got Adopted.
Angry about?: My Dad Yelled At My Dog.
Serious about?: Getting This Quiz Completed.
Laughing about?: Muffins =P
Talking about?: Nothing =/
Typing about?: What I'm Typing About.

Can You...
Kiss your elbow?: Nope.
Touch your nose with your tongue?: No.
Stick your fist in your mouth?: Yes! =p
Touch your toes?: Yes.
Give away money?: Yes =)
Stay up all night?: I'm An Insomniac.
Stay up for five nights?: No.
Finish this quiz?: Yes I Can! >=)
Swim?: Very Well!
Draw well?: Yes.
Sing well?: No, But I Will >=)
Write well?: I Hope.
Eat a box of chocolates in an hour?: Eww...I'd Feel Gross About It, But Yes.
Eat an entire package of Oreos in a half an hour?: No.
Predict the future?: I Could Guess =)

Would you Ever...
Sacrifice everything for a friend?: Probably =/
A lover?: If I Loved Them, I'd Give Them Everything I Had.
Give your life for a friend?: I'd Try.
A lover?: Yes.
Sell yourself?: No.
Lie to a friend?: Sadly, I Have Before.
Lie to your parents?: Yes.
Lie to a lover?: I Don't Think So.
Hug them in public?: Yes.
Blow up your house?: Would I Get In Trouble For It?

Is the sky blue?: Because Of The O-Zone Layer? =O
Is the world round? Because We're Centered About A Round Core?
Is the world unfair?: Because The People In It Are Unfair.
Are most people selfish?: Because They Want The Best For Themselves.
Impolite?: They Probably Don't Mean To be Impolite.
Disrespectful?: Because They Can Be.
Conforming?: Because They Are In Fear of Being Singled-Out.
Are there religions?: To Explain What We Don't Know.
Theories?: To Guess At What We Don't Know.
Opinions?: To Give Each Person Their Own Voice.
Are humans so intelligent?: We're Unique, I Guess.
Do we need air?: To Breath, Silly! D=
Do we age?: So We Enjoy Life While We Have It.
Do we die?: To Leave Behind Something.
Can't pigs fly?: Because Fate is Cruel! D=
Is there cheddar cheese in the world?: For Consumption! =3~
Swiss?: For Consumption...With Holes! =D
Are you taking this?: Because You Said I Couldn't >=)

Word Association
Bed. Sheets.
Curtains. Window.
Lights. Lightbulb
Music. Note
Candles. Scent
Closet. Monster
Door. Exit
Window. Sky
Onomotapoeia. Sound
Dog. Azzi
Cat. Friend
Egypt. Sand
Mirror. Reflection
Case. Shell
Cage. Prison
Cave. Wilderness
Bird. Free
Bear. Teeth
Death. Azzi
Life. Birth
White. Blank
Black. Sad
Personality. Casual
Pickle. Juice? O.o
Dilemna. Phenomenon
Love. Cherish
Ball. Party
Moderate. Middle

Tell me about your Family...
How many people live in your house?: 4
How many brothers do you have?: None
Sisters?: 1
Do your mom and dad live with you?: Yes.
Or are they divorced?: No.
You live on your own?: No, I Live With My Family.
How many cousins do you have?: 4, I Think.
How many uncles?: Four.
How many aunts?: Two.
Do you have more than one grandma?: Yes.
More than one grandpa?: Yes.

How's your house?: It's Okay =)
Do you live in a house?: Yes.
Do you have an apartment?: No.
Do you have a coat hanger?: Yes =O
Do you have a dining room?: Yes.
Is the kitchen attached to the dining room?: Yes.
Do you eat in the kitchen?: No.
Do you have your own room?: Yes.
Is your bed twin size, king, queen, or a bunk bed?: I Dunno sweatdrop
Do you have a lot of pillows?: Yes =3
Do you have a big or small dresser/closet?: A Small One =)
Do you have your own bathroom?: No.
Does it have a bathtub? Or just a shower stall: I Have A Bathtub =3

Have you seen these movies? (yes/no)

