June 2013
[06/30/13 05:04pm] My computer is being so sloww[06/29/13 01:35pm] gold[06/28/13 04:12pm] Saturday~[06/27/13 03:10pm] Opinions[06/27/13 05:54am] omfg pizza[06/26/13 04:07pm] paula deen, ya'll :P[06/25/13 02:50pm] Paulie[06/25/13 06:56am] gold[06/25/13 06:07am] gold goal[06/24/13 03:29pm] Summer is here..still! XD[06/23/13 09:51pm] Peoples[06/23/13 04:27pm] GoldGoldGold[06/22/13 04:30pm] Getting gold[06/21/13 03:20pm] what the fluff[06/19/13 02:35pm] dafuq, summer[06/18/13 02:44am] Gold[06/17/13 02:26pm] Way to start the day[06/16/13 02:42pm] Gold
March 2013
[03/13/13 02:17pm] Hello there, Gaia.
September 2012
[09/09/12 07:04pm] Dreamyy. @__@[09/09/12 06:35pm] RAAAAININGGG[09/08/12 09:13pm] BOOM[09/07/12 02:42pm] No headline has been entered for this entry...
July 2012
[07/26/12 02:47am] Avvi.[07/26/12 01:45am] One of my MANY dream aviis.
November 2011
[11/21/11 04:36am] Water fairy~[11/21/11 04:26am] Strawberry fairy~
February 2011
[02/25/11 11:50pm] POTATO DOCTOR[02/25/11 07:13pm] LICKING THEIR TALLYWACKER[02/25/11 03:39am] W..t...f..[02/23/11 09:23pm] IT'S SNOWINGGGG![02/23/11 06:39am] The creators of Omegle..[02/20/11 03:51am] Bored on tektek. X3[02/19/11 06:43am] Time to SELLLLL.[02/19/11 06:39am] Posting for the gold? Why, yes.[02/13/11 09:14pm] Best dream avii EVER. O.O[02/13/11 08:51pm] Best dream avii EVER. O.O[02/13/11 08:44pm] Wtf Vday-ish dream avii? XD[02/13/11 08:35pm] WORKKKKKK TEKTEK[02/13/11 08:32pm] Well hi there, Gaia.
December 2009
[12/16/09 05:55am] Elf, wtf..[12/01/09 07:03am] Mouthwash sensitive hand sanitizer
November 2009
[11/26/09 05:33am] need more clothes for my avi.[11/25/09 05:48am] BAHAHAHAHAHAHA (avi)[11/25/09 05:37am] Cat boy avi!![11/25/09 05:33am] Cat girl avi![11/25/09 05:27am] Panda girl avi!![11/22/09 10:48pm] Sundaysssssssszszs. >.>[11/22/09 05:20am] You spind me right round, baby![11/08/09 06:55pm] Dream Avi-Updated.
August 2009
[08/21/09 11:39pm] The Summer's Not Over Yet![08/21/09 11:32pm] CAMP!!!!!
July 2009
[07/26/09 08:49pm] "Girlfriend" By Avril Lavigne [Japaense Version.[07/26/09 08:47pm] "Innocence" By Avril Lavigne.[07/23/09 11:48pm] The Sims![07/23/09 10:23pm] Herro dare againn
May 2009
[05/20/09 08:56pm] I'm outta' heeeeeere! XD[05/19/09 07:21pm] "The Cat Returns"[05/15/09 11:31pm] A Tribute To Crushes. <3[05/15/09 07:29am] Yooo![05/10/09 01:33am] REMINDER: TOMORROW IS MOTHERS' DAY![05/03/09 10:09pm] My mom's b-day!!![05/03/09 09:14pm] Myspace.
April 2009
[04/30/09 07:08am] No headline has been entered for this entry...[04/27/09 08:00am] Tomorrow isss...[04/26/09 12:00am] Facebook VS. Myspace!!![04/25/09 11:18pm] BWHAHAHHAHAHAAAA!!![04/24/09 08:19am] Relationship Advice (A little bit of ranting, too).
February 2009
[02/01/09 10:56pm] Happy 6 Month Anniversary, my love!!! <333
December 2008
[12/25/08 05:14am] The Babies Of Disney!!! (Super cute!!! :D)[12/18/08 07:37pm] AWESOME contest on gaia!!! :D MUST READ!!!! :D:D[12/16/08 08:32pm] All Of The Above![12/16/08 07:48am] Effingfreakypoopshoothjgvyvftyrftgj..[12/13/08 07:09pm] December 13th...:O[12/11/08 07:00pm] Ringtone?[12/10/08 10:03pm] A must read...=;)[12/10/08 03:13am] FWHAAAAAAAAAAT?!?! ;D[12/02/08 03:09am] Happy Four Month!!!! <3333[12/01/08 11:57pm] 1st Day Of December!!![12/01/08 11:48pm] 1st Day Of December!!![12/01/08 12:24am] Today and blah blahhhhh.
