• The walls close in
    Suffocating me in their existence
    Stopping everything from reaching me

    Words holding the walls up
    Flooding my mind
    Overpowering everything in my head

    The air being sucked out of my body
    The eyes penetrating my soul
    Their presence forcing me to kneel in their hate

    I weep for their hate
    I weep for their prejudice
    I weep for their crimes against humans

    Hate so powerful
    Disgust making me feel like dirt
    Revulsion at a way of life

    So much abhorrence
    Just because I’m different
    Because I’m against what you believe

    I love like you love
    I cry like you cry
    I bleed like you bleed

    Can you not see me past what I am?
    Do you not feel the sadness I feel because of your hate?
    Can you not see me pray so that your hate does not consume you?

    I love everyone
    I hate few
    I hope for all

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    Dedicated to the entire gay, lesbian, transgender, bi-sexual, religious fanatics, people persecuted by hate. May you all find the courage to love everyone around you no matter what.