• And here you are again
    You stand before me
    Like nothing had happened
    Like you had never hurt me
    You could walk up to my grave
    Laugh at the memories of us
    The time when my entity once combined with yours
    You trample our past down into the earth
    Spit at it and turn away
    And then grow all over your next victim
    Another human to be exploited at their peril
    Look at yourself
    Look at what you've done
    You shift the blame to all but yourself
    Staring at me with those beautiful deceiving eyes
    Because behind them lies a vicious serpent
    Its fangs have slashed through my flesh
    The taste of my pain had become increasingly addictive
    And you continued to strike
    Again, and again, and again
    And then you leave me
    Screaming in agony
    With permanent scars cut deep into my heart
    The scars that will never heal
    I will never forget what you did
    The time I wasted on you
    But today is different
    Now i am free
    I have escaped your intoxicating spell
    And the fresh air never tasted so sweet
    As it sweeps me away from your grasp
    So far away, as if I had touched the heavens
    I will fly above your parade
    Like an eagle breaking out from the reach
    Of its unforgiving captors
    And I continue to ask myself
    What if I had never set sight on you
    How different it could have been
    Well now i finally leave you
    Your body encased within your heartbitten lair
    And forever there you will lie
    You evil, vindictive adultress