November 2008
[11/29/08 11:09pm] Dear Journal...xP[11/28/08 09:25pm] You're pretty magical. =][11/27/08 09:21pm] Giving Thanks.[11/26/08 08:17pm] ~~If u ______ me~~[11/26/08 08:16pm] No headline has been entered for this entry...[11/25/08 11:57pm] Friends, Family, Drama..[11/24/08 11:29pm] Life??[11/23/08 11:33pm] My best friend? Yeah right.[11/23/08 02:36am] Blahhh. :(
June 2008
[06/20/08 03:03am] KOOLAIDGUY1840, READ THIS.[06/17/08 05:46pm] Ranting kinda. Maybe.[06/17/08 01:01am] Braces, Random, My mind.[06/16/08 04:08am] A hAcKeD pRoFiLe!!! >=O[06/15/08 09:37pm] "Truly, Madly, Deeply" -Cascada-Lyrics.[06/14/08 09:25pm] This Summer And Other Stuff.[06/12/08 06:23pm] Yesterday/Last Night.[06/11/08 12:10am] Second To Last Day Of School.[06/07/08 09:44pm] Okay. So. Like. Here. I. Go! (Funny Stuff)[06/06/08 07:02pm] A few good reasons to be a lesbian[06/05/08 10:53pm] Hiii![06/03/08 01:29am] LOL[06/02/08 08:11am] Wow.
May 2008
[05/28/08 04:34am] I finally fit in...[05/21/08 02:47am] XBloodyVampire3X ROCKS!!!!!! =D[05/18/08 04:39am] BOOG-IDDIE-BOOG-IDDIE-BOO![05/16/08 09:05am] My Dream Avatar!! = ^ .^ = [05/16/08 05:51am] Stupid Computer!!![05/15/08 05:55pm] Long trips..[05/13/08 11:42pm] Felt like i was in Naruto or something. (Funny).[05/13/08 03:24am] Horrible day[05/12/08 06:01am] READ THIS SCOTT[05/11/08 07:19pm] HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!!!!!![05/10/08 04:12am] PLEASE COMMENT YOUR RESPONSE TO THIS![05/09/08 07:41pm] My Avatar. 5/8/08.[05/08/08 07:34pm] Things i can't do ne more (SEAN, please read.).[05/07/08 05:25am] Oh..my..GOD.. ... 5/6/08
April 2008
[04/18/08 12:53am] What's been goin' on l8ely..[04/11/08 12:14am] Wooow....[04/01/08 07:58am] Today....
March 2008
[03/30/08 07:12am] Every should read this.... x][03/26/08 04:53am] koolaidguy1840 and me.......READ THIS SEAN!!!!!! =][03/26/08 02:26am] Today Was Horrible = ([03/23/08 06:55pm] Happy Easter You Guys!!!!![03/22/08 06:59pm] !!!!!!!! READ THIS![03/17/08 06:55pm] No headline has been entered for this entry...
February 2008
[02/28/08 10:59pm] No headline has been entered for this entry...[02/27/08 05:13am] No headline has been entered for this entry...[02/25/08 02:53am] No headline has been entered for this entry...[02/22/08 11:59pm] No headline has been entered for this entry...[02/19/08 07:10am] No headline has been entered for this entry...[02/16/08 02:11am] No headline has been entered for this entry...[02/12/08 09:37am] No headline has been entered for this entry...[02/07/08 10:28pm] No headline has been entered for this entry...
January 2008
[01/17/08 07:24am] No headline has been entered for this entry...[01/09/08 07:07am] No headline has been entered for this entry...[01/09/08 02:17am] No headline has been entered for this entry...[01/09/08 01:55am] No headline has been entered for this entry...[01/04/08 02:32am] No headline has been entered for this entry...[01/02/08 05:06pm] No headline has been entered for this entry...
December 2007
[12/26/07 11:00pm] No headline has been entered for this entry...
November 2007
[11/02/07 02:48am] No headline has been entered for this entry...
October 2007
[10/25/07 04:01am] No headline has been entered for this entry...[10/14/07 01:50am] No headline has been entered for this entry...
September 2007
[09/28/07 10:30pm] No headline has been entered for this entry...[09/18/07 01:15am] No headline has been entered for this entry...[09/16/07 04:35pm] No headline has been entered for this entry...[09/08/07 06:32pm] No headline has been entered for this entry...[09/06/07 05:32am] No headline has been entered for this entry...
August 2007
[08/30/07 07:15pm] No headline has been entered for this entry...[08/27/07 10:14pm] No headline has been entered for this entry...