• I love you more today then i loved you yesterday, I love you more tomarrow then i love you today, i love you more and more each passing day i see you, everything you do makes me smile. you make my day. i love it when you snuggle up against me and hold my hand. i love it when you whisper in my ear and kiss my cheek. but most of all i love you. i love you most of all, no one can make me happier then you do, i will always be yours and you will always be mine. i gave you my heart, i ripped it out of my chest and placed it in your hands and i said i love you. its yours forever babe i fell for you hard and im still falling for you everyday i see you, i love you more and more and more and it just grows and grows and its only for you and for no one else but you, i love you with all my heart that beats in your hand, so please i beg of you keep it forever and let me be yours!