• Mirror, Mirror

    Euphoria washes over my hands
    As defeat gnaws on my tongue
    My nerves alight with calm
    My eyes with power

    Depression tufted on top my skin
    Lifted away into the autumn
    A balm seared across my eyelids
    Soothing and coddled

    Stars speckled in front of my eyes
    Gorgeous in sight, blindingly bright
    Liquid nitrogen, catapulted
    Endlessly wanting, hauntingly flaunted

    Away, away, into the night
    Butterflies frozen in mid flight
    Stomach collapsed in on itself
    My solemn thoughts arranged on shelves

    Empty as the sentiments
    Suspended mid-air
    Calloused and broken
    Carelessly shared.

    Reflected by the mirror on the wall
    Silent and endless, witnessing the fall
    And as I happily sigh, understanding dawning
    My days are longer, nights less daunting.