• The sun shines through my window
    In my dark, empty room
    Wondering who’s the foe
    Probably just someone that can’t be assume (can’t assume)

    Thirsting for a second chance

    How something so beautiful (so beautiful)
    Can hurt so much
    (Thorns of its beauty)
    Pierce through my soul
    The pain aches inside my chest (inside my chest)

    The memories forever lie deep (inside)
    The pain will not recede

    All this never happened
    Because it never meant anything to you
    It never happened (never)
    It never existed (ever)

    Now thy lie down
    Motionlessly breathing (quickly)
    Motionlessly bleeding (inside)
    Those memories will never fade
    From my soul

    Thy tire from crying endlessly
    Wanting to make it go all away
    Needless to say
    Have always been waiting…

    Letting it be another regret
    Something thy cannot forget (always)