Ice Age: Yes.
Ice Age: The Melt Down: No
The Da Vinci Code: NO
Mission: Impossible III: No
X-Men: The Last Stand: No
Inside Man: No
The Pink Panther: Yes.
Scary Movie: Yes
Scary Movie 2: Yes
Scary Movie 3: No
Scary Movie 4: Yes
Failure to Launch: No
BloodRayne: No
Hostel: No
Last Holiday: No
Underworld: Evolution: No
Annapolis: No
Nanny McPhee: No
Curious George: No
Final Destination 3: No
Firewall: No
Eight Below: No
Doogal: No
Thank You for Smoking: No
The Sentinel: No
Hoot: No
Over the Hedge: Yes.
The Omen: No
Cars: No
Revolver: No
Typhoon: No
Harry Potter and the Sorceror's Stone: No
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets: No
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban: Yes
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire: No
Star Wars Episode III: No
The Chronicles of Narnia: No
War of the Worlds: No
King Kong: No
Madagascar: Yes.
Mr. & Mrs. Smith: Yes.
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory: Yes.
Batman Begins: No
Hitch: No
Constantine: Yes.
Son of the Mask: No
Cursed: No
Alone in the Dark: No
Are We There Yet?: No
The Pacifier: No
Robots: Yes
Ice Princess: No
Miss Congeniality: I Think So
Miss Congeniality 2: Armed and Fabulous: Yes
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy: No
The Amityville Horror: No
Kung Fu Hustle: Yes! =D
Sin City: Yes
House of Wax: No
The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants: No
Cinderella Man: No
Herbie: Fully Loaded: No
Bewitched: Yes.
Land of the Dead: No
Fantastic Four: No
The Dukes of Hazzard: No
The Skeleton Key: Yes
The Exorcism of Emily Rose: No
Corpse Bride: No ._.
Cry Wolf: No
Into the Blue: No
The Gospel: No
Two for the Money: No
Doom: No
The Weather Man: No
Jarhead: Yes
Zathura: No
Yours, Mine and Ours: No
Brokeback Mountain: No
Memoirs of a Geisha: No
Hoodwinked: Yes =/
Cheaper by the Dozen: No
Cheaper by the Dozen 2: No
Shrek: Yes
Shrek 2: Yes
Spider-Man: Yes
Spider-Man 2: No
The Incredibles: I Dunno.
The Day After Tomorrow: Yes
Troy: Yes
Shark Tale: Yes
Finding Nemo: Yes
Napoleon Dynamite: Yes
Around the World in 80 Days: No
Fahrenheit 9/11: No
Catwoman: No
Alien vs. Predator: No
The Grudge: Part Of It (I Fell Asleep)
The Polar Express: No
Finding Neverland: No
National Treasure: Yes
Bruce Almighty: Yes
The Last Samurai: No
How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days: No
Gods and Generals: No
Phone Booth: Yes
Holes: Yes
Daddy Day Care; No
Pirates of the Caribbean: Yes! =D

Gaia stuff
How much gold do you have?: 1044
How much do you need?: A Bunch =)
How long have you been a member?: Since Cherry lost Her World Of Warcraft Subscription.
When did you join?: 06/13/2006
Do you have a mule?: No.
Did you have an old account?: No.
Do you draw avatar art?: I Drew Pictures For Haru And Cherry =3
If so, for how much on average?: Not A Whole Lot.
Have you ever received avatar art?: No.
A random gift?: Llama Gave Me A Gift On My First Day, And It Made Me Feel Really Happy.
A random PM?: Yes =)
A random friend request?: Yes =)
A random profile comment?: Yes, From Someone Who Made Themselves look Like Reno.
Do you hang out at the Chatterbox a lot?: A Little =)
Do you take quizzes in the chatterbox a lot?: No.
Do you poll-whore?: Yes gonk
Do you bump?: No...Wait...Like...Twice.
Do you post topics yourself or just post in others?: Neither (Cherry Would Be Angry)
Do you post pictures of yourself?: If I Could! D=
Did you make your profile yourself?: I Think Gaia Made It For Me =
Did you get your profile from tektek.org?: No.
Did someone make it specifically for you?: No.
How much time do you spend on Gaia every day?: A Lot =P
How many posts do you have?: 67
How many friends do you have on Gaia?: 4 =)
How many profile comments?: 49
Are you in any guilds?: No.
Name one person on Gaia off the top of your head.: Llama! =O
Are you married on Gaia?: Heehee =3 No.
Do you own a bar?: No.
Do you roleplay?: No.
Do you use towns?: I Did Twice =|
Do you fish?: A Lot!
Do you play cards?: No ._.

The Final Questions
Are you glad this quiz is almost over?: Sweet Dancing Potatoes, Yes!
How long have you been doing this?: Hours! D=
Did you do the entire quiz all at once or take breaks now and then?: I Took Breaks.
How much gold do you think you made off of it?: Two Gold, I Think! D=
Should I number the questions?: No.
What time is it, and how low did it take you to finish?: It's 2:03 AM, The Next Day.

I Just Layed The Quizzage To The Floor!

User Comments: [4] [add]
Community Member
commentCommented on: Fri Aug 04, 2006 @ 09:10pm
I just finsihed it ALL
I am going too attempt it
...Sunday or Saturday mahbe
It took me a good 30 mins too read it all

commentCommented on: Fri Aug 04, 2006 @ 09:16pm
Wow! =O
You're A Quick Reader =)

It Takes Sooo Long To Do! D=
Well...I Kept Getting Interrupted =/

But You Feel Really Proud After You Take It! =D

Community Member
Wonder Cherry
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sat Aug 05, 2006 @ 12:06am

Heeey, you talk noob speak all the time with me! D: Dun't lie!

But.. I'm a racist.. ;-;

Naaaah, I just stereotype things. Alot. XDD

*goes to mow lawn while drinking tequila*

commentCommented on: Sat Aug 05, 2006 @ 08:34am
*Pumps Arm* I'm Am Sir Psycho...Uhm...Quizzy! cool

*Submissive* Yeah...I Do... Wait A Minute! =O NOUDO! twisted

So You're A Stereotype-ist-er? =O

Oh...I Have DUTCH Heritage ( Eww...I Know )

*Puts On Wooden Shoes And Yodels.*

Community Member
User Comments: [4] [add]
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