• I find myself sitting in an empty room
    Thinking about all the things that make me blue
    Wondering what happiness truly is
    And how being jolly would give me such a thrill
    Yet I find myself here with my eyes shut tight
    Wishing this empty darkness would go away like night
    Why do I find myself crying?
    Why can’t I just go away and never have this argue to stay?
    Is it because I’m a coward
    Or is it because this abuse comes with the scent of flowers
    Night once again and the moon is shining bright
    I wonder what you’re up to en el mas allá
    It’s been five years since I last saw you
    Five years of gray days and paralyzing silence
    I can’t help but to breakdown and cry
    When I remember all the things we went through always side by side
    No one will understand me as much as you did
    Remember when you beat up the kids that were always making fun of me
    Just wanted to let you know that when you died my heart did too
    And now I can’t seem to love anyone as much as I loved you
    Jesus said “love thy neighbor as thou love me”
    But how could I love someone who always abuses me?
    He wants me to act happy and put away my distort face
    As I feel the leather belt collide with my back
    I can’t help and think does he love Jesus?
    Always feeling pain and sorrow I move along
    Stuck inside this cold world I hate
    Trying to forget the things that make me ache
    When will thy neighbor love me as much as thou love him?
    As Esperanza watches the blood drip from her wrists
    She thinks about heaven and wonders if she too
    Will see the white light at the end of the tunnel
    Her mother comes in the room as she fades away
    Hysterical she begs her daughter to stay one more day
    Her daughter turns and looks at her with tears in her eyes
    Esperanza takes her last breath and says goodbye