Goobye Jillian
You were so good to me... You gave me a Biancamella 1st Gen, Chyaku Norisu Scarf, and a CocoKitty!!! Even when you didn't have to and you kept your promises to save them for me too. You are a amazing Gaia big sister!! heart heart heart I won't ever forget you or the way it was so easy to make you laugh and you told me about you and Aaron even though I was kinda weirded out. It was still fun to have you run around me all the time and huggle me emo heart I don't wanna forget you!! Please don't let me forget you!! I know this isn't a long journal entry but I can't find words right now. You left too early and I wasn't ready but I will always love you like a big sister heart Thanks for looking out for me with the time we had!!! *gets all emotional and fights back tears* Goodbye Jillian heart I lurve you!!