Total Value: 108,869 Gold
[Item Information]Item List:
Celebrity DateVampire Hunter HatAssassin's GuiseOld MacheteWaste Glamrock HeadbandBlack Holographic EyepieceButtoned Down Fauna BootsBlack GlovesStealth EvoBlack SleevesBrown Loose Cotton Cargo PantsDont ask Dont tell Olive ShirtFemale BraFemale UnderwearFox TailFox EarsNatural Jade PendantSapphire Forehead JewelWhen the dead rise, this lady here is perfectly suited for survival (well, as perfectly suited as can be expected). Please keep in mind that these guidelines are designed for civilians, not military or other organized personnel. They will, obviously, have access to more advanced weapons, armor, and vehicles. These factors will allow and ordinary citizen to survive"
- Hair and clothing are tight and held close to the body, giving a zombie less handholds with which to capture and drag the hunter to its mouth. Materials are light and allow the skin to breathe, preventing heat exhaustion. She doesn't drag around unnecessary and bulky armor, which would not only exhaust her more quickly, but will also impede her movement and/ or vision.
- Tough, durable shoes. Relatively quiet in an urban environment, and already broken in for easy long-distance travel.
- Arm- and leg-guards. Most zombie bites occur on the extremeties (hands, feet, arms and legs), so make sure that these areals are well-protected! Kevlar or other resistant material is preferred, if it can be found.
- Bladed weapon. NEVER LEAVE HOME WITHOUT IT! Remember: blades don't need reloading. Avoid serrated edges (which could become lodged in a ghoul's skull), or "battle-ready" replica or stage pieces (notoriously unreliable).
- Silenced rifle, with extra ammo. Allows long-distance, virtually silent kills, both of which greatly minimize one's contact with the living dead. Once again, no fancy or unnecessary add-ons or delicate equipment. Stick with the basics, unless you have specialized training (police sniper, Special Forces, etc.).
- Emergency pistols. When worst comes to worst, and a ghoul has you in its rotting grasp, just press the muzzle to the closest patch of skull (the ghoul's, not yours) and pull the trigger. Sadly, also good for suicide if the worst should happen and you recieve a bite.
- Teammate. Travelling alone is just asking for trouble. When in a group (three to ten is the preferred range), supplies can be shared, members can take turns at watch while the others sleep, and some might bring specialized skills such as medical training, advanced survival techniques, or local knowledge of the area.
- Up-to-the-minute information (holographic eyepiece). Nice to have in any battle, but virtually essential for urban or jungle warfare. A mobile "scout" (a dirigible is best when the land is open, otherwise on horseback or a bicycle) should be keeping you up to date on how many zombies are in the area, where they are, any natural hazards, other humans, etc.
- Positive mental attitude, as indicated by the bright, alert eyes and smile. ABSOLUTELY ESSENTIAL!!! All the hardware and information in the world won't do you a bit of good if you're strung out, sleep-deprived and panicking. Use your strength agaist their weakness: THINK!
Total Value: 137,855 Gold
[Item Information]Item List:
Bloody Upper Arm BandageUsed ChainsawLost Odyssey (Kaim's Armor)Black Leather Stiletto BootsAssassin's GuiseDeath Whisper (2nd gen)Female BraFemale UnderwearFox TailFox EarsNatural Jade PendantSapphire Forehead JewelOn the other hand, this would-be zombie hunter is as good as eaten. She has been heavily influenced by Hollywood horror-heroes.
- Loose hair and clothes. While a flowing mane and tattered gown work in
Resident Evil, here they only provide easy handholds for hungry (and strong) zombies. Extra buckles and straps only add to the problem.
- Arms and legs exposed:
- High-heeled shoes. Do I even have to say it?
- Chainsaw: No, no, no, and no again! Despite the chainsaw's popularity in horror movies, its actual effectiveness is worse than negligible. It has every quality you should avoid when choosing a weapon: loud, a finite fuel supply, easy to injure yourself with, heavy, and just generally difficult to use.
- Only one weapon. She has left her defensible position with only one weapon, and no fuel refills, almost ensuring her death.
- Going it alone. Team up whenever possible! She is now her own medic, backup, scout, lookout, and commanding officer.
- Mentally shaky (eyes and mouth). Because of the "going it alone" problem mentioned above, she is sleep-deprived, nervous, and jumpy. She is more prone to attack immediately and irrationally, making herself a danger to herself (by using up her finite fuel too quickly) and other humans she might encounter. Her decision-making and planning capacites are also severely limited.
- A mysterious wound on her arm. Are those human tooth marks hidden under that bandage?