• Your searing eyes boring into mine. The look of wonderment stains your features. You’re gazing at me as if you’re trying to find some truth that I hold secret, dormant within myself, but what secret? Which one? I have so many, so many strange and dangerous secrets. So many secrets that could destroy me if they’re spoken out loud. Why are you really gazing at me that way? Is it for truth? Or something else? Something more that could kill me inside? Or are you trying to tell me something that could potentially destroy me if you say it the wrong way? Did you do something? Something horrible? Something deadly/ or is it that something excruciating happened? Does it include my dark past , my past that just haunts you by my words? If not that then what? What could it be that’s making you stare at me with such an unyielding gaze? You still don’t tell me even as I walk away.