• Is truth good and lies bad. Or is it completely opposite. When truth is told people get hurt, When lies are told people are deseved but are put at ease. To be loved is to be hated to be ones true self without pity for the ones we hurt with our unconditional falts that can be misunderstood for the lies we tell to make our dreams, loves, hope and prayers alive with the desent amount of hate to be withdrawn from lives of people that cant find the way. To be hated is truth but is there evil in truth caused by the hate which is truth, to be the one with a cause of pain or not by a path that sends us in the darkness of the neutral aybess which love hate, good evil do not exist. The vial scum to the world that is looked at with descust and haterd from those who say "nye the falts that are known for what is not for which is". Comfront the world with your shoulders held high for not one of those known to this world can say" I know truth and can speak it with a tongue of pure". They would be the ones to lie and not of truth but of the lie that is truth.