• Do you know the feeling?
    The feeling that you are swept under the rug
    Forgotten about and neglected
    And misunderstood by all

    At times I fear the worst
    Like the lows outweigh the highs
    Im at the top of the downward spiral
    The snare of society snapping at my feet

    Humans, and their selfish nature
    Grounding anything different into the dirt
    In order to abide to the norms that shape us
    For one main function: to fulfill our ego boosting rituals

    I know this feeling too well, its time to change
    If our minds could be opened to reveal our inner beauty
    Like a pearl breaking out of its clamshell prison
    The taste of life can become so much sweeter

    So come with me, step out into the sunshine
    Get rid of your blindfold and embrace reality
    Care for others and lead them out of this maze
    Nothing lasts forever, but love will always prevail