• What is life
    if all we do
    is go through
    the motions,
    and never actually
    just take a chance?

    What is happiness
    when all we do
    is put on a smile
    that never quite reaches
    our eyes?

    What is love,
    when all it is
    is holing hands,
    and one simple
    'I love you'?

    How can it pass as beauty
    when all we do is starve ourselves
    or 'buy the next big thing'
    just to be normal?

    How is our world
    'moving forward'
    If things in it
    have less and less meaning
    and less and less beauty?

    Why all these
    unanswered questions,
    painted upon my wall?

    Why am I left
    to wonder
    if there is
    any hope left at all?

    When things go wrong,
    people desert:
    'I wasn't part of it
    at all'

    What those people
    don't understand is,
    they're making it worse
    by denying
    'There was never a problem
    at all'.