Total Value: 295,005 Gold, 57,500 Tickets
[Item Information]Item List:
MonoclePhantom Death MasquePicolitrosso's UrnDark CapeSilver RevolverEnchanted StringsGold Tiara With RubyMusic Note Mood BubbleDashing Gentleman Gold And Black CaneLOLcat - Monorail Cat haloBlack Goth BootsChristian Siriano's Gray Coat And ShirtPowdered Sugarplum TutuFemale BraFemale UnderwearFox TailFox EarsNatural Jade PendantSapphire Forehead JewelThis amalgam here is a representation of the entirety of /Phantom of the Opera/. I tried to add something for each major character, so it got a bit crowded. Starting from the top:
- Tiara: Carlotta. I love the description for this item: The quintessential accessory for Her Royal Majesty, Flower of the House of Theatrics, Heir to the Throne of Hysterics, the Drama Queen. Isn't that exactly La Carlotta?
- Shirt: Raoul. The one sane non-singer who isn't a complete idiot.
- Tutu: Meg and/or Christine. Pretty much self-explanatory.
- Cape: Erik. It just seemed right...
- Mask: Erik, once again. Well, he *is* the title character and all. I know I went overboard here, but there are two masks:
+ The Phantom Death Masque, which seems to have been made especially for him. The description literally says, "Hide your face so the world will never find you."
+ The Picolitrosso's Urn Porcelain Mask, which is the whole reason I started this avi.
- Monocle: the Managers. I tried a top hat, but it didn't mesh with the tiara.
- Violin: If it must be a character, then I guess it's Gustav Daae, Christine's father, but it really represents the story as a whole.
- Cane: Madame Giry. I'm kind of ashamed of drawing on the movie so much, but it really does fit.
- Revolver (if you can see it): the Persian. One of my favorite parts of the novel is when the Persian is about to take Raoul into the Phantom's lair, and he opens a box containing "two antique silver dueling pistols" (I can't believe I remember the line so exactly), and tells Raoul to always hold his had at the level of his eyes, as though he were about to fire, and both Raoul and I were thinking, "*s**t*, this is for real this time. OK, let's do this thing!"
- Music bubble: once again, no particular character, just the story as a whole.
- Celing trapdoor cat: just on a whim. Well, Erik is the King of Trapdoors or whatever they called him.
- Goth Boots: after all, it *is* a Gothic novel.