• I broke your heart many a time, I could see you through the pouring rain

    inside your heart was all the pain, raindrops falling as your heart was chained

    I saw it so often, always coming back, but almost immediately, again your heart would crack

    the cause is gone from my life

    I never realized all your strife

    I never knew how much I love you

    until it became clear I had almost lost you

    for the last time

    I dedicate this rhyme

    to how I will never break your heart again

    I cannot ever make that sin

    I have realized the weight of my crime

    thunder crashing in the pouring rain

    I reached out to you one more time

    hoping for the best, I dedicate this chime

    to the pain I caused you

    our future happiness, me and you

    you took my hand that one last time, in the pouring rain

    and in our hearts, disappeared, all the pain.

    we are happier than ever

    on my heart, pull the plug, push the lever

    make it beat once again

    We are happy, without sin

    in our joy, in our splendor

    through the pain, and me, the offender

    I will forever regret the choices I made

    though not dwell on them, Its over, I played

    your heart for the last time, now I am serious,

    lets start the love game

    happy as we could possibly be

    together forever, you and me.