• To help others in need
    Thats how I proceed

    Putting them first
    Even though I'm about to burst

    The people I help don't know
    How I live and what I show

    When their around a smile I wear
    But when no ones looking I can't bare

    I hide my face when I cry
    Somtimes hoping someday I might die

    Sighing silently all through the night
    Trying to put up with my own fight

    But this side I don't show
    For I do not want any of you to know

    I want to help others so don't mind me
    Never listen to my crying or my plea

    Think that I'm worthy to be strong
    To help you with what's wrong

    I want to help you all instead
    Because my soul is already dead

    So let you mind become stress-free
    And please dont mind me