• The wind passes by me
    And whispers in my ear
    My only company is the darkness
    I cant stand it
    A life like mine aint worth having
    A life without you by my side
    I want you to hold my hand
    And guide me
    Through this abyss
    My jet black heart doesn’t know how to love
    Will you teach me?
    You never notice me
    I try so hard
    But you don’t care
    I sit on my bed,
    Blade in hand
    Phone in the other
    Ready to die
    All because of you
    I dial your number
    You pick up with a ‘hello?’
    I whisper ‘I love you…’
    You stay speechless
    My heart screams ‘Help!’
    But you don’t care
    I stab my self
    And I know I’m dead
    All you hear is my body collapsing to the floor
    Along with the phone
    You run to my house to see me surrounded
    By a pool of my crimson blood
    And now you care.