Getting into the swing of things can require more pratice and balance to actually start swinging then what's expected. If anything, life is like a tight rope walker. If they fall, they get back up and do it again. I know I've fell from many places and always gotten back up onto my feet. That's because I never let anything put me down. Even getting kicked out of my mom's house. I'm now in school, have a job, and a place to live in. I also have great friends who I try to keep in contact at all times, and at the moment can't. No computer. x.x However, I told myself that when I get the chance, that I'd tell them all I'm fine and alive. ^.^ Making sure your friends, family, and co-workers know that your fine, and doing great is a sure way to let some worryness flee not just from them, but from you as well. However, if something has happened, be open, cry, and tell someone. Tell them what it is that's making you feel so bad, and they will provide some comfort. Comfort is really what needs to be the swing, not life. So, the next time you hear 'Let's get into the swing of things' ask them how their doing.
FoxyGrimReapess · Tue Nov 29, 2005 @ 09:43pm · 0 Comments |