Rainbow Veins

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Chafed within embrace.

For I am me...

When will I get those butterflies?
That smile that won't ever go away..
A feeling I'm always safe..
In your arms.

...and you are you.


As Interesting As This May Seem, This Isn't About Me.

Hey, It's me Mecca Against Reality!

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I like waking up early in the morning.

As FelBear would say: Music is win.

Yes, I am a guy , for those who ask.

Yes, I am a Rainbow Whore.

FelBear; My whore. MINE!

Tyson Ritter is the smex.

17, and still running.

Be my friend?
Mecca Against Reality

Yes, that's me.o.o''

You're so kayuuuuuute!