• I stand alone in the dark
    Looking for a place of my own
    I push through the darkness
    search for the light
    I call out to you
    but i get no reply
    I can't let you go
    I cant even forget the memories
    I find door but its locked
    I find a window but it wont shadder
    I find a whole but i don't fit
    I find you and i stay put
    I dont need to escape
    because I already found the exit
    I found you
    I ran away from you once
    but got stuck in this hell
    Now i found an exit
    but its you
    Not a door
    Not a window
    Or a whole
    You are my exit
    my only light
    So i find the door
    which you stand behind
    It is not locked
    Im free but i still hold your hand
    I will never let go of this guy I love again