• Aspirations fled
    No more lies to compensate my hope
    I am compelled to face a truth I've dodged for years
    And now I don't know how to cope

    How much time of my life was eaten away at
    Waiting for him to come catch my fall?
    How many years and years have gone by
    Since I started wasting my life wishing for him to end it all?

    I had waited for years to be rescued from these barren seas
    But I continued to drift farther into uncertainty
    Only guarentee is no one will ever find me
    I'll come to terms eventually

    My heart has pumped the life out of itself
    Just for a bastardly parasite that fed off its rot
    Dropped to my knees 'cause I knew you'd be pleased
    My stomach's all up in a knot

    I still remember the day truth struck me
    Quick and agonizing like a bullet through the heart
    I still remember the way I screamed
    The way it drove my mind apart

    I can't bear the thought of looking into his eyes
    What it would do to what's left of my insides
    Leave me here, I will not die
    I just don't have what it takes to try