• Staring through the rusted gate,
    Frozen in a shoked state.
    Something happened to the world around,
    Few complete bodies have been found.

    Evil thrown into a darkened place,
    Many faces hidden from grace.
    Shots fired into a world of shade,
    Unable to see expressions that fade.

    Bullets shred through the bodies of men,
    Atleast 4 people hit out of every ten.
    It's a terrible sight for you to see,
    War isn't a place you want to be.

    Walking through all the dead,
    Never to recall words that were said.
    Push away he sorrow you hold,
    Remember the wisdom you were told.

    Have faith in the people you were with,
    These are the people you will miss.
    Have respect for the people you are fighting,
    Fear the canons they are lighting.

    Recognize that people worry about you,
    They wait for letters to be sent to.
    It's not just you fighting in this war,
    It affects countries down to the core.

    At the end of the war it'll be a great day,
    Freedom makes people happy to stay.
    Many people are gone, some still here,
    If only we could make the lost reappear.