• She's no good
    She's pathetic with way too many flaws
    There's not one thing about her to love

    She never ever does it right
    She can't put up a fight
    She screams in bed at night

    Nobody would ever think to come at her aid
    She's like a virus that spreads to any that touch
    So you better back off or you'll be infected
    By this poor girl who gets rejected

    Anyone she sees just keeps away
    They don't know how she feels today
    And all she wants is to find a grave in which to lay

    They call her 'virus'
    She's no good or worthy of living
    She only hurts and gets in the way

    She's a virus who spreads to everyone
    She's a virus, you can't kill her with a gun
    You must exterminate her before she ruins all the fun

    The girl doesn't want to hurt others
    It's only in her nature as a virus
    She can't help but hurt and never help

    They run away and never giving her a chance
    They flee without a second glance
    She's shoved aside while in her trance

    Nobody likes the virus girl
    She tries to help, and then fails
    She tries to create but only destroys

    They want her dead
    And at every moment she is filled with dread
    Fear that they will poison her with lead

    She's living in fear everyday
    That someone will decide she needs to die
    That she can no longer stay

    So one day she finally leaves her town
    She knows they all hopes that she will drawn
    But it is her name she hopes to renown

    So she walks off into the sunset
    Walks away from her life
    She'll begin again

    But she will soon fall
    She should have known she couldn't make it through it all
    That she would fail again and earn everyone's appall

    She's still not a help to anyone
    She;s only making trouble for everyone
    This girl just wants to make it right

    The virus girl is convinced she has no place
    So she wonders around with tears on her face
    She finally just gives up this long chase

    She gets a gun and cocks it
    Placing the weapon on her chest
    She lets the trigger go and you know the rest..