• I know a movie
    Called twilight
    Do you know Edward and Bella?
    Well when I see you I get starry eyed.
    I want you to be my guy
    Love me like your an Edward and I'm a bella
    Never take your mind off me
    But that will never happen, it will never be
    Your just not the guy for me
    Because you are taken, I shouldn't try
    Because I would never steal a gals guy.
    I don't roll that way
    Because I don't play dirty.
    I fight fair.
    So please leave me be.
    When I see you I start to run. I want to tell you.
    But I can never be strong.
    Why can't you see, by the twinkle in my eye
    That I get.
    When you walk by
    Everything about you. Pulls me in
    I wish I could win!
    Win your heart
    But thats just a far off dream.
    That will never be with me
    That is the dream
    Another gal has.
    But someday
    She will dump your a**.
    Then I will get that chance.
    If I still like you that is...
    So please pray to god, that when that day comes
    I still have this big crush on you.
    Because you know I would always love you true